WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


At the behest of my mother, I will post everytime I add a doodle to my blog.  The collection will be located on My Drawings Page.

Here is my latest doodle:

A New Hope

Right at this very moment . . . I'm sluffing math . . . Again.  Go me. :)

So in order to make my guilty conscious feel better, I've decided to do something productive.  i.e., blog.

So here it goes.

According to my countdown app I only have 2 days, 3 hours, 0 Minutes and T-minus 33 seconds until spring break.

Yes.  I am a geek.  But it's worthy it.  Those ever-changing numbers are helping me keep my sanity in the small little town of Ephraim at the moment.

Don't get me wrong.  I have been gripping about life here, but I don't hate Snow College, I am just evidently not the small town girl type.  I miss my bustling metropolis.  (And yes world.  Compared to Ephraim, Pleasant Grove IS a bustling metropolis.)

At any rate, those numbers keep counting down.  And besides one more horrible day of math, and one horrendous Microbiology midterm, it's just smooth sailing from here on out.  Thank goodness I was in the zone on Monday and got so much done.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pain and Frustration

I'm in pain.  For the past two days, I have been struggling with school.  It doesn't help that I have had the two hardest classes of this semester both days.

Yesterday I set a new record.  I came back from classes at 12:30.  I ate lunch and then from 1 to 9:00 PM, I studied.  No Facebook, no nothing unless I was about ready to scream.  Then I would quickly take a break from the chaos and go on.  Luckily, it seems like today is going to be another fun-fest of a day.

I hate this week.

My back hurts, my brain is slowly dying, and I can wait for spring break to start.

Of course, I do have something to look forward too.  After spring break, its going to be nearly uninterrupted torture till the second week of May.

Why college?  Why do you want me to hate you so much?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ah . . . Memories

I thought that after I graduated High School, I would be fine.  I was pretty sure that senioritis only struck seniors in high school.  Well I was wrong.

I haven't had a case of senioritis this bad since right after Christmas Break senior year.  I can't stop moving and am super irritated by the smallest things.

Oh lets hope this week flies by faster than this Monday has or there is going to be heck to pay.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A New Page

So I have a new page.  For those of you who don't know what a page is, there is a new feature on blogger. You can add "pages" which are basically just separate things attached to your blog that don't show up as a post every time you change it.  It's actually really neat, and I already have several, but as those of you who are following me know, I've recently been debating whether or not to add my doodles to my blog in a more regular way.  I have decided that yes, yes I should so I've added a page dedicated to my doodles.  Go check it out!

Life and Google

Google has failed me.

Isn't that just the saddest phrase you've heard this week?

I have been using Googles' new web browser, Google Chrome, for a while now, and I was loving it.  And then randomly it started spazing out tell me that it couldn't "connect to my profile" or whatever and it was constantly freezing and just being stupid.  It's not like my computer isn't having a hard enough time as it is. (To be honest, I'm pretty sure it's going to turn on for it's final time real soon here).  So I've had to switch back to the browser that came pre-installed on my computer.  Safari.  Now don't get me wrong, it's a very nice browser, but it's a little slower than Google Chrome and it's a lot different.

So today, I'm not really in a peachy mood.

It sure doesn't help that I'm sick, and that I'm just not having a good week.

Luckily, Spring Break starts this Friday.  I'm so excited.

Oh.  And I did finally figure out how to draw the guys.  So here are some more Star Wars drawings.  I'm such a geek.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm a Geek

So today in math when I was pretending to pay attention, (I was totally doodling), I started drawing one of my simple doodles of a lady who for some reason turned into Princess Leia.  Don't ask why, apparently I was thinking about Star Wars.

Anywho, when I came back to the appartment, I grabbed a sheet of printer paper and started doodling Princess Leia again when I had a great idea to draw the whole shabang.  Unfortunately, while I can draw ladies with their lack of form (they are just a couple of triangles with a circle on top) I can't draw guys.  Yeah.  It wasn't pretty.  And Jabba the hut was more of a blob of melted marshmellow more than anything else.  So you don't get to see that.

But I did draw Queen Amidala.  And she did turn out pretty awesome, even though I can't draw faces and didn't even try.  It was good stuff.

Anyways, I'm thinking about doing a page or another blog for just doodles and I decided to let my readers decided because I'm not decisive enough to decide.

Awesome right?

So, just vote in the poll on the sidebar.  Let's see what all of you think.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sick Day

Dear Internet,

I'm sick.  Make me feel better.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cue the Blues

Well I can tell you right now . . . the weekend was not nearly long enough.

Cruising back into Cowboy-ville with my roommate and a friend of ours, the dark skies were ominous.  Although they had cleared up today, there was still a feeling of dread in the air that only increased as the skies darkened once again with the sure sign of a winter storm.

I hate Cowboy-ville.

It sure doesn't help that this entire semester has been putting a damper on my New Years Resolution to have a more positive attitude.  : P

Ah well.  As long as I can continue to put myself on autopilot, I will get through this week.  Thank heavens for my subconscious.  It gets me through life sometimes.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Countdown Finale

Today is the day. Well. This afternoon. Life is going to be fantastic as soon as my roommate take her test and we are on the road home. You know what? Scratch that. Life will be fantastic WHEN I get home. I'm so excited

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Countdown Cont

Tomorrow is the day that I have dubbed; "The day of awesome."  Tomorrow, after a good  few hours of horror, Karli Goodman (my roommate) myself and possibly one other girl will be headed home.  Back to the land of the awesome, good ol' Pleasant Grove.

Now all that remains is to see if I have enough self control to spend the next few hours with my head in my homework instead of on Facebook.  (*snorts*)  Yeah.  We'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have officially decided to start a countdown to the weekend on my blog.  Today marks three more days till awesome.  So.  Here you go.

Other than that, not much has happened to me today.  I went to math, felt irritated at my professor, but when doesn't that happen in math?  Went to my humanities class and totally passed out.  (But come on.  Manifest Destiny?  I know that like the back of my hand.  *yawn*)  And then went to Microbiology, found out I bombed my test and scribbled notes as quickly as I humanly could before going to Walmart and buying a sandwich.

You know, last semester I thought it was harder than high school.  This semester is going to be the biggest challenge of my life.  Although according to some of the pep talks that my friends keep giving me, seems like next semester is going to be a whole heck of a lot worse.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Garfield Minus Lasagna

This week is going to be one of those weeks.  Yesterday I woke up, got ready, and skipped my first and last classes.  Today I got up rolled over and decided to wear a hat so I could sleep in for an extra twenty minutes.

While I keep making fun of my roommate for being like Garfield, today I felt like Garfield.  Just wanting to stay tucked into bed.  Not wanting to move.  Ugh.  And I thought I hated Mondays.

However I have officially started the countdown to Pleasant Grove today.

In just four days I will be rolling over, not wanting to leave my bed . . . at home.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Epiphany Finalized

Wow.  Life is so much more interesting to me all of the sudden.  Now that I'm actually doing something instead of spending long hours on Facebook being "bored" and then "stressing out" when I started struggling in classes, things are falling into place.

Now, generally speaking, I am not a very open person.  I don't just "share" things with people.  Not without a very good reason.  But I feel like this is a good lesson to learn, so I'm going to share it.

I hate math.  I always have and I always will.  I don't get it, and I have no desire to ever use it in my future endeavors.  But I have to take it to graduate from college with my associates.  And it is killing me.

So I did what I've been taught to do since I was little.  I prayed for help.  But I had to learn a lesson first.  Believe it or not, God doesn't just hand you a nicely wrapped bundled of solved problems.  You have to do something first.  And it took me almost a month to realize that.

The other night, I was alone for once.  I was stressed out.  Everything seemed to just be caving in on me all at once and I honestly felt like I was drowning in my problems.  I couldn't figure out why God wasn't helping me.  As I sat there by myself, I honestly pondered what the problem was.  And I'm not going to lie, a clear thought penetrated the dark clouds and I realized what I was doing wrong.  In all this time I had been asking for help, I hadn't once done something to help myself.  I was too busy spending time on websites that weren't bad, but weren't helping me to truly do something about my problem.

As soon as I realized that, I set to work.  I made a plan.  I was going to do homework right after I got back from classes, I was going to spend less time on Facebook.  I was going to eat right and exercise, and most importantly, I was going stop wasting my life and actually do something with it.

And although it's only been one day, my life is already so much more fulfilling than it was.

I promise that all of us have something in our lives that can be replaced.  Looking around, my entire lifestyle needed to be changed, and I know it's going to be hard, but I'm not going to waste any more of my life.  Who knows how much of it I have left?

So.  I have completed my New Years Resolution (one I didn't know I had mind you).  And now I ask you, what are you doing to become a better person?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Epiphany Part II

Recently I've been forced to revaluate my life and the so-so decisions I've been making in it.  Don't get me wrong, I'm doing okay, but my life isn't getting anywhere.  I'm not doing anything.  Here is a typical day-in-the-life of me;

I wake up at 8:30, I roll out of bed, dreading the day already, go to classes for a maximum of four hours in a row, come back to the apartment and don't speak to another soul until my roommate comes back.  All in all it's around 7-10 hours in front of my computer on time wasting websites a day.

But that's not working.  And it's time I do something about it.

So, I'm changing.  I am limiting my time on Facebook and such and have made myself a promise that I would become as close to an expert as I can when it comes to Microbiology.  I am also going to get at least a C in my pre-cal class.

It's a lot of work, but I think overall it will be worth it.

I just have to ask myself, how bad do I want that pharmaceutical degree?