WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Random Stories Revival

In school, one of my favorite things to do was write random stories.  It was a fun way to interact with my friends and it definitely relived some of the dismal boredom otherwise faced in the hallways of horror.

My friends greatly appreciated my overabundance of wit and creativity and and ultimately encouraged me to continue writing them long after my juvenile days in public school were over.

This leads me to today.

As a result of my friends encouragement, I have continued writing these stories.  Luckily, they have gotten a little more mature and a little less . . . stupid . . . over the years and as a result, I feel comfortable sharing them with you.  As a result, I'm creating a new page (you can find all my pages under the Page Tab on the right side of the screen), on which I will post some of the newest additions to my Random Story collection just as soon as I find one not completely and utterly embarrasing.

Hopefully, I will also be able to convince a few of my friends to help me with this new project I'm dubbing "Operation Random Smiles" or "Operation Epic Tales" (name subject to change), and it will be even better than before.

Until then amigos, enjoy your day, night or time zone.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

YouTube Shout Out!

Today's post is a post about something very dear to my heart.  Something that has made me smile, and in some cases downright laugh lately, despite the stress of finals looming over my head.  It is, without a doubt, one of the best kept secrets of YouTube, and I'm about to share it with all of you.

About a year ago, a video game called Minecraft hit the charts and quickly became one of the most talked about and played games in America (or at least my little part of America).  It seemed that everyone got into the strangely addicting awesomeness that is Minecraft (obviously, I did too), and all kinds of things just sort of exploded from here.  One of the things I've found across YouTube are videos of various people playing this fantastical game with their own commentary on its wondrous nature.

One such group of people are friends of mine who just happen to have what I personally believe to be, some of the funniest commentary on the game ever.  But don't take my word for it.  Here are a couple of my personal favorites.  And at the bottom is a link to their channel.  Please check it out.  Subscribe.  Get them to keep making these gems of the internet because they really do make my day.  (Wow.  That last part sounded a little selfish . . . of course it totally was.  I want more videos!)

Dropper Part 1

Survival Games; Frodo is Not Our Friend

Episode 2; Try Try Again

CLICK ME to see more epicness!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Jurassic Manor Part 2

Finally!  The Long Anticipated Part 2 is up and running!  Aren't you all just so excited?

Regretfully, this post is not as climatic as the last.  But never fear.  A special guest star pops up in this;


Let us begin.

When we left off, our hero (namely me) was hiding behind glass cases as a T-Rex stared into it.  No doubt this part of my dream comes directly from the one scene of the real Jurassic Park that I've actually seen.  (Shown below).

At any rate, this scene happens in my dream.

I'm hiding behind glass cases and a T-Rex leans down and peers through them, seeming to stare into my very soul.  Yes, yes.  I know.  Glass cases aren't exactly "the best" hiding place in the world.  But keep in mind that I'm in some kind of gigantic manor house, surrounded by the crashing waves of some beautiful looking ocean that I can't find it in myself to swim through.  And so I hid.  I hid behind these woefully inadequate glass cases and prayed.  All-the-while knowing that the beast gazing in at me with its eye of death could smell the fear burning brightly in my chest and was preparing for the kill.

Then suddenly, and without warning, I find myself being sucked through a deep, dark, abyss-of-a-hole and into the lobby of the Manor House and far, far away from the killer Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Now this is the part of the story where everything gets thrown out the window.  I'm not sure what happens to me from this point forwards.  The last thing I remember is me, running for my life through the lobby as a few Velociraptors have gotten loose and are chasing everyone down.  (Luckily that old adage is true (If you are being chased by a bear you don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun your friend.)) and I find myself more or less safe because I'm always the most athletic person in the room in my dreams.  Unfortunately, from here, my story is lost to time and the remainder of my dream is focused on our mysterious guest and her wonderfully random antics.

Meet Aubrey Hepburn.  The heroine of the remainder of my bizarro dream.

File:Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant 1.jpg

After losing sight of myself in the manor, my dream perspective shifts to the front of the house.  I can only assume that the Doctor Who phrase; "It's bigger on the inside" rings true in this case, because I don't see how else you could fit an entire world within this average sized manor house.

It is exactly at this point in time, as I'm contemplating Doctor Who within my dream, that I see something rather unexpected.  A car, that looks an awful lot like a large toy car, crashes through the front of the house and squeals away towards the freeway, ignoring all the panicked pedestrians as it plows through anything that gets in its way.  Moments later, a massive Tyrannosaurus Rex plows through the remainder of the front of the Manor House, once again bringing the question to mind; "How did they fit an entire world into such a small space?"

However, my mind can only focus on this question for a moment before it's focused on the high speed pursuit occurring between the compact car and the gargantuan dinosaur.

The compact red car makes for the freeway with everything its got.  It's speed is only barley enough to keep the car from being squashed under the massive feet of the giant lizard desperately trying to kill it dead.

My point of view now transitions to the front of the car.  It is here that I see who has been madly driving the vehicle around the twists and turns of the freeway.  It's none other than Audrey Hepburn herself.  Beloved actress of the mid-to-late 1900's.

Miss. Hepburn is desperately driving, both hands on the wheel, speeding away from this deadly beast that seems oddly single minded in its pursuit of our heroine.  And thus the chase continues.

Forever and ever it would seem as it is from this point that our story ends.  I wake up.  Life continues.  Reality sets in.  And you shake your fist at the computer after reading such an anti-climatic story.

I guess it's only fair that I post this story on April Fools day since it seems like such a joke.  But it wasn't my good people.  This is the dream I dreamed as far as I can remember it.  Enjoy the rest of your prankster day.  I will see you again real soon.