WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Terrible news everyone. Recently, President Obama's Healthcare bill passed. Because of this, you might see an increase in things like this:

or this:

or maybe even this:

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

A thought to go . . .

Recently I published a post about seeing a "Wild North American Madison". I regret to inform the readers of this blog, that the Madison did not like that post. In fact, she has threatened to sue me for a million dollars. Good thing that I got this today! (Look below) I found it shoved in the seats on my bus. Man. I picked a lucky day to sit on the bus today!*

*I did not actually find a million dollar bill on my bus today. Nor have I ever found a million dollar bill on my bus . . . although it would have been awesome. This bill however is an actual, real life, million dollar bill. For real.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Princess Hazel and the Tale of many words (2)

Well, it's that time of week again. The time when I conjure up a spectacular tale for you to enjoy. This weeks tale is set in the small town of Mansfield Pennsylvania. Our story begins with a beautiful princess locked away in the prop tower of the Mansfield Pennsylvania High School's drama department. Her name was Princess Hazel and it's with her that our story begins . . .

"Oh how I sit in this tower all day and waste away!" Princess Hazel cried with her hillbilly accent. "Is there no one to rescue such a beautiful damsel as I?" But no one really wanted to rescue her. Although she was the fabled "damsel in distress" she was also a bit of a redneck and wanted to settle down next door to her mother in one of the small trailer parks in the area. Needless to say, not many young men were that ambitious.
Well, as the years passed, Princess Hazel began to feel a sense of abandonment. Even her dear old mother left town. Perhaps it had something to do with the constant whining that came from the tower day in and day out. Or, perhaps it had something to do with the dilution the princess had that she could carry a tune. Whatever it was, Mansfield quickly became a desolate place.

And so, Princess Hazel remained locked in her tower. Waiting for a dashing young prince, (although as time went on, she realized she would settle for anyone good looking), until one day, 49 years after being locked up in the tower, she realized that if anyone was going to help her escape, it would have to be her. She picked up one of her high heels and hit the lock on the door until it finally broke.
She rushed down the 332 stairs and ran outside, just in time to see the sun set. She smiled blissfully at the beauty of it, and then grudgingly turned around and climbed back up the steps, knowing full well that she couldn't be outside at night.

The next morning, Princess Hazel walked down the stairs and left the small town of Mansfield Pennsylvania and hitchhiked all the way to San Francisco where she met a nice young man. They got married and had 2 beautiful children. And they lived happily ever after.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Caught on tape!

You will not believe what happened to me. Today, I was on a safari around my house and I saw . . . a real . . . WILD NORTH AMERICAN MADISON! Can you believe it??? It was the most amazing thing ever! But not only did I see her, I managed to catch a bit of her on camera. I completely understand if you want to copy the pictures, a look at her is rare as she tends to coop herself up in her den for most of her life. But, a picture of her, is rarer still. Enjoy! I still can't believe I managed to do it!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Halloween Falls (1)

Okay, this is the first random story in the series of random stories that I've announced I'm going to be putting on my blog (see entry below for details). These stories are strictly for entertainment purposes and in no way actually mean anything. Any names or plots that coincide with actual people or events is probably purely coincidental. Otherwise, I just really wanted to use them. :)

It was hard living in a town full of the undead. Especially when you were the only "living" soul around for miles. But that's how it was in the city of Halloween Falls. You see, long ago, Halloween Falls had held the number one largest nuclear reactor in all the world. Of course that was long ago. As technology increased, Halloween Falls' nuclear power plant went slowly down the line until if finally ended up as the smallest reactor.

This was during the time of World War II and everyone who could work on nuclear bombs was needed at the bigger, more advanced facilities. Because there was no one left to work in Halloween Falls' reactor, it slowly fell into a state of disrepair and neglect.

That's what eventually caused it. Something rusted over and broke causing a chain reaction that not only blew the facility sky high, but also killed anyone within a 10 mile radius. Unfortunately, the radiation from the plant was enough to alter everyone's DNA and they all woke up to find themselves with different abilities.

Most were zombies, but there were a few werewolves, vampires and trolls in the mix. There were even a handful of sorcerers, witches and warlocks. Because of this, Halloween city became a national must-see, especially on Halloween, although no one knew exactly what had happened until one day, a girl named Suzy Valkyre got accepted into Halloween Falls University. She packed her backs and left her sunny hometown of Salt Lake City Utah, and moved all the way out to Halloween Falls Nebraska.

She liked it in Halloween Falls. The people were all a bit "off" by her standards, but they were all very nice about it. Everyone seemed to adore this poor little girl from Utah, especially the Dracule family. They invited her over for dinner all the time and feed her like a queen while they only drank their cranberry juice, the whole time joking that they were "fating her up". But the Dracule's weren't the only family that seemed to be obsessed with this perky girl from Utah. The Wicked sisters also loved her. Suzy liked the Wicked sisters because they came up with the silliest nicknames for each other. The older one was called "The Wicked Witch of the West" and the younger one was called "The Wicked Witch of the East". They even nicknamed their cousin, Shannon, calling her "Glinda". And the poor girl from down the street they called "Dorthy".

Overall, Halloween Falls was a fascinating place to live. At least, it was fun until October rolled around, then everyone got . . . creepy. No one really had what could be called "personal bubbles" but around Halloween, any sense of a personal bubble disappeared. The Dracules especially got very touchy. They were always hovering just over her shoulder staring at her neck. Because of this, she developed Dysmorphophobia.

Then, one day, on the eve of Halloween, Suzy had been running late to get to her apartment. Her landlady had warned her to always be inside the padlocked house by the final stroke of midnight, but as Suzy had run down the billions of University steps, she had lost her shoe and had had to run back to get it. Because of this, she was two minutes late as she raced home. She was still three blocks away when she heard the clock start chiming.

She wasn't going to make it and she knew it. Unfortunately, she didn't know exactly why she needed to be in her locked house by 12. But the creatures knew. And Suzy had just made their evening menu.

The End

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Start of Something New

Okay, so, since I've finally become an avid blogger, I've been thinking a lot about what to write on it. I realized a few days ago that it's boring. I didn't know what was wrong with it, but it was lame. I didn't like it at all. Then, today, while I was sitting in English, not really paying much attention to the people talking around me, it hit me. My blog is missing pizzaz. There is none of it. It's just another bland ol' blog. So, I came up with a brilliant idea. To attract more viewers, I am going to do something amazing. Every week, there will be another random picture (like usual), but there will also be a random story that has nothing to do with anything. Depending on how many comments I get on this in the next few days, we'll see if it continues. Otherwise, it'll die.

Well, here we go. . .

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Beginning of the End

This is it y'all. Today, Sunday, March 14th 2010 is the day before the BEGINNING OF THE END.

For all of you who are wondering what I'm talking about, tomorrow is the last Monday before 3rd term ends. In a week and one more term, I'm no longer going to be a measly junior, but an all powerful senior! I'll be on the top of the food chain, the head honcho, the big cheese. (Okay, I'm not sure where that last one came from, but, you know. :)

For me, this is the week to end all other weeks. I have so much due by the end of it, mainly in French, (stupid French). But it's still stressing me out. :P

Have fun today people, it may be the last time you can before the week of stress comes to get us all.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Story Openings:

Okay, I am currently in the middle of writing a kick-butt series that I am really liking so far. It's definately something that I would read, but, I've had to chop a couple of characters out and change some personalities around. Because of this, I'm kinda starting over, and so, you now have to vote for which story opening (aka, prolouge) that you would like for the beginning. (Basically which one do you like better?) I'm not saying that the final vote will alter my descision in any way, but you never know.



“In other news, an interesting kidnapping has been reported, this time in a small neighborhood in Colorado. Neighbors notified authorities at about three o’clock on Tuesday, when they heard gunshots coming from the home of a Mr. and Mrs. Brian Richardson. Police were immediately dispatched to investigate the situation, but upon entering the home, they found only the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. Their daughter, sixteen-year-old Kelsi, was missing. Police believe that she was taken from the home shortly after the deaths of her parents, and an investigation is currently underway.” Said the female, blonde reporter, flashing her perfect, white set of teeth for the hundredth time.

“How about you Bob?” She asked, turning to her fellow news anchor. “Do you have any more information about this strange kidnapping?”

“As a matter of fact, Nancy, I do.” He said, turning to face the camera which then zoomed in on his wrinkling face. “Kelsi’s disappearance this week is not unique. At least two others were reported missing this week too. Among the missing are Eric Jenson from San Antonio, Texas, and Julie Douglas from Dayton Ohio.

“Police are beginning to suspect that this is the work of terrorists because all the kidnappings have one thing in common. They have all been taken from private places without many witnesses nearby and what witnesses they do have all claim to have seen a white Lexus leaving the crime scenes around the estimated time of the crime. Some say that this is merely a coincidence, but authorities are positive that these cases have more in common than meets the eye.”

The camera zoomed out to show both reports and Nancy began speaking again.

“If you have any information regarding this case, please call 1-800-Lost. That number again is 1-800-L-O-S-T . . . “



“In other news, an interesting series of kidnappings have been reported all around the nation. The most recent of which happened in a small town in Colorado. We go there live where Samantha Jones is reporting. Sam?” Said the grey-haired male anchor.

“Thanks Dave. This is the tenth kidnapping so far by the group of people now known as the ‘Serial Kidnappers’. They have gone around the country kidnapping young adults in their teens to early twenty’s. The FBI is now officially involved in the investigation, but even they seemed surprised at who’s being kidnapped.

“The most recent case involves a sixteen year old girl named Kelsi Richardson. Earlier today, neighbors heard shots coming from the home of Miss Richardson and immediately called the authorities. However, when the police arrived, they found only the bodies of Miss Richardson’s parents.

“Miss Richardson’s whereabouts are currently unknown, but the same type of syringe found at all the other kidnapping scenes was present.

“The FBI currently has a suspect in custody, but they are unwilling to release any more information at this time. Dave?”

The image on the TV of a tall, blond woman holding a microphone was replaced with that of the news anchor.

“Thanks Sam.” He said. “The victims have been identified, so far, as; Kyle and Sara Martin, Samuel Kent, Ashley Jones, Abby Trust, Faith Marvel, Megan Johnson, Matthew Adams, Julie Douglas, and Kelsi Richardson. Anyone who has any information about these cases is encouraged to contact the FBI missing persons hotline at 1-800-LOST. That number again is 1-800-L-O-S-T . . .”

Vote now!

Sarah: The Untold Story

A little known fact about me is just how spectacular I can write. My creations were especially apparent last year during my "random story" craze. During my sophomore year, I managed to write many a random story. One of the all-time favorites of all my friends that read my stories was "Sarah: The Untold Story". Because of this, (and also because my friend Mary asked me to,) I have decided to immortalize this story on the internet, because, as Ferb says: "Fame is fleeting, but the Internet is forever."


Sarah: The Untold Story
By The Unknown Genius of Me, the Author of this Story.

There once was a duck named Pengooin. (Pen-goo-in). He lived in a little pond on the edge of town. Pengooin was a happy little duckling. He had everything that a ducky could ever want. A loving mother and father, a nice big brother, and all the free food a little duckling could ever eat.

So life went on for the little duckling. He grew fatter and fatter, slowly becoming the grown-up duck Ashley was born to become. It was about this time, that he met Sally. His future ducky wife. (ooh!) He'd actually seen Sally from afar when he happened to walk right off a cliff. Luckily, he was able to get his wings flapping soon enough that his crash landing didn't cause TOO much damage. When he finally woke up, he woke up to see the face of his beloved Sally (ooh!) Sally and Pengooin got married 3 weeks later (in January) and that summer Sally had her first batch of babies. Their names were Ashley, Nicko, Tylee and Jingle. Ashley was the popular cheerleader of the family. Nicko was the normal one. Tylee was the shy one and Jingle was the clown of the family.

Well, they lived life happily for a year. The quadruplets loved the amount of attention they got from their grandparents. Sarah and Henry (who were Sally's parents) and Johnny and Carly (who were, you guessed it, Pengooin's parents). You see, Sally and Pengooin were both only children. It hadn't always been that way, but all their siblings died one by one through various swimming, diving, and hunting accidents. So, the only grandkids Sarah, Henry, Johnny and Carly were going to have, were going to have to come from Sally and Pengooin.

But then, the second summer came and Ashley, Nicko, Tylee and Jingle became bigger siblings. Sally hatched the eggs that became Janice, Keyko, Lollipop, and William of Orange.

Suddenly, the first quads (as Ashley, Tylee, Nicko and Jingle were now called) were no longer the center of attention. Something they had never had to deal with before.

But summer after summer, Sally had baby ducklings. Slowly each set of twins, quadruplets, triplets and sextuplets all went through the phases of absolute "center-of-attention" to the secondary "side show".

Finally Sally had hatched a grand total of 65 ducklings. Their names were:

  1. Ashley
  2. Nicko
  3. Tylee
  4. Jingle
  5. Janice
  6. Keyko
  7. Lollipop
  8. William of Orange
  9. Marian
  10. Number-Two
  11. Sub-Zero
  12. pretzel
  13. Snacky
  14. Tidbits
  15. Foibles
  16. Foibles II
  17. Foibles III
  18. Iguana
  19. Stanky
  20. The prodigy
  21. Small Fry
  22. Isabel
  23. Ding-Dong
  24. Mercury
  25. Pluto
  26. 1605
  27. Twenty-Five
  28. Isaac
  29. Newton
  30. Adobe
  32. CookieMonster
  33. Cheek-Book
  34. Panda
  35. Blanche
  36. Puce
  37. Veoletay (V-O-let-ay)
  38. Nova
  39. Starshine
  40. Coco
  41. Human
  42. Featherlight
  43. Sweetness
  44. Mariae
  45. Latish
  46. Milky
  47. Planetarium
  48. Ptolemy
  49. Munchy
  50. The-Crazy-One
  51. Fishcake
  52. Silicon
  53. Icey
  54. Sport
  55. DayDiedI
  56. PotatoePancake
  57. Houdini
  58. Quaker
  59. Tubaman
  60. Truman
  61. Super-Something
  62. Supercalifragilisticexpialidoesious
  63. Frimont
  64. Frosty
  65. The
But Sally was still alive. But that was mainly because of the unfortunate accident in her youth involving the long fabled "fountain of youth."

So, Sally and surprisingly, Pengooin, who, although he didn't have an accident, he was born with an amazingly natural long-lasting life.

So they had 35 more kids named:

  1. Egginson
  2. Montgomery
  3. Alabama
  4. Talula does the hula
  5. Sweetpea
  6. Marshy
  7. hope
  8. Honey
  9. Animilia
  10. Crocideillia
  11. Techno
  12. Pendulum
  13. Lambourg
  14. Pennsylvania
  15. V.V.
  16. Dooblavay
  17. Shay
  18. Snorik
  19. Magna
  20. eskimo
  21. Pomplemoose
  22. Betsy
  23. Bessy
  24. Helgo
  25. Olga
  26. Omar
  27. Suzy
  28. Snot
  29. Poncho
  30. Yokey
  31. Lego
  32. Legless
  33. Legoless
  34. Larsh
  35. Only-Son
They Sally and Pengooin were both killed in a freak boating accident. Leaving Ashley, Nicko, Tylee and Jingle to care for their 96 younger siblings. In desperation, they turned to their only human ally, Sarah H.

She took them in, creating a duck petting zoo off which she made enough money to pay off everything and buy enough food for all her little ducklings.



Ashley married her high school sweetheart, Bernard, and had 6 little ducklings, but NO more! Their names were:

  1. Cosmo
  2. Oscar
  3. Petunia
  4. Penny
  5. Posture
  6. Ogio
When Ashley and Bernard died at the ripe old age of 87 (in duck years of course) Ashley's beloved Sarah took in 6 new ducks. At this time, Sally and Pengooin's youngest, OnlySon, Was only 3 duck years old.

Everyone did eventually make good matches.

And all ended fairly well for everyone.


Monday, March 1, 2010


SKYWARD SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, it really sucks. It's locked me out of the system, but then again, I think it's locked everyone out, but still. It dared lock ME OF ALL PEOPLE out of the system.

The stupid thing.

It's not like I really liked the other system, but it was way better than this piece of crap. I hate it. And it's like super confusing. You try doing it sometime you stupid Skyward creators. Grrr!