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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Book Review 1 of 4 for fiction

Recently I read the semi-historical fiction book called "The Alchemyst" by Michael Scott.  It is basically about the infamous immortal Nicholas Flamel.

In it, twins, Sophie and Josh are chosen to save the world and through many exciting, if somewhat dangerous events, experience the world as it truly is.  A place full of magic and myths.

It is the first book in a series, and I'll be finishing up the series later on.  For now, I would definitely advise this book to anyone looking for a good read.  It has some interesting historical facts in it, and it was a world of fun.


  1. How old are Sophie and Josh? I generally don't enjoy books where kids are the main characters.

    But historical facts are always good. ;D

  2. sophie and josh are teens. I'm not exactly sure how old they are, but they have their learner's permits and are saving up for a car. . . so, fifteenish?

  3. ive read that one! its really quite good!
