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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So recently, in my horrible English Class, I was forced to write an 8 page research paper where "anything that is not common knowledge must be cited". This represents a problem in that I haven't had to cite things, I mean really cite things, for years. This includes the intext citations such as (Davies 134).

This is also a problem in that the paper was assigned months before it was actually due. You see, whenever something is assigned months before it's due, I tend to forget about it, thinking, "Oh, I'll have plenty of time." I will continue to think this, all the way up to the day before it's due and then I'll do it.

This time was no different.

I wrote my entire paper, the paper that is worth 30% of my grade, the night before it was due. And guess what! I got a B+ on it. I'm feelin' pretty invincible right now . . . let's see what else I can procrastinate.