WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dear Roommate

Dear Karli,

What is the ribbon for? You should tell me.


Your [awesome] roommate,

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fun Fact . . .

There is big Christmasy news for all you viewers out there (you know who you are).

Today, my roommate and I, in a valiant effort to be anywhere but our apartment when cleaning checks came around, decided to head out to Wal-mart to see what sort of mischief we could get ourselves into.

Once there we, as usual, found ourselves in the Christmas asile looking at ornaments for our mini-Christmas tree. We found them. Karli (of course) decided that she was going to pay for them by herself and after a long and tiring battle . . . I let her. (I broke my toe and was in too much pain to argue)

Unfortunately, on the way to the check-out we saw . . . it.

Fun Fact . . . teachers don't have a life outside of school. My psychology professor should definitely NOT have a life outside of school. It's just . . . weird . . . unnatural.

(*Shudder*) At any rate. We have redecorated our tree and now (with the pine tree scented ornaments we hid in the back) it's even more like Christmas than before. Yay us!

The Doldrums

Hello world.

I am currently writing to you from the doldrums of college. Yes. I'm still here. But last night, something happened that made the sad, surprisingly summer temperature of the doldrums, slightly less pitiful.

My roommate and I went to Wal-mart last night as I needed gum and BBQ sauce. While she was looking at hair. . . crap . . . I went to the Christmas section because since we rolled into town on Sunday night, I've becoming increasingly more homesick. (Which is sad. The last time I felt homesick was when my mom drove away the day she dropped me off for school.) I was looking at the decorations and thinking about possibly getting some decorations for our room when I found a small fiberoptic tree just like the one back home. I saw that it was only $13 and knowing that I really didn't have the money, but knowing that I desperately needed a little cheering up, I went to find Karli.

You see, I owe my roommate $14. But she graciously said that I could hold off paying her for a month (she doesn't want me to pay her at all, but THAT'S not going to happen) so that I could get my tree.

I went back to the apartment a whole lot happier than when I left earlier that night.

So. I plugged in my tree, and I tied ribbons on it (since I don't have decorations and I really couldn't afford them as well) and we lit it up last night. My life is definitely much better now that I have a little bit of home with me.

But the doldrums roll on. Finals week can't get here fast enough.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Blue Christmas

My holiday cheer all but disappeared as the dreary, gloom filled life of a college student quickly came rushing upon me as we once again drove into town. With no snow to cheer me up, and nothing but a lot of work and studying to look forward too, I already miss my house with my rambunctious cousins and good food. (Unfortunately, I was NOT able to steal a pie. Something which has only increased the overwhelming sense of sorrow (*sigh*))

The only thing that has made today worth while was when my half-a-roommate brought in our very own Christmas Tree complete with ornament and everything. Ah . . . college.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Holiday "Cheer"

Mind games are so fun. Plain and simple. It is so funny to watch a person squirm when they think that you know something or they think that you are doing/ have done something. Lately, I have been really into playing mind games on my roommate, Karli. Of course, if she hadn't given me so much ammo . . .

At any rate, with Christmas on the way, I am hoping that my mind games involving a certain present that may, or may not be for a certain, "unspecified" roommate, will bring me much joy whilst dealing with the horrid experience of finals week.

Bring it on Ephraim. Nothing you can throw at me will upturn this fun . . . "holiday cheer".

Knock on wood.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Votes are in!

The votes are in. And the blog is staying the same.

Thanks everyone who voted for "yes. It's the bee's knees"

To everyone else, I didn't care enough to remember what you voted for. :)

Near Misses and Thanksgiving Wishes

The countdown to Thanksgiving weekend has finally hit the home stretch. With only two days (six classes) until Thanksgiving weekend... all my classes are beginning to seem more mundane.

On the plus side, since I blogged last, I have finally made official my major. That's right world... I have entered the wonderful world of pre-pharmacy. Oh joy.

Let's just say there are lots of science, math (and for some reason which I can't fathom, english) classes in my future.

Happy Thanksgiving all. Eat lots, buy a new belt, (and for all my roommates . . . steal a couple of pies). :0)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Death, Deer and Determination

Yesterday, as we were driving home from our weekend away from the torture, I found my life flashing before my eyes. That's right. I almost died.

We were nearly home when a dead deer came out of nowhere. There was an oncoming car to our left, and nowhere to go on our right. We had no choice but to hit that dead deer going 60 miles an hour. My roommate (Karli) did her best to straddle the thing. But the thing decided to get revenge from the grave. It dented not only her muffler (causing us to go nearly deaf for the rest of the ride home) and somehow managed to dent the inside of her trunk. But as I so happily pointed out, at least there is more room for stuff now. :)

At any rate, Karli no longer needs to overdose on fruit roll-ups. My life is interesting enough as it is.

Putting away...

I almost got hit by a speeding golf cart last week.

True Story.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gas; and not the Weird Kind

Wow. Today was interesting. No doubt about that.

Let me tell you what happened.

Like all interesting days, it started out normally enough. I woke up, I went to math, I went to history and then I went home. I have about an hour or so before I have institute so I goofed off on the internet for awhile and then geared myself up for institute. As I started walking towards the tute, I saw 3 cop cars in front of the new chapel they are building for all us young single adults. I was interested, but not too concerned. As I neared the institute building, I noticed that not very many people were hanging about like they usually are. I saw a girl walk up to the doors so I watched her to see what she would do. Do my amazement, she just turned around and walked away. As she passed me I asked her if it was closed. She said:

"Yeah. It says there has been a gas leak or something."

So there you have it. Had I been an hour early, I could have possibly been exposed to gas.

Wow life. You are sure full of curve-balls.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Been awhile...

Dear blog,

I am terribly sorry that I haven't updated you in awhile. It's just been one of those weeks. I even had to take TWO tests on Friday. But. I'm back. And boy do I have a story to tell you.

Your Creator

Hey world. I know it's been awhile, but man. It's been an interesting week. Or an interesting few days at least.

On Friday night, I participated in my first ever Denny's run. Apparently here at school, it is a rite of passage to travel the 45 miles from school to the nearest Denny's at midnight and then regress back to ones childhood.

It was awesome. For one thing, I wasn't the most insane person in the room for once, and I got lot of awesome quotes for the dorm quote wall. But most importantly of all, on the way back, we traveled by hyperspace.

All and all, it was a good ending to a horrible week.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wasteland of a Week

Yesterday I posted a [freaking awesome] poem about drama. Today isn't much different. Of course, with four tests and four papers that all happen to be due this week, not to mention the barf that life spewed onto my lap which I am still cleaning up, I don't think many people would be happy.

Anyways, it's days like today that make me remember the words of one of my favorite poems.

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
- Author unknown
Enjoy life people because you never know when the storms of trial will sweep through it and attempt to drown you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Life... Drama... Action!

Recently there has been a lot of drama in my life. This week especially has been overly dramatic. So... I wrote a poem (a feat I am almost physically incapable of doing) to explain how I feel about drama in my life.

Save the drama for your momma,
I don't really care.
Save the drama for your momma,
please don't try to share.

I don't really care why your life sucks,
Mine does as well,
When life upchucks.

The universe does not revolve around you,
It revolves around the sun,
The planets do too.

And when you try to make me feel dumb,
It makes me feel bad,
But I don't suck my thumb.

You are a baby- not so mature,
And because of that,
We just endure.


Save the drama for your momma,
I don't really care,
Save the drama for your momma,
Please don't try and share.