WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

If You Give the World a Quarantine

You know, world, nearly two months ago I posted about the joys of becoming a hermit . . . I didn't think you'd take me so seriously.

So . . . you're in quarantine. That is unfortunate. Especially for all you looney extraverts out there.

You know what's especially ironic?

I'm not.

That's right. Me, Madison, Queen of Self-Isolation on the best of days is one of the only people in my apartment not currently living my best life in the warm embrace of my locked bedroom. Nope. I work at a hospital so I will be one of the last people to get locked up this time around and I have such strongly mixed feelings about that.

On the one hand . . . I'm still employed. Yay! On the other hand, I'm still employed. Boo.

So what shall we do about this sudden turn of events?

Well, if you would all kindly help a girl out and reread the last post, I think we can come to an understanding.

You see . . .

If You Give the World a Quarantine, the world will want to leave the house anyway. But if you let the world leave the house anyway, you will find yourself in the middle of a pandemic. And if you find yourself in the middle of a pandemic, the poor introverted hospital workers such as myself will suddenly have to work a LOT more hours to take care of the influx of sick and inflicted. And if the poor introverted workers such as myself, suddenly have to work a LOT more hours to take care of the influx of sick and inflicted, we are put at more risk of getting sick ourselves. And if we get sick ourselves the world won't have to worry about the quarantine anymore because that will be the least of your problems.

Nope. Now you have a Walking Dead situation as well as a 'The Introvert is about to lose it because she's had to deal with too many people today and they're all sick, overworked and on edge so best stay out of her way' situation and trust me . . . that's MUCH worse.

So. World. Stay home. Stay Safe. Wash your hands.

This has been my TED talk.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

I Want YOU to Become a Hermit Today

Come closer, friends, and let me whisper into your ear the secret to eternal life . . . "Be a Hermit."

"But . . . but . . . social interaction! Friends and family!" I hear you cry.

True. True. Sacrifices will need to be made. But! Think of all we will gain! No more awkward encounters with Tom, your neighbor from down the street who you've caught multiple times stealing the magic beans from your garden to feed his pregnant wife. No more tense situations between man and beast with beast demanding your daughter as payment for a stolen rose. No more getting tricked into being trampled to your death with your son watching on!

Okay . . . okay . . . you got me. Technically all these are movie and/or fairy tale references, but . . . I mean . . . I'm not entirely wrong here now am I? As an accounting major, I can assure you that your odds of being murdered and/or magically transfigured, cursed or kidnapped all go down SIGNIFICANTLY if you simply never leave your house.

So, do the right thing. Become an agoraphobe today.

In all honesty though; I played Portal 2 again this week. Of all the fictional technology in that game, you know what the most coveted invention is for a tried and true introvert such as myself? CAROLINE. The woman whose entire being was literally downloaded onto, what I can only assume, was a single floppy-disk.

Sigh. One day, science. One day.

Until then, I SUPPOSE I will continue to leave the house. But ONLY because I like to eat . . . and play in the snow . . . and . . . well . . . if I'm being honest . . . go on adventures of the traveling nature . . . nothing that couldn't be accomplished by staying inside all day, I'm sure.


Long time, no update friends.

It's been awhile since I've felt that overwhelming itch to just sit down and WRITE. Who only knows what come out of my magically typing fingertips when the itch happens. It's always entertaining though, and helps me sort through the things I can't otherwise sort through. So! I'm expecting, or at least, hoping, to sit down and just WRITE at least once a week. Let's see what zany adventures we can find together.

For my more "serious" blog, check out "Where the Wandering Soul Whispers"

Until next time!

Saturday, May 28, 2016


Being an adult.

Its not as fun actually being one as it is thinking about being one while you are a kid.  As a child, with your youthful innocence and fairytale fantasies, you think money grows on trees, every adult comes with car included, and student loans only cause moans.  Not anxiety-filled-heart-stopping-stress.

Ahhh... to be a child.

Of course- there are perks to being an adult as well.  The "you must be this high to ride this ride" signs now only make us laugh, you can drive, and you can go onto the Disney website without your parents permission.

But still.

Although if we are being completely honest there is a great difference between being an Adult and an adult.

Did you see the difference?

One is adult-ing successfully.  One has passed the tests of adulthood.  They know how to cook, they aren't afraid of spelling words like "Beautification", "Transmitting", or "Auspicious" in public and without spell check.  They have graduated the University of Life and have earned their capitalized "A".

Then there is the "adult".  The one who is old enough to have their capitalized "A" but haven't quite found it in themselves to go to the University.  Preferring to stay in the local community college of life.  They are the ones who still laugh when someone says "weinersnitchel" or the phrase, "I do.  Do you?"

You "adults" know what I'm talking about.

I guess in the end, it just comes down to which kind of adult you are.  Are you an adult?  Or an ADULTIER adult?

Food for thought.

Monday, May 2, 2016

And the Moral of the Story is....

Do you guys like scary stories?  The kind that make those little hairs on the back of your neck stick straight up and make you feel like you are being watched?

Well this isn't one of those stories.

Unless you are antisocial.

So my story beings waaaaaay back when I was just a little girl.  Back then, I was a LOT more shy if you can believe it.  I know.  Crazy right?

Part of it stemmed from what I call my inbred "survival instinct".  You can't kill what you can't see right?

Of course, this was honed in further years as my mom had us so well trained as children, whenever someone would knock on our front door, my younger brother and I would drop what we were doing and with a finger on our lips slowly sink to the ground whispering, "shhhhhhhhhhhhh."  All the way down.

As time went on, it was further internalized as my mom would always have us go up to employees in stores when she had questions (a feat which to this day makes me uneasy by the way.  After all- if my mom didn't want to do it as a growd up- why on earth would I want to!)

And of course we almost ALWAYS screened phone calls.

For nearly 22 years I lived like that.  But having gotten home from the mission I have learned something absolutely crazy...

Phones CAN'T kill you!

Crazy right?

I was looking around myself just the other day realizing that the mission really did change me.  Before I left I really did have CRIPPLING social anxiety.  I lived in a very very isolated bubble of "safety" things that were familiar and not much else.  Now I can leave the house and make phone calls and be a grown up!

Its fantastic.

I guess the moral of this story is that while children "should be neither seen nor heard" adults should be seen and heard!  Although that leads to its own scary stories:

Have a  great week everyone!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Welcome Back Me!

Well, after having disappeared for about 18 months while I was serving a mission over in Honduras, it is great to be back!  Have you missed me?

Its been interesting being home.  To an extent it feels like I never left, but at the same time, it feels like everything has changed.  My little brothers are an awful lot taller, the people an AWFUL lot whiter (more on that later), and all in all, my ears still haven't adjusted to all the english.  English is weird.

Still, its been fun being back too.  Being able to hang out with the family, or play video games or watch movies.  You know . . . doing all that stuff that you never were able to do before.

There is still work - right now I'm hunting for a job which is not as easy as I thought it would be.  You would think that a bilingual cutie-pie like me would have no problems finding work.  But its not that easy when you are applying online and emotionless computers are weeding out the weak.  In all honesty, I feel a little bit like I'm on a safari looking for that elusive wild animal.

For now the job hunt is sort of my own version of hunting Moby Dick, but it will all work out in the end.

So until next time, I guess this is me signing off.  Have a great week!


Monday, January 20, 2014

A Post on Nothing and Yet on Everything

In a (if I'm being modest) rare fit of eloquent brilliance, I find myself drawn once again to my blog.  My ode to the world if you will.  It's quite the work of art really.  [Insert applause here.]

Thank you, thank you.

But seriously readers.  As you may have guessed I've once again been stricken down in my prime and in my youth.  (Which is to say that I'm sick again.  Blasted cold.)

It's the third time in two months I've become ill.  And of course, seeing as how the best way to defeat a cold is to remain, in all boredom, entirely bedridden, I've had plenty of time to practice my flair for the dramatic.

You're welcome dear readers that I am so considerate as to share my overabundance of talent with you.

No doubt it has cast the shadows of despair and grief from your minds and thrust upon you an overwhelming sense of absolute joviality.  At least for a moment.

Now I must bid thee adieu good people.  I am off to a land like no other with many a silver stream and bubbling brook.  (Which is to say I'm now exhausted and will be going to sleep like a good like sick girl.)  Goodnight.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Whew!  This past week has been a chaos storm!  Between the holidays, trying to get moved in to our new house and trying to get everything all set up and ready to go for school, I feel like I haven't had any time to really think about the most important thing that happens every new year; New Years Resolutions!

Don't roll your eyes at me.  I'm being 100% serious.

I never used to be into the whole "New Years Goals" thing.  I'm just a rebel like that.  Or more correctly; I was just too perfect as was to need it.  But as I've gotten older, and as more and more of my flaws have begun to be apparent to both myself and others around as I've lost my cuteness factor, I've come to realize how important goals are.

And so for the past couple of years I've always printed out a list at the beginning of the year full of goals that I hope to achieve throughout the year.  I hang it on my bulletin board above my desk, somewhere I sit everyday so I'm reminded of what I want to accomplish everyday of the year.

Most of these goals are not met.  Some because they just weren't rational goals to begin with.  Some because things don't always work out even when you have an elaborate step by step plan.  And some because I just didn't keep up with them.  But the ones that I do keep up with . . . the ones that I do manage to meet and accomplish- those make me feel so good I don't care about the rest.

This past year I had quite the list of goals.  It was altered more times than I can count and many more had been added to it by the end of the year.  But this has been one of my best years growth wise.  Experiences and conversations that I have had this past year have really made me change the way I view the world and my life.  Goals that have been so important to me for the past few years have lost meaning and new ones that I didn't realize I wanted to achieve have taken front stage.

Looking back on 2013, things did not go the way that I expected them too.  I did not get married.  I did not get completely out of debt, and most importantly of all, my family did not end up staying in a home we all pictured our parents living in forever.  But looking forward I don't see why all those things can't still happen.  Well except the house thing.  Clearly we won't be returning to Happy Valley Utah.  But then again . . . it was always just a little TOO happy for my sophisticatedly sarcastic taste.

Life is not the smooth picturesque little journey my step by step plans make it out to be.  It's filled with unexpected potholes and ugly little surprises.  But at the same time sometimes you discover little magic surprises like, for example, the fact that you can control the weather and grant everyone a beautiful white Christmas for the first time in years.  And then you can't help but smile and know that things will be okay.

2012 was a horrible year the world over.  2013 was better, but 2014 has so many more possibilities open to it.  I'm excited to see what it has in store.  By this time next year who knows where I'll be?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Just A Little Update

It snowed. You're welcome. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Blues and Whites

Somewhere over the rainbow, many people live in what are called "Tropical Climates".  These are the poor souls who have quite possibly never seen the magic known as "Snow" and live very sad lives.

But here in Utah, one of the most desired things that anyone wants for Christmas is snow.  We want it to fall from the heavens in beautiful frozen fractals so that we can have beautiful white Christmas.

Sadly, in the past, we have been severely disappointed.  But this year, I'm truly hoping makes up for it.

Now I know what you're thinking.

"Madison, if you want snow so much why don't you just conjure it up?  You claim to be both Storm and magic so why don't you do something about it if you want it so badly?"

*Sigh* readers.  You have no idea how much I wish I could.

For me Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.  I love seeing the lights, and smelling the pine trees.  I love eating the food (because of course this time of year you have every excuse NOT to follow through on diets).  And of course I love the presents (getting and giving).  But Christmas for me just isn't complete without the flurries of whiteness that make our world so magical.

So far this year I've been very . . . VERY disappointed.

Every morning I glance out my window like an excited child on the first day of school, desperately hoping to see storm clouds or whole feet of snow outside.  Every morning I'm disappointed as nothing can be seen and more snow melts away in our winter sun.

Listening to Christmas music just isn't the same when there aren't snow storms to go along with some of the many lyrics.

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas?"  Me too buddy.  Me too.  Will I get one?  I'd better.  (Insert legendary Madison Death Glare here.)

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."  Why not?!  The East is buried in Snow but what do I have to show for it?

"I'm walking in a winter wonderland."  I'm not.

"Frosty the Snowman."  I can barely even make a snow baby let alone a full fledged magical meltable man.


Christmas is a time of good cheer and happiness.  And I know many of the folks I'm surrounded by are grateful they don't have to be driving in winter wonderlands.  But at the same time, without the flurries that make winter so grand here in Utah, there is definitely something . . . missing.

And how noticeable that missing ingredient is.

With 8 days left till Christmas day my flurries don't have long to get their acts together before yet another snowless Christmas has come and gone.  But fear not my loyal subjects!  I do intend to exercise my magical powers to their fullest extent and make this Christmas quite the memorable one.

Happy Holidays and *heres to hoping for a full on snow storm Christmas day.

*This in no way means that I'm routing for bad road conditions for those of you traveling on Christmas day.  Drive safe!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Christmas Tizzys

With Halloween having ended less than a week ago and with Thanksgiving coming up in less than three weeks, my life has been quickly taken over by something ENTIRELY UNEXPECTED.

My mother has besieged me with thoughts of Christmas.

I know.  The horror.

I know that wherever you are right now you are mocking me.  For those of you who know my mom, you can scarce believe your eyes.  My mom has never really been one for holidays or decorating.  As a child the Christmas traditions involved setting the tree up long after all my friends had set theirs up only to take it down the day after the beloved holiday had ended.  And the only reason it remained up that long was because as our family grew my mom was outnumbered in the decision to clean up after the holiday so close to the holiday.  But even now at my advanced age I still remember the glint in my moms eyes as we convinced her to leave the tree up till the 26th.  It was the glint of someone agreeing to something completely and utterly against their will.

But memories aside.  What do I mean by "my mother has besieged me with thoughts of Christmas"?  Isn't Christmas a joyous holiday?  Isn't it one of your favorites?

All true readers.  All true.

And yet this year I have had so much Christmas HOMEWORK.  That's right.  My mom has been assigning me Christmas homework left and right.  Make your wish list.  (Last time I handed her a wish list this close to Halloween I was mocked mercilessly for five whole minutes . . . and another five minutes later when my dad got home from work.)  Use your creative genius to figure out what ornaments we are going to make as a family this year.  (Not so weird.  I AM a genius.  I believe the last post certified that point.)  Find decorations for us to buy.  (This one is truly the most blasphemous.)

None of these tasks has plagued me so much as her need for my wish list.

There are so few things I want now that I am an adult.  A new car would be fantastic but that's hardly a reasonable item to put on a list.

A "get out of jail free" card for any or all of the big decisons looming over my future would be even better.  But that's most definately not going to happen.

I have thought.  And thought.  And thought about this.  And after hours and hours of pondering this rather difficult task, this is what I managed to come up with.

The overall presentation with the varying fonts and beautiful colors made for quite the aesthetic appeal.  And yet this was the result of my hours of serious consideration.

Indeed, this lack-luster-list was so . . . well . . . lack-luster that I felt I had to make it even more aesthetically amazing.

Plus- my mom had wanted me to do this for the past few days.  Having finally gotten around to it I felt it only deserved to be presented to her with all the love and snarkiness that are overabundant within me.  So of course I made a cover page for it.

Using my epic computer skills and quite a few pieces of clipart- I created what will forever be known at least in this household as the most beautiful and well thought out wish list in the history of wish lists.

I would like to see my brothers try to top that!

Even if the list was shorter than my brother's buzz cut.

Anyway folks.  That's all I have for you right now.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving in a few weeks and Happier Holidays after that.


This has been a Public Service Announcement.  Hopefully YOU will have an easier time of writing a wish list than me.