Well people, I'm back. After months of complete and utter inactivity, I have finally let my face seen the glowing radiance that is my white computer screen in otherwise utter darkness.
To kick off this round of blog posts, I have an amazingly awesome picture to show you. Do not be alarmed, but bask in the complete awesomeness that is . . .
Behold, their magnificent splendor:

For those of you who don't recognize Dr. Horrible when you see a pony-ized version of him, this, hilarious my little pony is Dr. Horrible of what just may be the very best blog of all time; Dr. Horrible's sing along blog.
I strongly suggest that you look it up.
And following Dr. Horrible, is his nemesis, Captain Hammer, in pony form!

That's all for now folks, but check back next week for more fun with me!
By the way, the links for the above photos is: