WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Never Before Seen

In English, we're learning about satire, and my awesome teacher decided to have us make a satire movie. We ended up deciding to do ours on lame superheroes and a diabolical plan that involves toilet paper. We tried filming it on Wednesday, but we didn't get very far. Here is the character list and who plays who:

  • MadiSkills: I play Madiskills the crime fighting superhero, who, wears glasses as a part of her secret identity, but is blind as a bat without them.
  • Grasshopper: Mary Sperry plays my sidekick grasshopper. Originally, she worked for my nemesis, Galactic Ninja, but she later defected to the good side. She's got some mad kung-fu moves though from her time with Galactic Ninja and now knows her one weakness.
  • Galactic Ninja: Kelly Gardner plays my arch-nemesis, Galactic Ninja. She's a pretty crazy evil villain whose diabolical plan involves kidnapping the president of Naferia whose chief export is toilet paper.
  • President Kabosh: Is the president of Naferia but is mainly holding the camera throughout the whole movie.

Here's a picture of My Nemesis, Galactic Ninja:

And my trusty sidekick, Grasshopper:

Anyways, as soon as we have the final thing all edited and everything, then, I will post the movie as well as the blooper reel on my blog. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

An Ode to Cleaning

Have you ever been cleaning something when you realize just how much junk you actually have? Well, that happened to me today. Except, I didn't just realize how much junk my family has, a lot of it was almost WORTHLESS, junk.

You see, my mom decided that we needed to get our garage organized so that we can actually pull into it. (Before now it was a more or less a death trap.) So, she went to Home Depot today and bought some garage tool storage racks. We put them up, and in an effort to find all the tools we own that were scattered throughout our three car garages, we ended up cleaning the entire place. Now, I know what you're thinking; "But Madison, it was freezing today, it's only february, it was SNOWING today," but, apparently, it's never to early to get started on your spring cleaning.

In other news, in my personal/ professional opinion, Public Speaking should die.

Until next time,

This is,

Madison Furniss

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thought's of the Future

Yesterday, while in art class, I had an epiphany. It was really random, and didn't really have much to do with anything, and yet, it was an epiphany, and now, I'm going to write about it.

Today, right at this moment, the exact moment that you, (yes you), are reading this post, a baby is being born somewhere that might not ever know what a stereo is. We are so used to being the technological age. We are "natives", so to speak, when it comes to all this computer stuff. We've had it since we were born. So, when we look back on the previous generations, we tend to look at them as fossils thinking:

"What?! You were alive when cell phones were the size of bricks???"
"You were alive when there were only cartoons on Saturday?!"
"You owned a walkman???"

(and for those of you who don't know, this is a picture of a walkman:)

I mean, years from now, when archeologist's are digging up the remains of our daily lives, are they going to look at our tv's and know what they are? Or are they going to think that they are some mystical box that we worshipped? I mean think about it. Even now, TV's are being outdated by the internet, but we have entertainment centers based around our boxes. We all own one. So why wouldn't a future anthropologist think we worship them?

We're going to be outdate soon. Just like all the new iPod's get outdated just a month after they come out. Isn't that strange?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Intro to awesome week

Hellooooooooooooooo everybody! And welcome to the beginning of the most awesome week in forever!

That's right. Not only is it an early-out today, but for the next three days after today, we don't have to be at school till 10:00 AM!!! Well, all us junior's and senior's at PGHS don't have to be at school till then. (Sorry sophmore's. Tough luck.)

Anyways, enjoy the awesome week, because I know I am. :)