WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Student Drivers . . .

I've got terrifying news . . . my younger brother has finally stopped procrastinating, and gotten his permit!!!

From his point of view, it's great. Now he can finally get on the road. Go places when he want's to and whatever. From my point of view, and pedestrians everywhere, it is horrifying news.

Yesterday, I decided (for some unknown reason) to let him drive me to Wal-mart. Could I have been any more stupid? I don't think so. Not only were there a lot of turns in the road leading to Wal-mart, but there was a lot of construction. It was absolutely the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me, and that includes the time I rode on a United States Air Force Plane, and the pilot turned so sharply, the Horizon was no longer horizontal.

Never again.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Pages

Hello everybody. From the look of the empty comment boards, no one is actually reading this. But no matter! It was one of my resolutions to write weekly, and here I am.

I'm actually here to tell you about something special. I have recently decided to start posting some of my stories online. All these stories are works in progress which is why I'm posting them actually. I need advise! I love writing, but I know that I'm not so great at it. I need you to comment on them!!!

If you click on one of the links pictured below, it will take you to different stories. Now these links may change depending on how well the story seems to be going. For now, we're only going to have about two.

So, sit back, relax, and please enjoy my strange stories from a random mind.

A Big Change

So, I've actually been thinking of cutting my hair. I know that this may seem boring to most everybody, but it's a big decision for me. You see, if I cut my hair, I'm actually going to cut it pretty short, and if I do that, I'll have to do it everyday, or I'll look stupid. OR, I can leave it long and throw it up in a pony tail and under a hat or something on days when I just really don't want to do it.

So there are pros and cons to both side of the story, but I think I'm leaning towards cutting it off.

I did do some research. (Picture research!) I actually found two hairdo's that I really like. I'm leaning more towards the first one, just because I think it would look good on me, but I like the second one a lot too. Just picture it shorter.

Anyway, I need a lot of comments on this one!!! Should I do it or shouldn't I? Are there anymore pro's and con's that you guys can think of? Mary, you had short hair for awhile. How was it?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Music and me

I have finally decided on my favorite band.

I have always struggled with this get to know you question. It seems like I am constantly being asked, who is your favorite band? And you know what . . . I didn't have one. I know it's strange. Teenagers all across the nation have this stereotype attached to them that states that they listen to music 24/7. Yet, I was never really into music. Until recently.

Maybe this is partly due to the fact that my parents are on opposite sides of the musical spectrum (one liking country :I and the other liking retro 80's music :P) But whatever the reason, I have finally discovered a love for music, and am almost always listening to my playlist on this website:

Anyway back to the reason for this post. I have finally discovered my favorite band. Rascal Flatts.

I know that they're a little outdated (and country *shudder*) . . . but come on! They are the best thing since sliced bread!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Reason I Don't Write Fables

For all of you who have ever asked "Mattie, why don't you write fables like Aseop?" This is why:

Peter's eyes glittered mischievously as he stared at the perfectly made pie sitting on his mother's window sill. Just then, Heidi Hillegrade began walking up the street. Peter just couldn't resist as he looked at the pie and then back at his grade school nemesis.

Peter pulled his sleeves down to cover his palms as he reached over to pick up the fresh pie. Then he ran towards the door.

"Heidi!" He called, as he closed in on the unsuspecting girl. Heidi turned just as Peter let the pie fly from his fingers. Time seemed to slow down as the apple pie flew towards Heidi. Her eyes widened and then BAM! the pie struck her face, knocking her to the ground.

As Heidi wiped the gooey crusts from her face, Peter broke into a laughing fit. Without saying a word, Heidi pushed herself up off the ground and walked past Peter's bent over form and back towards her house.

Just then, Heidi's father, pulled up in his blue and white cop car. Peter froze, mid laugh, as he watched Heidi's father walk up the sets and into his house. Peter's heart began pounding as he heard the sound of Heidi's father demanding to know what had happened to her. Without a second thought, Peter turned tail and raced away from the scene of the crime as fast as his young legs could carry him.

Heidi's father was right behind him.

Peter ran through town, and all the way up to the Canadian boarder before losing Heidi's father. Now he lives his life as a hermit in a rundown little tree-house in northern Canada.

The moral of the story is don't smash a pie in a girls face.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Crafting Demon

Okay . . . I'm not the most crafty person in my family. Shocker, I know. But I'm not. It's actually my aunt. She is a crafting demon and can make just about anything. Her latest project involves a certain little yellow blob from a popular childrens movie. Although my aunts minions are cuter than this, the picture below is the best representation that I could find for it. If you click the picture it will take you to a link about them. Who knows, maybe you have what it takes to make one of these adorable critters!

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Resolutions and a bit of chaos

I'm hiding from my family right now.

Well, let me clarify. The past week and a day have been like the week (and a day!) from heck. Coming back from Christmas break where I could sleep in all day, and not have a care in the world has not been fun. And to top that all off, term ends on Friday and teachers are suddenly throwing assignments at me like nobodies business. It's ridiculous.

Because of this, I'm hiding from my family to avoid doing my chores. Although, I'm going to have to do the dishes eventually, right now, my family is sitting in front of the wii watching two of my brothers spaz out as they try to play who knows what.

On the plus side, once my hermit instincts took over, I was able to snag a few moments to finally post something. Which is good, because I've decided to post more often. Even if it's just a random story every couple of days or so, I shall post once again!

(*snort*) Yeah, we'll see how that goes.