Okay, this is the first random story in the series of random stories that I've announced I'm going to be putting on my blog (see entry below for details). These stories are strictly for entertainment purposes and in no way actually mean anything. Any names or plots that coincide with actual people or events is probably purely coincidental. Otherwise, I just really wanted to use them. :)
It was hard living in a town full of the undead. Especially when you were the only "living" soul around for miles. But that's how it was in the city of Halloween Falls. You see, long ago, Halloween Falls had held the number one largest nuclear reactor in all the world. Of course that was long ago. As technology increased, Halloween Falls' nuclear power plant went slowly down the line until if finally ended up as the smallest reactor.
This was during the time of World War II and everyone who could work on nuclear bombs was needed at the bigger, more advanced facilities. Because there was no one left to work in Halloween Falls' reactor, it slowly fell into a state of disrepair and neglect.
That's what eventually caused it. Something rusted over and broke causing a chain reaction that not only blew the facility sky high, but also killed anyone within a 10 mile radius. Unfortunately, the radiation from the plant was enough to alter everyone's DNA and they all woke up to find themselves with different abilities.
Most were zombies, but there were a few werewolves, vampires and trolls in the mix. There were even a handful of sorcerers, witches and warlocks. Because of this, Halloween city became a national must-see, especially on Halloween, although no one knew exactly what had happened until one day, a girl named Suzy Valkyre got accepted into Halloween Falls University. She packed her backs and left her sunny hometown of Salt Lake City Utah, and moved all the way out to Halloween Falls Nebraska.
She liked it in Halloween Falls. The people were all a bit "off" by her standards, but they were all very nice about it. Everyone seemed to adore this poor little girl from Utah, especially the Dracule family. They invited her over for dinner all the time and feed her like a queen while they only drank their cranberry juice, the whole time joking that they were "fating her up". But the Dracule's weren't the only family that seemed to be obsessed with this perky girl from Utah. The Wicked sisters also loved her. Suzy liked the Wicked sisters because they came up with the silliest nicknames for each other. The older one was called "The Wicked Witch of the West" and the younger one was called "The Wicked Witch of the East". They even nicknamed their cousin, Shannon, calling her "Glinda". And the poor girl from down the street they called "Dorthy".
Overall, Halloween Falls was a fascinating place to live. At least, it was fun until October rolled around, then everyone got . . . creepy. No one really had what could be called "personal bubbles" but around Halloween, any sense of a personal bubble disappeared. The Dracules especially got very touchy. They were always hovering just over her shoulder staring at her neck. Because of this, she developed Dysmorphophobia.
Then, one day, on the eve of Halloween, Suzy had been running late to get to her apartment. Her landlady had warned her to always be inside the padlocked house by the final stroke of midnight, but as Suzy had run down the billions of University steps, she had lost her shoe and had had to run back to get it. Because of this, she was two minutes late as she raced home. She was still three blocks away when she heard the clock start chiming.

She wasn't going to make it and she knew it. Unfortunately, she didn't know exactly why she needed to be in her locked house by 12. But the creatures knew. And Suzy had just made their evening menu.
The End
That was pretty much awesome.