WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dumb People, or Dumb Questions?

Often times, we hear the phrase, "There are no dumb questions".  Or, (the better version in my opinion), "There are no dumb questions. . . just dumb people."  But today I bring before you; (for your viewing pleasure of course) one of the strangest question's you will ever encounter in this lifetime:  "How much does the internet weigh?"
Now, this may seem like one of those "no dumb questions. . . just dumb people"  type of a question, but no, there has been a mathematical examination of this puzzling topic and the results were posted on this website:

In case you don't want to read all that mumbo-jumbo, (because there really is a lot, and it made MY brain fry so. . . ), the final answer of the most random question asked is:

". . . a staggering 40 petabytes, or 40 x 1015 (to the fifteenth power) bytes: a 4 followed by 16 zero's"!!!!!

Man do some people have WAY to much free time on their hands!

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