WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Things!

I'm initiating a new thing here on the "Amazing Blog of Bloginess". It's called, riddle of the week. And, for all you people out there who are just having a brain dead day, basically what's going to happen is, once a week, I'm going to post a new riddle. Your job is to figure it out and tell me the answer. Maybe, if it starts to catch on, then I'll start doing prizes or something. I'm not entirely sure yet. Anyways, every time you see this pic:

You'll know that it's that time of week again. So, here we go, your very first riddle:

I'm the beginning of eternity,
the end of space and time,
the beginning of the end,
The end of every rhyme.
What am I?

Good luck!


  1. e?! o_o

    Also, your eyes are freaking me out. D:

  2. Good Job! You win. And yes. My eyes freak me out too. :)
