Thursday, December 2, 2010
College, college and more COLLEGE!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Photoshop in Action

Thursday, October 28, 2010
A small update on life . . . .

Monday, October 25, 2010
Welcome to My Blog

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Boredom. It sucks.

I'm Back Baby

Friday, August 27, 2010
A New Passion in Life
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Random thoughts from a random person(ality)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Slacking . . .
Monday, May 10, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Killer Baby
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Guess what
Friday, April 16, 2010
acci-DENTAL (4)

New riddle
We all know what this means! It's the second installment of "the riddle of the week". So, here you go. This one is a lot tricker than last weeks, but the answer is possible. Good luck!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Magical word of Spring Break
Friday, April 9, 2010
New Things!
Calling all soon to be Seniors.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Spring Breaker (3)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy April Fool's day!!!
#1: The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest
1957: The respected BBC news show Panorama announced that thanks to a very mild winter and the virtual elimination of the dreaded spaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers were enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop. It accompanied this announcement with footage of Swiss peasants pulling strands of spaghetti down from trees. Huge numbers of viewers were taken in. Many called the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. To this the BBC diplomatically replied, "place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best."
#4: The Taco Liberty Bell
1996: The Taco Bell Corporation announced it had bought the Liberty Bell and was renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. Hundreds of outraged citizens called the National Historic Park in Philadelphia where the bell was housed to express their anger. Their nerves were only calmed when Taco Bell revealed, a few hours later, that it was all a practical joke. The best line of the day came when White House press secretary Mike McCurry was asked about the sale. Thinking on his feet, he responded that the Lincoln Memorial had also been sold. It would now be known, he said, as the Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial.
*This next one is probably my all time fav. I think we should do this one sometime.
#7: Alabama Changes the Value of Pi
1998: The April 1998 issue of the New Mexicans for Science and Reason newsletter contained an article claiming that the Alabama state legislature had voted to change the value of the mathematical constant pi from 3.14159 to the 'Biblical value' of 3.0. Soon the article made its way onto the internet, and then it rapidly spread around the world, forwarded by email. It only became apparent how far the article had spread when the Alabama legislature began receiving hundreds of calls from people protesting the legislation. The original article, which was intended as a parody of legislative attempts to circumscribe the teaching of evolution, was written by physicist Mark Boslough.
#8: The Left-Handed Whopper
1998: Burger King published a full page advertisement in USA Today announcing the introduction of a new item to their menu: a "Left-Handed Whopper" specially designed for the 32 million left-handed Americans. According to the advertisement, the new whopper included the same ingredients as the original Whopper (lettuce, tomato, hamburger patty, etc.), but all the condiments were rotated 180 degrees for the benefit of their left-handed customers. The following day Burger King issued a follow-up release revealing that although the Left-Handed Whopper was a hoax, thousands of customers had gone into restaurants to request the new sandwich. Simultaneously, according to the press release, "many others requested their own 'right handed' version."
#10: Planetary Alignment Decreases Gravity
1976: The British astronomer Patrick Moore announced on BBC Radio 2 that at 9:47 AM a once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event was going to occur that listeners could experience in their very own homes. The planet Pluto would pass behind Jupiter, temporarily causing a gravitational alignment that would counteract and lessen the Earth's own gravity. Moore told his listeners that if they jumped in the air at the exact moment that this planetary alignment occurred, they would experience a strange floating sensation. When 9:47 AM arrived, BBC2 began to receive hundreds of phone calls from listeners claiming to have felt the sensation. One woman even reported that she and her eleven friends had risen from their chairs and floated around the room.
#15: Metric Time
Australia's This Day Tonight news program revealed that the country would soon be converting to "metric time." Under the new system there would be 100 seconds to the minute, 100 minutes to the hour, and 20-hour days. Furthermore, seconds would become millidays, minutes become centidays, and hours become decidays. The report included an interview with Deputy Premier Des Corcoran who praised the new time system. The Adelaide townhall was even shown sporting a new 10-hour metric clock face. The thumbnail (found at shows TDT Adelaide reporter Nigel Starck posing with a smaller metric clock. TDT received numerous calls from viewers who fell for the hoax. One frustrated viewer wanted to know how he could convert his newly purchased digital clock to metric time.
Happy April Fools!!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A thought to go . . .
Monday, March 29, 2010
Princess Hazel and the Tale of many words (2)

Monday, March 22, 2010
Caught on tape!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Halloween Falls (1)

Monday, March 15, 2010
The Start of Something New
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Beginning of the End
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Story Openings:
“In other news, an interesting kidnapping has been reported, this time in a small neighborhood in Colorado. Neighbors notified authorities at about three o’clock on Tuesday, when they heard gunshots coming from the home of a Mr. and Mrs. Brian Richardson. Police were immediately dispatched to investigate the situation, but upon entering the home, they found only the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. Their daughter, sixteen-year-old Kelsi, was missing. Police believe that she was taken from the home shortly after the deaths of her parents, and an investigation is currently underway.” Said the female, blonde reporter, flashing her perfect, white set of teeth for the hundredth time.
“How about you Bob?” She asked, turning to her fellow news anchor. “Do you have any more information about this strange kidnapping?”
“As a matter of fact, Nancy, I do.” He said, turning to face the camera which then zoomed in on his wrinkling face. “Kelsi’s disappearance this week is not unique. At least two others were reported missing this week too. Among the missing are Eric Jenson from San Antonio, Texas, and Julie Douglas from Dayton Ohio.
“Police are beginning to suspect that this is the work of terrorists because all the kidnappings have one thing in common. They have all been taken from private places without many witnesses nearby and what witnesses they do have all claim to have seen a white Lexus leaving the crime scenes around the estimated time of the crime. Some say that this is merely a coincidence, but authorities are positive that these cases have more in common than meets the eye.”
The camera zoomed out to show both reports and Nancy began speaking again.
“In other news, an interesting series of kidnappings have been reported all around the nation. The most recent of which happened in a small town in Colorado. We go there live where Samantha Jones is reporting. Sam?” Said the grey-haired male anchor.
“Thanks Dave. This is the tenth kidnapping so far by the group of people now known as the ‘Serial Kidnappers’. They have gone around the country kidnapping young adults in their teens to early twenty’s. The FBI is now officially involved in the investigation, but even they seemed surprised at who’s being kidnapped.
“The most recent case involves a sixteen year old girl named Kelsi Richardson. Earlier today, neighbors heard shots coming from the home of Miss Richardson and immediately called the authorities. However, when the police arrived, they found only the bodies of Miss Richardson’s parents.
“Miss Richardson’s whereabouts are currently unknown, but the same type of syringe found at all the other kidnapping scenes was present.
“The FBI currently has a suspect in custody, but they are unwilling to release any more information at this time. Dave?”
The image on the TV of a tall, blond woman holding a microphone was replaced with that of the news anchor.
“Thanks Sam.” He said. “The victims have been identified, so far, as; Kyle and Sara Martin, Samuel Kent, Ashley Jones, Abby Trust, Faith Marvel, Megan Johnson, Matthew Adams, Julie Douglas, and Kelsi Richardson. Anyone who has any information about these cases is encouraged to contact the FBI missing persons hotline at 1-800-LOST. That number again is 1-800-L-O-S-T . . .”
Vote now!
Sarah: The Untold Story
- Ashley
- Nicko
- Tylee
- Jingle
- Janice
- Keyko
- Lollipop
- William of Orange
- Marian
- Number-Two
- Sub-Zero
- pretzel
- Snacky
- Tidbits
- Foibles
- Foibles II
- Foibles III
- Iguana
- Stanky
- The prodigy
- Small Fry
- Isabel
- Ding-Dong
- Mercury
- Pluto
- 1605
- Twenty-Five
- Isaac
- Newton
- Adobe
- CookieMonster
- Cheek-Book
- Panda
- Blanche
- Puce
- Veoletay (V-O-let-ay)
- Nova
- Starshine
- Coco
- Human
- Featherlight
- Sweetness
- Mariae
- Latish
- Milky
- Planetarium
- Ptolemy
- Munchy
- The-Crazy-One
- Fishcake
- Silicon
- Icey
- Sport
- DayDiedI
- PotatoePancake
- Houdini
- Quaker
- Tubaman
- Truman
- Super-Something
- Supercalifragilisticexpialidoesious
- Frimont
- Frosty
- The
- Egginson
- Montgomery
- Alabama
- Talula does the hula
- Sweetpea
- Marshy
- hope
- Honey
- Animilia
- Crocideillia
- Techno
- Pendulum
- Lambourg
- Pennsylvania
- V.V.
- Dooblavay
- Shay
- Snorik
- Magna
- eskimo
- Pomplemoose
- Betsy
- Bessy
- Helgo
- Olga
- Omar
- Suzy
- Snot
- Poncho
- Yokey
- Lego
- Legless
- Legoless
- Larsh
- Only-Son
- Cosmo
- Oscar
- Petunia
- Penny
- Posture
- Ogio
Monday, March 1, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Never Before Seen
- MadiSkills: I play Madiskills the crime fighting superhero, who, wears glasses as a part of her secret identity, but is blind as a bat without them.
- Grasshopper: Mary Sperry plays my sidekick grasshopper. Originally, she worked for my nemesis, Galactic Ninja, but she later defected to the good side. She's got some mad kung-fu moves though from her time with Galactic Ninja and now knows her one weakness.
- Galactic Ninja: Kelly Gardner plays my arch-nemesis, Galactic Ninja. She's a pretty crazy evil villain whose diabolical plan involves kidnapping the president of Naferia whose chief export is toilet paper.
- President Kabosh: Is the president of Naferia but is mainly holding the camera throughout the whole movie.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
An Ode to Cleaning
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Thought's of the Future

Monday, February 1, 2010
Intro to awesome week
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Strange. . .

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Stupid Laws:

Weekly Update

· President John F. Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute.
· In an average lifetime, a person will walk around the equator, 5 times.
· Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
· The 57 on Heinz Ketchup bottles, (for all those people out there who actually care. . . ) represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
· In the early days of telephones, operators would pick up by using the phrase, “Well, are you there?”. It wasn’t until 1895 that they changed to, “Number please?”.
· According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction. (Really? Wow! What a coincidence! I hate Mondays too!)
· The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
· Karoke means “empty orchestra” in Japanese.
· The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.
· The first know contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.
· Rhode Island is the smallest state with the longest name, because it’s offical name (used on all state documents) is, “Rhode Island and Providence Plantations”.
· When you die, your hair still grows for a couple of months.
· There are two credit cards for every one person in the US.
· Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey-decimal category. (And trust me folks, that’s quite an achievement.)
· It would take 11 Empire State Buildings, stacked one on top of the other, to measure the Gulf of Mexico at its deepest point.
· The most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 Million.
· A Neanderthals brain was bigger than ours.
· On the new hundred dollar bill, the time on the clock tower of Independence Hall is 4:10.
· Each of the suits on a deck of cards represents the four major pillars of the economy in the middle ages; heart = church, spades = military, clubs = agriculture, diamonds = merchant class.
· The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would be in the building.
· The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing their hands in jelly.
· The pancreas produces Insulin.
· 1 in 5000 North Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue.
· A skunk’s smell can be detected by a human a mile away.
· The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the world you want.
· The King of Hearts is the only king without a moustache.
· Henry Ford produced the model T only in black because the black paint of the time was the fastest paint to dry.
· Every year about 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced.
· Elephants are the only mammals that can’t jump.
· The international telephone dialing code for Antarctica is 672.
· World Tourist day is observed on September 27. (Wouldn’t it be funny if there were less tourist’s out that day?)
· The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet away. (That is so cool!)
· When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food. (Still think snakes are cool Mary?)
· The Australian 5 and 100 dollar notes are made out of plastic.
· St. Stephen is the patron saint of bricklayers.
· Stressed is actually desserts spelled backwards.
· If you had enough water to fill one million goldfish bowls, you could fill an entire stadium.
· Charlie Brown’s dad is a barber. (Then why does Charlie Brown have such a horrible hairdo?)
· Flying from London to New York by Concord, you can arrive 2 hours before you leave.
· Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 ft. away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
· You burn more calories sleeping that you do watching TV. (Dang it!)
· A lion’s roar can be heard from 5 miles away.
· Canadian researchers have found the Einstein’s brain was 15% wider than usual. (And how did they find this information out? Do they have it locked in a cryogenics lab somewhere?????)
· The first product to have a bar code was Wrigleys Gum.
· The largest number of kids born to a single woman is recorded at 69. From 1725-1765, a Russian peasant woman gave birth to 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets. (And she did all of this without any anesthesia.)
· In Ancient Rome, it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose.
· The word “nerd” was first created by Dr. Seuss in “If I ran the Zoo.”
· Revolvers cannot be silenced because of all the noisy gasses which escape the cylinder gap at the rear of the barrel.
· The largest rhinestone in the world is 59 pounds and almost a foot in diameter.
· A car that shifts manually gets 2 miles more per gallon than an automatic.
· Cats can hear ultrasound.
· Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors. (HaHaHa)
· The US has never lost a war that mules were used in.
· Kids grow faster during the springtime.
· On average, there are 178 sesame seeds on each McDonalds BigMac buns.
· -40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as -40 degrees Fahrenheit.
· Ancient clans that wanted to get rid of unwanted people without killing them used to burn their house down, hence the term “to get fired”.
· Every human spent about ½ an hour as a single cell.
· The earliest recorded case of a man giving up smoking was on April 5, 1679, when Johan Katsu, Sheriff of Turku, Finland, wrote in his diary, “I quit smoking tobacco.” He died one month later.
· The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees.
· Kansas state law requires pedestrians crossing the highways at night to wear tail lights.