WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Calling all soon to be Seniors.

Hey everyone, it's Friday. Which is . . . you know . . . sad. After all, it is the end of Spring Break.
However, on a happier note, PGHS is FINALLY getting a new website. Here's the link, you should defiantly check it out. It's a lot more snazzy than our current one. Click me! Sadly though, it seems that all us soon to be seniors won't have anything to our name. I mean, think about it. Since we came to the high school, they've changed our website, gotten rid of the trailers, added the addition, and changed everything to the stupid skyward junk. Isn't that just crazy? What can we really call our own? They even rearranged the library for crying out loud!!! We need to stake a claim on something, and soon! So rally together my fellow classmates of 2011, and lets fight this!


  1. I should *defiantly* check it out? Righty-o

  2. Yes. Defiantly. You know, that's the most irritating word in the English language. :P
