WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday!!!  Happy birthday to me.  Another year older, another year wiser.  Or so the saying goes.

Today was pretty fantastic.  Minus the fact that I'm still in the middle of finals and am having to do homework on my birthday, we've eaten great meals, I got a great birthday present and I'm going to get to watch my brothers squirm as I force them to watch "Mirror Mirror" tonight.

I'm really excited for the squirmy bit.  Which sounds kinda sad.

At any rate, life is going great.  Finals are almost over and then it's party time for about a month before I move back to Snow.

Oh.  PS, for all of you who were wondering,  I got a 1000 piece puzzle from my brother (I love Puzzles) and I got the Lego Star Wars Saga with a gamepad to play on my Mac.  I'm a bit of a nerd, but that's okay. :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Back to the Back to School

So a few weeks ago, I started this post and never finished it.  I present to you now, "The Lost Post"!

Today was kind of a depressing day.  I'm sure that all of you are just dying to hear about it. . . but then again, if you hadn't wanted to read my writings, you wouldn't be reading this right now.

So let's jump right into it.

Today . . . I went back . . . to Ephraim.  To understand just how depressing that one sentence is, we have to take you back a few months to second semester of my first year at Snow.  Life sucked.  I had new roommates, a killer schedule (and I don't mean that in a good way) and it seemed as though my life was a sucking hole of awful that I only just managed to escape.

And then I went back.

It was like that scene in a movie where a person finally escapes from the killer and then they run into someone they think is safe and that dumb person convinces them to go back to place where the killer is lurking and they both get killed. . .

. . . 

. . . 

. . . 

that's basically how it is anyway.

So yes.  The bad news is that I will be moving back to Ephraim.  The good news is that by the time I get back there, I should have enough money to buy a new computer.  This is sad because Charlie has been a great computer.  But he is on his last leg.  And is really fat.  I think it's time to downsize.

Funny is Served

What's up World?


That's good.

My life has been pretty crazy.  Between pestering my old roommate Karli to give me my birthday present early (and she totally did and it was freaking awesome), and school I have barely had time to even think about being hilarious in a public arena.  Luckily, today I'm not doing much.  So time to get my funny on.

Here it goes.

Today has actually been pretty good.  I woke up after having camped out on my bedroom floor.  Now you may be wondering . . . "Why on earth would she sleep on her BEDroom floor?"  Well, let me tell you.

There was stuff on my bed and I was too lazy to move it.

End of Story.

End of Post.