WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A small update on life . . . .

I know it's late, and I shouldn't be up right now, but I haven't update this blog in a few days and since it's become a journal of sorts, I figured I should post SOMETHING, even if it was just a random post on my life.

Today, I wrote four papers! FOUR!!! It was absolutely crazy, I'm amazed that I was able to do it. It was a miracle, honestly. Man, if I'm writing four papers in one day here in high school, I'm not really sure I'm looking forward to what's coming my way with college.

My guess is that it'll look something like this:

On that note, if you have any suggestions of what you want me to start posting, please leave a comment below. I'll do my best to incorporate your ideas, (unless I REALLY don't like them.)

Anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy halloween! I hope your life is filled with sugary goodness! I sure hope mine will be!


Monday, October 25, 2010

Welcome to My Blog

Hello World.

This is the first post going out for the whole world to see. It's pretty exciting. If you haven't guessed already, I've opened up my Permission's so that anyone, anywhere can see my blog. Because of this, I ask that you don't leave any personal information anywhere in the comments about you, or someone else. Other than that, feel free to comment on whatever you feel like. :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I'm sending an urgent message to all you readers out there. There has been a drastic drop in the number of emails in my inbox every day. I implore you, the reader, not to give up hope in this last, failing, form of communication. Save the eMail! Don't let what just may be the last true form of communication die! Email me! And everyone else you know!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Boredom. It sucks.

Hey guys, it's me again. I know what you're thinking, two posts in as many days??? The world must be ending. 'Cuz I just blew your mind.

Well, I have good reason. I'm here to talk about boredom. Basically, it's what I felt for four and a half hours this morning while taking the following "beauty".

Really though, it was just a horrible experience, one which I hope to never take again. Two people I know have taken it THREE times!!! I don't know how they do it. :P However, I found this really cool picture dedicated to boredom, please enjoy.

I'm Back Baby

Well people, I'm back. After months of complete and utter inactivity, I have finally let my face seen the glowing radiance that is my white computer screen in otherwise utter darkness.

To kick off this round of blog posts, I have an amazingly awesome picture to show you. Do not be alarmed, but bask in the complete awesomeness that is . . .


Behold, their magnificent splendor:

For those of you who don't recognize Dr. Horrible when you see a pony-ized version of him, this, hilarious my little pony is Dr. Horrible of what just may be the very best blog of all time; Dr. Horrible's sing along blog.

I strongly suggest that you look it up.

And following Dr. Horrible, is his nemesis, Captain Hammer, in pony form!

That's all for now folks, but check back next week for more fun with me!