WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Just A Little Update

It snowed. You're welcome. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Blues and Whites

Somewhere over the rainbow, many people live in what are called "Tropical Climates".  These are the poor souls who have quite possibly never seen the magic known as "Snow" and live very sad lives.

But here in Utah, one of the most desired things that anyone wants for Christmas is snow.  We want it to fall from the heavens in beautiful frozen fractals so that we can have beautiful white Christmas.

Sadly, in the past, we have been severely disappointed.  But this year, I'm truly hoping makes up for it.

Now I know what you're thinking.

"Madison, if you want snow so much why don't you just conjure it up?  You claim to be both Storm and magic so why don't you do something about it if you want it so badly?"

*Sigh* readers.  You have no idea how much I wish I could.

For me Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.  I love seeing the lights, and smelling the pine trees.  I love eating the food (because of course this time of year you have every excuse NOT to follow through on diets).  And of course I love the presents (getting and giving).  But Christmas for me just isn't complete without the flurries of whiteness that make our world so magical.

So far this year I've been very . . . VERY disappointed.

Every morning I glance out my window like an excited child on the first day of school, desperately hoping to see storm clouds or whole feet of snow outside.  Every morning I'm disappointed as nothing can be seen and more snow melts away in our winter sun.

Listening to Christmas music just isn't the same when there aren't snow storms to go along with some of the many lyrics.

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas?"  Me too buddy.  Me too.  Will I get one?  I'd better.  (Insert legendary Madison Death Glare here.)

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."  Why not?!  The East is buried in Snow but what do I have to show for it?

"I'm walking in a winter wonderland."  I'm not.

"Frosty the Snowman."  I can barely even make a snow baby let alone a full fledged magical meltable man.


Christmas is a time of good cheer and happiness.  And I know many of the folks I'm surrounded by are grateful they don't have to be driving in winter wonderlands.  But at the same time, without the flurries that make winter so grand here in Utah, there is definitely something . . . missing.

And how noticeable that missing ingredient is.

With 8 days left till Christmas day my flurries don't have long to get their acts together before yet another snowless Christmas has come and gone.  But fear not my loyal subjects!  I do intend to exercise my magical powers to their fullest extent and make this Christmas quite the memorable one.

Happy Holidays and *heres to hoping for a full on snow storm Christmas day.

*This in no way means that I'm routing for bad road conditions for those of you traveling on Christmas day.  Drive safe!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Christmas Tizzys

With Halloween having ended less than a week ago and with Thanksgiving coming up in less than three weeks, my life has been quickly taken over by something ENTIRELY UNEXPECTED.

My mother has besieged me with thoughts of Christmas.

I know.  The horror.

I know that wherever you are right now you are mocking me.  For those of you who know my mom, you can scarce believe your eyes.  My mom has never really been one for holidays or decorating.  As a child the Christmas traditions involved setting the tree up long after all my friends had set theirs up only to take it down the day after the beloved holiday had ended.  And the only reason it remained up that long was because as our family grew my mom was outnumbered in the decision to clean up after the holiday so close to the holiday.  But even now at my advanced age I still remember the glint in my moms eyes as we convinced her to leave the tree up till the 26th.  It was the glint of someone agreeing to something completely and utterly against their will.

But memories aside.  What do I mean by "my mother has besieged me with thoughts of Christmas"?  Isn't Christmas a joyous holiday?  Isn't it one of your favorites?

All true readers.  All true.

And yet this year I have had so much Christmas HOMEWORK.  That's right.  My mom has been assigning me Christmas homework left and right.  Make your wish list.  (Last time I handed her a wish list this close to Halloween I was mocked mercilessly for five whole minutes . . . and another five minutes later when my dad got home from work.)  Use your creative genius to figure out what ornaments we are going to make as a family this year.  (Not so weird.  I AM a genius.  I believe the last post certified that point.)  Find decorations for us to buy.  (This one is truly the most blasphemous.)

None of these tasks has plagued me so much as her need for my wish list.

There are so few things I want now that I am an adult.  A new car would be fantastic but that's hardly a reasonable item to put on a list.

A "get out of jail free" card for any or all of the big decisons looming over my future would be even better.  But that's most definately not going to happen.

I have thought.  And thought.  And thought about this.  And after hours and hours of pondering this rather difficult task, this is what I managed to come up with.

The overall presentation with the varying fonts and beautiful colors made for quite the aesthetic appeal.  And yet this was the result of my hours of serious consideration.

Indeed, this lack-luster-list was so . . . well . . . lack-luster that I felt I had to make it even more aesthetically amazing.

Plus- my mom had wanted me to do this for the past few days.  Having finally gotten around to it I felt it only deserved to be presented to her with all the love and snarkiness that are overabundant within me.  So of course I made a cover page for it.

Using my epic computer skills and quite a few pieces of clipart- I created what will forever be known at least in this household as the most beautiful and well thought out wish list in the history of wish lists.

I would like to see my brothers try to top that!

Even if the list was shorter than my brother's buzz cut.

Anyway folks.  That's all I have for you right now.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving in a few weeks and Happier Holidays after that.


This has been a Public Service Announcement.  Hopefully YOU will have an easier time of writing a wish list than me.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Genius is Born

I must say that as Halloween approaches this year, I find that I have gained a new love for the holiday that I haven't experienced in quite some time.  That's not to say that I've never loved it.  As a kid all that free candy and a chance to rove about our less than safe neighborhood for once was almost more excitement than my little heart could handle.  But then came the teenage years and with them, an almost complete lack of apathy for anything "fun".

But this year, after having finally turned 20 and saying adios to any semblance of "teenagerism" that I may have still been clinging onto, I have once again become a mostly fun person to be with.

At least in matters of creativity and Halloween.

As a result my mom recently approached me with a need for me to help her with my youngest brothers, aged 11 and 9 respectively, find "cool" costumes this year instead of having them go as soldiers as they have gone for the past hundred years or so.

While resistant to the idea at first, I quickly embraced it as a chance to show of my skills of ten thousand men in the realm of creation and create something truly extraordinary.

Partly my change of heart came from a desire to have someone dress up with me.

You see, as a teenager I frequently pulled the "too cool for school" card around Halloween.  The last time I remember actually dressing up was when I was 12 and dressed up for school in seventh grade.  I dressed as a witch and all I remember about that day was feeling overwhelmingly uncomfortable and after an encounter with a boy who possessed absolutely NO social graces and who told me that I needed to be burned at the stake, I vowed never to do it again.  The following years contained a lot of costumes such as "myself", an "undercover secret agent" and my all time favorite, "a starving college student".

But this year things have changed.  I now teach seven different four year olds who I swore I'd dress up for.  The most amazing thing (and the easiest too.  Baby steps.) I could come up with was Hermione Granger from the well beloved Harry Potter series.  I already had the white button up shirt, and a few other accessories including the naturally poofy/ curly hair.  All I needed was a wand and of course a time turner and I was set.

But I wanted someone to dress up Harry Potter theme with me.

And that, my good people leads us back to the beginning of this story.

My 11 year old brother has been a big fan of Harry Potter since he started reading them late last year.  It seemed like a perfect fit.  For a while we toyed with the idea of him being Harry Potter himself, but that was too run of the mill for me.  And he didn't want to spray paint his hair.

For awhile we were stuck.

And then the gears in my head began turning and a genius was born.

Instead of Harry Potter he could go as the beloved and zany character Mad Eye Moody.

It was brilliant!

And after consulting him and finding him game, I started the search for the most amazing costume in the history of costumes from me and I now present you with the final product.

I know.  Pure Creative Genius.

And of course, just so you know how amazing I am, here is the real Mad Eye Moody to compare it too.

You have my permission to bask in my genius.

Monday, September 23, 2013

My Crazy Lot in Life

My job is easy.  I come in at 8:00 in the morning, vacuum dinosaur exhibits for two or more hours, leave around noon most days and have time enough to take a lengthy nap or at least rest before heading off to my other job later in the day.

It really is a sweet gig.

Or at least it was.  At the end of August, my boss informed me that he would be going out of town for a few weeks on vacation and that while he was gone, I was going to have to pick up some extra responsibilities around the museum.

He walked me through the basics for a few days.  It really wasn't all that hard.  Water the plants once a week, make sure the fish have water.  Feed the fish everyday, but its okay if you miss a day here or there because they have algae growing in their little fake habitats that they can eat.  And of course, don't forget to feed the lizard his weekly morsel of "large crickets".

Now, before I continue my ill fated tale, I have a quick side note.

The museums lizard is an African Monitor Lizard.  A quick Google search can tell you that they require the usual commodities most pets require.  A large enough enclosed area to scurry about in, a heat lamp to provide dry humid temperatures, a large water source so they can soak their entire bodies when they feel dehydrated primarily due to the dry humid heat lamp, and a diet of crickets and small rodents (basically anything they can overpower.) (See "Wikipedia".)

The dryness caused by the heat lamp was a problem for our lizard.  While he had a tank of water large enough to soak himself in when he wanted to, he'd grown a tad bit lazy in recent months and as a result my boss had taken to spraying him down with a pressurized weed sprayer full of hot water once a week.

Now on with the narration.

After walking me through the basics, my boss racked his brain to think if there was anything else he needed me to do while he was gone.

He couldn't think of anything and actually made a point of telling me that the lizard wouldn't need to be watered down until my boss returned.

This seemed odd to me, but I failed to question the man and nodded in acknowledgement.

My boss then left me alone . . . so very alone . . . and in an element I was very unfamiliar with.

(Quick Side note #2~ my mom wasn't a huge fan of pets and so we didn't really spend much time around animals growing up.  Now, as a full grown adult, I have a severe phobia of most animals and can't touch them to save my life.  Fish on the other hand, still fascinate me.)

For three weeks I pressed on though.  I went to the pet store every Friday to buy crickets despite how horrifying it was to feel them jumping away, trying to escape their plastic bag of a prison.  And every Friday, I would dump the entire bag of crickets into the tank, terrified that they would escape and I would have to hunt them down and pick them up with my hands of all things.

But I soldiered on because I am an awesome employee.

But never once did I water him down.

Then about five days before my boss was due to come back, our lazy lizard looked like death.  He was shriveled up, had shrunken eyes and just looked horrible.  Having done everything I'd been told to do, and with no other advice to use, I turned to the museum manager for her advice.  She said that he was probably just missing my boss and that I should get in there, spray him down with water and that another employee should pet the depressed little guy so he could feel that human contact.

When we did this, the lizard immediately began looking a million times better.  His stomach puffed out, his tongue flicked out, and he looked around with what one could only imagine was a smile plastered across his scaly face.

For awhile everything seemed fine.  But of course, the universe couldn't cut a girl a break.

Two days later, and only three days before the sweet release that would come with my bosses return, it happened.  Our lizard pushed up the daisies, kicked the can, and passed away.  He was an unknown age.

Now as sad of a tale as this is, it gets worse.  For me anyway.

Naturally as someone who isn't comfortable around plants OR animals, my biggest fear and the one thing that has led to more stress dreams and nightmares than I've had since college would be the festering thought that I could so easily be responsible for one of these living things untimely demises.

And I was literally THREE DAYS away from not having to worry about it any more!

I know it wasn't my fault ('cuz it wasn't).  But what are the odds that it would happen literally three days before my boss was due back and after the lizard had spent months living his lazy lifestyle.

The moral to this story is twofold.

1.  ALWAYS question the man.
2.  It doesn't do good to dwell on negative/ fearful thoughts because if you do they come true.

And that, my fellow interneters, is the end of my tale.  You're welcome.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Last week I promised I was trying to be better at not complaining.

I am still holding true to that promise . . . at least in person.  But here on the internet I can be as grouchy as I want and most people just find time to find it somewhat amusing.

With that being said, there is only one thing I have to say today.

You know it's been a day when you start considering the upsides of the plague.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Random Update

I frequently complain about my job.  It's not a good quality.  I accept that.  And while you may not believe it, I am trying to change it.  Being a Debbie Downer is not a trait that people are attracted to.  And if it irritates me when my coworkers do it, I probably shouldn't either.

On that goal oriented note.  I am mad.

People . . . in case you hadn't noticed it is legitimately raining outside. And there is a good chance lightning might be coming forth from the heavens in a show of fury only to be rivaled by my fury at you coming to my place of business on a Saturday night. Go home. Snuggle up with your loved ones. Don't go out in this weather. Good grief.

That is one of the few things I can't stand at work.  When I go thinking no one will come because its raining or storming or is in all other ways completely miserable and then they do.  And they want all the bells and whistles that accompany coming to the Gardens.

These people are legitimate pains in my butt.

But enough complaining!  I am unshackling myself from the burden of care and am going to talk about something else.  And if you have read this far, you are going to listen.

While work has been an all consuming pit of despair, other parts of my life have been moving along successfully.  Financially I am in a better place than ever. Of course, being in a better place than broke isnt all that hard to accomplish. 

My brothers are back in school which means more quiet time around home for me. 

And of course- the weather has been nice and gloomy. (That was a sincere statement. No sarcasm at all. (There was none there either . . . Stop laughing.))

Anyway, have a good week people of the Internet. It's on the house. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Paradox Space

Paradox is defined as; "any person, thing or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature."

This being said; my life is currently the epitome of "paradox".

You see, I work in Customer Services.  I get paid to work a front desk where people come, pay me to get into various places on property and go on their merry, or not so merry ways.  However, the paradox comes into play when one discovers that I really, really don't like people.

It's not that I don't like ALL people.  I have friends.  And I could even make more if I felt so inclined.  (Luckily I don't.)  But when it comes to nameless people that I have only the briefest of contact with.  I really don't like them.

Now, you may be asking yourself; "Madison.  If you hate people so much, why'd you WILLINGLY get a job where you would have to deal with a wide variety of people and be exposed to some of the worst the human race has to offer?"

Excellent question.

The answer is . . . well- I did it because I have a hard time interacting with people in general.  I've blogged about my introvertedness on more than one occasion.  And the blog itself is named "The Hermit Files" for goodness sakes.  I thought that if I took a job that not only forced me to interface with co-workers, but random pedestrians as well, I would be able to interact on a normal "social" level which would no doubt advance me through the ranks of my peers and ultimately help me succeed at life.

In a way, this job has done just that.  I have been finding it easier and easier to not only interact with people, but read the subtle clues imbedded in their body language to the point that I secretly refer to myself as; "the people whisperer."  On top of that, I've been gaining more control over my own body language and have been using it to my advantage.  For example, when dealing with an obstinate guest, my tone may be pleasant, but if they're smart enough, they can see the raw fury bubbling just under the surface.  Sadly in most cases, they aren't clever enough to discern it.  But it's there nonetheless.

In conclusino- in a lot of ways, it has been very good for my personal growth.

However, it has also been just a tad detrimental because ultimately, it's made my opinion of people in general, which we've already established as being particularly low, do an olympian style dive off the deep end and down 20,000 leagues under the sea.

And on that note, my good people, concludes my rant for the week.  Savor it.  I know I have.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Segway Surprises

Gift giving is not one of my strong suites.  It's hard to come up with brilliant ideas that people will love. But every now and again I hit the jackpot.

Lucky for me, with my mom's birthday just around the corner, I was able to come up with something great.

One of the perks of Thanksgiving Point Gardens (where I work), is that they rent Segways out for people to ride.  While you do have to sign your life away to ride one, it's totally worth it when you start cruising around like an insane person.  Everyone in my family has wanted to do this since we found out about it.  Sadly, you have to be 18 to do so.

Lucky for me, I've been 18 for awhile.

And so my mom and I traveled back to work to ride on some of the funnest things since Golf Carts.

Here's some video of our merry misadventures.

It was one of the funnest days I've had in awhile.  And I can guarantee, I'll be back to do it again real soon.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Social Musings

I'm not a morning person.  My family can attest to that.  Quite often, it takes me at least a half hour to fully wake up and be alert enough to hold an intelligent conversation.  If you try to talk to me before then . . . I'll make like its prehistoric times and the best you'll be getting out of me is a series of grunts and sighs.

Because of this distaste for mornings, my job has been both a blessing and a curse.  I love it to pieces but it begins at 8 AM . . . far too early for me to be "pleasant company" but at the same time, that doesn't matter because for two hours I'm virtually all alone in the museum.  This means that I don't exactly need any social graces.  I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but the dinosaurs don't exactly care.  However, this all changes at 10 AM when the museum officially opens for business and for two hours I have to be consciously aware of the fact that my natural face looks like I'm about ready to murder someone and then keel over dead myself.

After five months of working, I'm proud to say that I had gotten in the habit of smiling at everyone.  In fact, sometimes I will be at the store and I will stare someone down with a big smile on my face until they, sensing the creepy smiling stalker, look up and smile in return.  But this all changed when, for about three weeks, I didn't have to wake up at 6:30 in order to get to work on time.  I was sleeping in till almost 9:00 for almost three weeks and it was absolute bliss.  But then tulip festival ended, and my hours at the gardens got cut back.  I'm back at the museum (which I have absolutely missed) and have found that my smiling habit have all but disappeared.  In fact, I'm almost so out of it with the return to the morning schedule that I seem almost robotic in nature and thought.

Here is a tidbit of something that legitimately ran through my mind only a few days ago.

I was walking through the Discovery Room to get to the back where the cleaning supplies are kept.  A woman was walking towards me with her son in tow.  She was a happy, cheerful sort of person and so of course she was smiling as she walked closer.  Time seemed to physically slow down as I processed the scene before me.

"Okay.  The woman is smiling.  What do I do next?  Proper human reaction is to smile back.  Ah!  Smile."

And so I smiled, time sped back up and I went on my merry and robotic way.

I swear.  Some of my most insightful and enlightening moments occur when I'm half conscious and wandering through the museum.

On that note, here are some fun creations I've found at work.  The museum's great for kids, but sometimes I think that parents get just a tad bit bored.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Random Stories Revival

In school, one of my favorite things to do was write random stories.  It was a fun way to interact with my friends and it definitely relived some of the dismal boredom otherwise faced in the hallways of horror.

My friends greatly appreciated my overabundance of wit and creativity and and ultimately encouraged me to continue writing them long after my juvenile days in public school were over.

This leads me to today.

As a result of my friends encouragement, I have continued writing these stories.  Luckily, they have gotten a little more mature and a little less . . . stupid . . . over the years and as a result, I feel comfortable sharing them with you.  As a result, I'm creating a new page (you can find all my pages under the Page Tab on the right side of the screen), on which I will post some of the newest additions to my Random Story collection just as soon as I find one not completely and utterly embarrasing.

Hopefully, I will also be able to convince a few of my friends to help me with this new project I'm dubbing "Operation Random Smiles" or "Operation Epic Tales" (name subject to change), and it will be even better than before.

Until then amigos, enjoy your day, night or time zone.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

YouTube Shout Out!

Today's post is a post about something very dear to my heart.  Something that has made me smile, and in some cases downright laugh lately, despite the stress of finals looming over my head.  It is, without a doubt, one of the best kept secrets of YouTube, and I'm about to share it with all of you.

About a year ago, a video game called Minecraft hit the charts and quickly became one of the most talked about and played games in America (or at least my little part of America).  It seemed that everyone got into the strangely addicting awesomeness that is Minecraft (obviously, I did too), and all kinds of things just sort of exploded from here.  One of the things I've found across YouTube are videos of various people playing this fantastical game with their own commentary on its wondrous nature.

One such group of people are friends of mine who just happen to have what I personally believe to be, some of the funniest commentary on the game ever.  But don't take my word for it.  Here are a couple of my personal favorites.  And at the bottom is a link to their channel.  Please check it out.  Subscribe.  Get them to keep making these gems of the internet because they really do make my day.  (Wow.  That last part sounded a little selfish . . . of course it totally was.  I want more videos!)

Dropper Part 1

Survival Games; Frodo is Not Our Friend

Episode 2; Try Try Again

CLICK ME to see more epicness!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Jurassic Manor Part 2

Finally!  The Long Anticipated Part 2 is up and running!  Aren't you all just so excited?

Regretfully, this post is not as climatic as the last.  But never fear.  A special guest star pops up in this;


Let us begin.

When we left off, our hero (namely me) was hiding behind glass cases as a T-Rex stared into it.  No doubt this part of my dream comes directly from the one scene of the real Jurassic Park that I've actually seen.  (Shown below).

At any rate, this scene happens in my dream.

I'm hiding behind glass cases and a T-Rex leans down and peers through them, seeming to stare into my very soul.  Yes, yes.  I know.  Glass cases aren't exactly "the best" hiding place in the world.  But keep in mind that I'm in some kind of gigantic manor house, surrounded by the crashing waves of some beautiful looking ocean that I can't find it in myself to swim through.  And so I hid.  I hid behind these woefully inadequate glass cases and prayed.  All-the-while knowing that the beast gazing in at me with its eye of death could smell the fear burning brightly in my chest and was preparing for the kill.

Then suddenly, and without warning, I find myself being sucked through a deep, dark, abyss-of-a-hole and into the lobby of the Manor House and far, far away from the killer Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Now this is the part of the story where everything gets thrown out the window.  I'm not sure what happens to me from this point forwards.  The last thing I remember is me, running for my life through the lobby as a few Velociraptors have gotten loose and are chasing everyone down.  (Luckily that old adage is true (If you are being chased by a bear you don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun your friend.)) and I find myself more or less safe because I'm always the most athletic person in the room in my dreams.  Unfortunately, from here, my story is lost to time and the remainder of my dream is focused on our mysterious guest and her wonderfully random antics.

Meet Aubrey Hepburn.  The heroine of the remainder of my bizarro dream.

File:Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant 1.jpg

After losing sight of myself in the manor, my dream perspective shifts to the front of the house.  I can only assume that the Doctor Who phrase; "It's bigger on the inside" rings true in this case, because I don't see how else you could fit an entire world within this average sized manor house.

It is exactly at this point in time, as I'm contemplating Doctor Who within my dream, that I see something rather unexpected.  A car, that looks an awful lot like a large toy car, crashes through the front of the house and squeals away towards the freeway, ignoring all the panicked pedestrians as it plows through anything that gets in its way.  Moments later, a massive Tyrannosaurus Rex plows through the remainder of the front of the Manor House, once again bringing the question to mind; "How did they fit an entire world into such a small space?"

However, my mind can only focus on this question for a moment before it's focused on the high speed pursuit occurring between the compact car and the gargantuan dinosaur.

The compact red car makes for the freeway with everything its got.  It's speed is only barley enough to keep the car from being squashed under the massive feet of the giant lizard desperately trying to kill it dead.

My point of view now transitions to the front of the car.  It is here that I see who has been madly driving the vehicle around the twists and turns of the freeway.  It's none other than Audrey Hepburn herself.  Beloved actress of the mid-to-late 1900's.

Miss. Hepburn is desperately driving, both hands on the wheel, speeding away from this deadly beast that seems oddly single minded in its pursuit of our heroine.  And thus the chase continues.

Forever and ever it would seem as it is from this point that our story ends.  I wake up.  Life continues.  Reality sets in.  And you shake your fist at the computer after reading such an anti-climatic story.

I guess it's only fair that I post this story on April Fools day since it seems like such a joke.  But it wasn't my good people.  This is the dream I dreamed as far as I can remember it.  Enjoy the rest of your prankster day.  I will see you again real soon.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jurassic Manor Part One

Let me start off today's post by saying this; I have REALLY weird dreams.  I don't know what my subconscious is up to at night, but clearly it likes to get drunk somehow and then have a wild party because why else would I dream about things like Darth Vader wrapping himself up in Saran Wrap and then blasting himself off into space via a School Bus shaped like a rocket or finding myself being through into a different dimension where I was suddenly extremely personable, didn't mind dating, and ultimately ended up becoming queen of said new world?

That being said, I recently had a dream to end all other dreams on a scale of randomness.  And I'm going to share it with all of you.

For the past few weeks, I haven't remembered any of my dreams.  I've been so stressed that when I fall asleep at night, I'm completely unconscious for however long I sleep.  When I wake up, I know I've been dreaming, I just can't remember any of them.  Which is really sad for me because, well, my dreams are pretty hilarious and/or awesome when I can remember them.

Anyway- I've been feeling really sad about this.  I love pondering my psycho dreams on a more philosophical level and you can't do that if you can't remember them.  But then this dream happened and it is just to ridiculous not to share.

So here we go.

The setting is some kind of restaurant in the underbelly of this giant manor house me and my companions (we'll get to who's who in a minute) find ourselves at.  As in all dreams of mine, there is a certain amount of things that just don't work in the real world but make total sense while I'm dreaming.  The fact that this restaurant and basically an entire county can fit in this manor house.

But moving on.

My companions and I find ourselves in a restaurant (again- in the seedy underbelly of the manor house).  I am, for no reason I can tell, pretending to be blind.  I'm very good at it.  We order non-alcholic drinks and sit down and wait.  When our drinks are delivered (I didn't order one), two of my companions start scarfing theirs down and then begin to feel odd.  I, being the good friend that I am, check the list of ingredients that just happen to be on label and discover that Sugar is the main ingredient.

Now normally this fact wouldn't be problematic.  This is actually one of the few facts that coincide with a real life fact, but in the Manor House world we lived in, none of us ate/drank sugar.  It was not allowed because it seemed to cause the same kind of side effects that drugs would.

Upon revealing this fact to my companions, they immediately stopped drinking their soda's.  Unfortunately, this fact did not go unnoticed by our server who was trying to drug us on sugar.  He came over and asked what was the problem.  My companions made up some ridiculous excuses which he nodded at despite not looking very convinced.  I was still acting blind.

The Server then proceeded to begin walking down the stairs just to my right.  He paused partway down and reached towards me as if he was going to poke my eye out.  Of course I flinched (wouldn't you?) and immediately everything around us froze.  "Finally."  he said menacingly.  "I knew it was you."  (I don't know why I was hiding from people or why I felt being a blind person would be the best disguise but my cover was blown now.)  "Well," he continued, "I don't suppose it matters now.  We only have until 10:57 and then we're all dead anyway."  And with that ambiguous statement with its random time limit, he left.

My companions turned to me after he was gone.  I was already on my feet weaving through the tables and chairs in the restaurant.  "What's going on?" they called after me.

"We have to go now!"  I called back with a whole ton of urgency in my voice.  "We don't have much time!"

And with that, I took off running.  I won't lie, I was in AMAZING shape.  I was booking it faster than I've ever booked it before and I was only just out of breath.

As we ran, my companions wanted to know why we seemed to be running for our lives.  I nodded at some of the plastic statues as we passed them.  "See these dinosaur statues?"  I said.  "I'm pretty sure that at 10:57 they're going to come to life and we need to be long gone before that happens."

Needless to say, my companions sped up as we raced through dense forest.  Everywhere I looked I could see giant statues that were going to come to life.  Some were less terrifying such as the giant cricket or the dead frog, but let's face it.  Even these, if big enough, could do some serious damage to human tissue so we ran.

We ran for what seemed like an eternity and then we reached the sea.  (Yes.  We are still in the Manor House because I remember thinking in my dream state; "Where is the exit to this stinking house?")  I knew we needed to get higher so that the T-Rex's around us (and there were tons) wouldn't be able to get us.  With that in mind, I took a flying leap up something that looked a lot like this;

And prayed for the best.  Unfortunately my flying leap literally sent me flying far above the tip of the rock and I became suddenly very concerned for my life.  Luckily one of my companions had jerry-rigged a mechanical pterodactyl and came flying to my rescue just in time.  I landed on the hard lizard and quickly looked down to see how my other companion was faring.  My other companion, who at the restaurant had been female through and through, had suddenly morphed into the grandpa from UP and was jerry-rigging another pterodactyl.  The companion who had saved me, and I landed our lizard and rushed to Grandpa UP.  "I'm gonna need more time."  He said somewhat frazzled.

"You don't have it."  I said, glancing up at a wall that had suddenly appeared and just happened to have a clock on it.  "By the looks of it, you have about two minutes."

Now this part is a little hazy.  I don't know if dreams can make adrenaline shoot through your body in real life, but if it's possible, mine was doing that at that moment because my heart rate seemed to increase and time seemed to stand still and yet those two minutes flew by because the next thing I knew, I was ordering everyone to hide.  The T-Rex's were waking.

And on that cliff-hanger of an ending, I leave you.  But don't worry.  Part Two will be out really soon.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Well it's happened world.  I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later now that I've entered the "Adulthood Zone" but I didn't expect it to come quite so soon.

What am I talking about you ask?

I just heaped a second serving of responsibility onto my already overflowing platter of frustration.

That's right!  I just scored myself a second job.

It's going to be epic and I'm really excited, don't get me wrong, I'm just also concerned for my well-being as this will be a second job on top of an already tiring job on top of a full semester of online classes on top of my Sunbeam calling in Primary on top of all the other responsibilities I somehow got wrangled into.  No offense mom, but I'm calling you out.

Why'd you have to go and raise me right?  Not cool.

So, fair warning, you may not see me for the next eon and a half.  Do not be alarmed.  I'm probably still alive . . . insane, but alive.

Good luck to you, and as the internet has taken to saying; "May the odds be ever in YOUR favor."  Although in my case let them be ever in MY favor.

Let the Games begin.

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Ultimate Nightmare . . . Minus the Zombies

Today was one of the craziest days at work that I've ever experienced.  Let me tell you all a little bit about the madhouse that was my day.

I knew it was going to be bad.  The last time my brothers didn't have to go to school just happened to coincide with my first day of work and one of the busiest days my boss had seen in quiet some time.  So last night, when my mom informed me that they wouldn't be waking up and told me not to wake anyone up when I got ready and left in the morning, I was instantly on guard.

One of the great things about the dinosaur museum is that I get to meet a lot of new and interesting people.  Some are nicer than others and try to say a few friendly words to the loner janitor girl.  Others ignore me or give me death glares when I set them straight on some of the museum's policies.  However, one of the not so great things about the dinosaur museum is that on days like today, when no one has to be at school but its still too cold to go to the park, everyone descends on the museum like a swarm of locust devouring honey.

And that metaphor is a little bit inaccurate for the scale of people we had today.

I could barely move through the people and I was alone.  I have enormous amounts of respect for the young mothers trying to push a stroller and wrangle their wayward children all at the same time.

Now, as many of you know (primarily because I mention it fairly often) I'm a HUGE introvert.  I don't feel comfortable in large crowds.  I barley feel comfortable in in small crowds of two or three people.  So today, while trying to make my way through the throngs of madness, I found myself so overwhelmed I came this close (I'm pinching my fingers . . . they are barely not touching), to hyperventilating.

I may have been at the museum for a month now, but I don't think hyperventilating because of people is going to make a good impression on my bosses.

Oh well.  That's over.  Tomorrow school's back in session much to the despair of the many little children who have to attend it and much to my profound excitement.  (Oh boy. . . that sounded a little bad.  I don't relish in the suffering of children people.  But let's face it, at least in school kids can sleep.  I can't.  Sometimes, they win despite it all.)

Happy Week people.  Hope you have a great one (with as little hyperventilating as possible.)  Here's a cake to start it off right. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I Don't Have a Title Today

Today isn't even half way over and I'm already behind on what I need to get done.


Don't you just hate days/ weeks like that?  I sure do.

To make matters worse, my body decided to take a sick day.  I don't have time for that!  But there wasn't anything I could do.

So, I dragged my sorry butt to work and did what had to be done.  Everything was fine and dandy until 10:00 when the people started showing up and I started getting . . . the LOOKS.

Yes Ma'am, I realize I look like death.  Partially this is because I'm horribly sick today.  Partly it's because I do believe I died this morning and just haven't had time to realize it just yet.  Thanks for your overbearing concern over me.  Now please go stop your kid from climbing on the exhibit.  Thanks again.

Don't get me wrong.  I love my job.  It's just that some days are harder than others.  Today was one of them.

Monday, February 11, 2013


It's Valentines! . . . in three days.

Ah Valentines.  It's never been one of my favorite holidays.  Of all the holidays that have been commercialized, Valentines has always seemed, at least to me, as though it has been commercialized the most.

Of course, this is coming from someone who, just five months shy of her twentieth birthday, has never had a date much less a boyfriend.

Not that I couldn't get a date/ boyfriend if I really applied myself.  I'm pretty cute, down right high-larious, and have the unnatural ability to prefer action movies over chick flicks any day.  But to get a date would break two cardinal rules.

1.)  I don't socialize.  I'm an introvert.  My valentines is going to be great with my gallon of ice cream and an action movie with more than its fair share of explosions.

2.) I don't turn off my superpower.  Ever.  For those of you who don't know what this is . . . in high school I prided myself on having a "superpower".  It made me untouchable.  People found me intimidating/ weird/ invisible or any combination of the three.  It's a power that I relished in.  And I'm unfortunately having a very hard time turing it off now.  (With the term "unfortunately" being used here loosely.  I still kind of like it but "unfortunately" my mom's hinting about grandkids.)

At any rate . . . my Valentines, if I even have time to celebrate it, will be me, my ugliest and yet comfiest PJ's, junk food and a great movie.

I can't wait!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Procrastinators Unite! Tomorrow.

Well, it's that time of the week once more.  The time when I unburden my many achievement, accomplishments, failures and whatever else I feel like dishing out in an extremely humorous manner.

Unfortunately today, I feel more like rambling about procrastination.

It's a freakin' pain in the rear.

And what's really bad is that I'm a person who loves to procrastinate but then gets filled with this unbelievable form of anxiety that just prevents me from coping and then I go into last minute panic.  It's not a pleasant site.

But this year, I've been trying to get better at not procrastinating which is why I'm so disappointed in myself for doing it as much as I have.  I know I need to do better.  I know that I can do better and yet, I keep finding that there's always a new distraction around the corner.  What's really bad is that most of them aren't bad distractions.  They're things that need to get done as well.  They're just also things that could wait to be done.


Procrastination sucks.  So why do I do it? 'Cuz I'm lazy.  That's why.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Excitement Explosion

Hola loyal followers.  It's been awhile again hasn't it?

But I think you'll forgive me when I inform you of just how wonderful life has been for me over the past 3 weeks.  Granted, it's had a few down lows too, but mostly, life has been great!

I got a job.

That's right a real life, full fledged, bonafide job.  And it's the best job in the world.  Want a hint?

Check it out.

Not enough of a hint for you?

What about this?

Okay fine, here's one more picture.

Okay, I'm just going to tell you.  I work at the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point!  Isn't that just the coolest job you can think of for a teenage girl (that's right, I'm not twenty yet) who's never worked a day before in her life?!

It totally is.  And the best part . . . I'm the person that gets to climb around the exhibits cleaning them.  I know it doesn't sound like the best job in the world, I'm a bit of a glorified janitor in some ways, but I can tell you, it is just the coolest job in the world.  I love it to pieces.  And that, dear friends is why I haven't blogged in 3 weeks and also why this post ends here.  :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Life Changers

A week ago, I wrote a post on what was one of the hardest days of my life.  Feeling like the world was out to get me, I just wanted to crawl under my covers and pretend that I didn't exist.

A few people noticed my angst and sent encouraging emails filled with a desire to help, and while I did appreciate the emails, I failed to respond to them because I was far too busy to even think about it.

You see after my meltdown last week I went to my mom needing to find a solution to the problems I didn't feel like I could cope with.  She presented several options that I had been unable to see and ultimately provided the one option that sent a ray of shinning hope through the clouds of despair that encircled me at that time.  She suggested that maybe I stay home this semester, not go back to Ephraim and just take a few online classes to finish up my associates.

After careful deliberation, quite a few frustrating phone calls and an entire day of moving later, I can officially say that I have moved back home.  And boy oh boy am I excited.  As it turns out, the bad grades that had so devastated me only a week ago will in fact count towards my associates.  In fact, I'm only 5 credits short of getting it right now.  You have no idea the weight that has just been lifted off my young shoulders.

2012 was not my year, but so far, 2013 has started off with a really great kick and I'm highly excited to see what else it has to bring.

Bring it on.