WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Its a funny story actually. . .

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night thinking that you were late for school?  I have done this on multiple occasions, the most memorable of which didn't happen in the middle of the night.  It happened around six or seven in the morning.  I woke up to my alarm clock and got ready for BYC (or Bishops Youth Council) Which I had to go to one Sunday every month at that time.  I then proceeded up the stairs to call one of my leaders for a ride.  My mom looked at me and asked this simple question: "What are you doing?"

I replied in a somewhat irritated tone: "I have to go to BYC."  She laughed at me.  Yup.  She LAUGHED.  That's when I knew I was in trouble.

"I appreciate your willingness to go and do your calling, but, it's Saturday."  She said.

I was so ticked but I went back downstairs changed out of my church clothes and went back to bed.

Well, a similar experience happened to me last night.  I was really tired yesterday, probably due to the fact that I was running on just a few real hours of sleep.  Anyways, I was really tired, and I fell asleep around 7:10 for about five minutes.  When I woke up, I jumped out of bed and immediately thought: "Crap!  I missed dinner!"  Then I recalled that I had actually had dinner about two hours previously with an annoying neighbor kid that I really wanted to slap.  I laid back down just to jump back up seconds later with my heart fluttering.  "Crap!  School starts in like a half an hour!"  I screamed.  "Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

Well, I realized that it was in the PM before I went downstairs so it wasn't too embarrassing.  However, I still felt like one of the biggest idiots in the history of stupidity.  :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chihuahua's . . . What's the deal?

Okay, so, today I'm going to speak about a very serious problem facing our well being.  They're called chihuahuas and they're just not normal.  With their big. . . creepy eyes and pointy ears and all the body shakes.  And their annoying yap.  I mean seriously!  What's with them?  (I'm sorry if you like Chihuahua's or even that new movie "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" But I'm just not a fan (and if you didn't guess that already. . . go back to school.))  Anyways, I was talking to my friend Mary today, (hi Mary) and we were looking at the chinchilla at the school and for some reason, (I think it was the name) for some reason, it reminded me of a chihuahua and we just went off about how weird they are.

So, the funniest little mental picture popped up into my head.  Basically, it's someone with wide eyes staring at something way below them, and creepy music is playing in the background, and then the image flashes to a small little shaking chihuahua on the floor who is looking at the person, and the image just goes back and forth until the chihuahua cocks it's head and the person slowly backs out of the room and hightails it out of there.

Sorry, I'm not very good at explaining things, (or rather, describing things) but still, it was a very funny mental image. :)

And here is a very good picture of why I don't associate with the beasts, it's titled "Killer Chihuahua"  Viewer Discretion is advised. (Please don't show it to any kids.  I don't want them to have nightmares.)

File:Killer Chihuahua.jpg
Here's the link to see it on the internet, more importantly on Wikipedia.  I put it here so that it's not like plagiarism or anything, and also, it's bigger.  More ferocious looking. Click here if you please. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Book Review 1 of 4 for non-fiction

Recently, I was encouraged (and by encouraged I mean cornered and parent pressured into) doing my personal progress.  I'd originally gotten started on it when I first became a Beehive in my old Grovecreek ward, but then I slowly trailed off it, and finally stopped doing it altogether.

Sadly, upon moving here and doing a personal progress interview to find out where I stood in it, I discovered that I was further along in it than most people in my class.  That's when my parents cornered me and forced me into it.

I took off with vigor; doing my best to get the dumb thing over with.  But pretty soon, I was flying.  In fact, by the end of two months, I had only 2 1/4 projects left.  I had two hours of painting to do, and then my reading.  The only project that you can do for Virtue is to read the Book of Mormon which I proceeded to complete just recently.

I asked Robertson if I could use that for my nonfiction (cuz' lets face it, it's not a fast reader), and she agreed, so, here is my nonfiction book review for this term.

The Book of Mormon isn't exactly the best book I've ever read, although towards the end, I did look forward to opening it up every day.  The thing that I struggled with the most was the language.

The language of the olden days has definatley changed over the years.  It was often hard to understand what they were speaking of, ESPECIALLY when they began quoting Isaiah.  Not to point any fingers, (*ahem* Nephi).  I wouldn't suggest this to anyone that struggle with reading or understanding hidden meanings.  Although I found it very spiritual and very good, it was a hard book to get into at first.  I did eventually get into it, as I previously mentioned, but I suggest taking longer than 11 days to read the whole thing, you will probably get more out of it, and that is the sole purpose of the book.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Internet Addict

Okay, so everyone should know by now that I am one of the biggest internet fans in the world.  I spend so much of my time on it and not just because I'm currently reading my scriptures on it (which is a different post entirely) but, I email like constantly.  I'm beginning to sense that it irritates some people who get WAY to many emails from me in one day (*ahem* 67).

Anyways, this post is all about one of the funniest songs I've ever heard.  It's called: "Do you want to date my avatar"  and yes, it's about exactly what it sounds like.

Basically it's a song from the people that are making a mini-series called "The Guild"  which is about a group of people that are crazy because they sit around their house all day and play world of warcraft online.  They are all socially awkward and this song proves it.  The music video is really funny as well, but it might be inappropriate to some viewers.  Viewer desecration is advised. (By me :)

Anyways, if you haven't already, you have to cheek out not only the mini-series, but also the song.  Very catchy  in fact here's the lyrics:

Do you wanna date my avatar?
Do you wanna date my avatar?

Hang with me in my MMO
So many places we can go
You'll never see my actual face
Our love, our love will be in virtual space

I'm craving to emote with you
So many animations I can do
Be anything you want me to be
C'mon, c'mon, and share a potion with me

Do you want to date my avatar?
She's a star and she's 
hotter than reality by far.
Wanna date my avatar?

You can type commands
I've got slots for what I hold in my hands
Don't care what's in your character bank
How 'bout, how 'bout a little tank and spank

Grab your mouse and stroke the keys
Here in cyberspace there's no disease
Pick a time, send a tell to me
Just pay, just pay a small subscription fee


Single, White Human
Looking for group
My stats so high
You'll be out of the loop

Got an uber leet staff
That you can equip
Close your mouth up
Ladies this is pure nerdnip

I'm a pixel-based fantasy
A man so stoic
I hack and slash
Who the heck's more heroic?

Check me out, cloth armor
Fits me like a glove
Just twitter a time
I'm ready for love

Hang with me in my MMO
So many places we can go
I'm better than a real world quest
You'll touch my plus five to dexterity vest

What role do you wanna play?
I'm just a click away night or day
And if you think I'm not the one
Log off, log off and we'll be done

(Repeat Chorus)

Do you wanna date my avatar? (do you wanna date my avatar?)
Do you wanna date my avatar? (do you wanna date my avatar?)
Do you wanna date my avatar? (do you wanna date my avatar?)
Do you wanna date my avatar? (do you wanna date my avatar?) 

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Book Review 1 of 4 for fiction

Recently I read the semi-historical fiction book called "The Alchemyst" by Michael Scott.  It is basically about the infamous immortal Nicholas Flamel.

In it, twins, Sophie and Josh are chosen to save the world and through many exciting, if somewhat dangerous events, experience the world as it truly is.  A place full of magic and myths.

It is the first book in a series, and I'll be finishing up the series later on.  For now, I would definitely advise this book to anyone looking for a good read.  It has some interesting historical facts in it, and it was a world of fun.

The End of the Hermit

Okay, so, most of you should know that given the choice between staying inside, and going outside amongst people, I will firmly decide to stay inside.  However, today, I wasn't given the choice.  In fact, I wasn't even given any notice.

You see, my traitorous friend, Jorie, (yeah, she goes to AF, have I mentioned this yet?)  Anyway, she came to my house around 3:45 walked into my room and said:  "You're coming to the football game.  It starts at four and we're not going to be late."  Then, she turned around and walked out the door and to her house (which is almost right behind mine) to get some things.

When she returned, she dragged me out the door and to the fifth game that I've ever been to in my entire life time.  (Only two of these were football games by the way. :)

So, today, for a whole four and a half hours, I was outside "socializing" with people and not being a hermit.

There's your miracle story for the entire month.  Because let me tell you, it was pretty impressive so, a big thumbs up to Jorie.  That was an amazing stunt that you managed to pull off today.  :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Final Judgment

So for the past little while, I've been trying to write a book because I'm secretly hoping that I can become an author one of these days.  I've hit some snags, but am currently working them out.  For now though, I could use all the criticism that I can get.  So, I'd appreciate any advice you can give me on it.  Don't tell me how great it is, just judge it. . . harshly.

It's already too long to post as one blog entry so, here's the prolouge for you.  Does it sound like something you'd like to read?


"In other news, another kidnapping has been reported, this time in a small neighborhood in Colorado.  Neighbors notified authorities at about three o'clock on Tuesday, when they heard gunshots coming from the home of a Mr. and Mrs. Brian Richardson.  Police were immediately dispatched to investigate the situation, but upon entering the home, found only the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson.  Their daughter, sixteen year old Kelsi Richardson was missing.  Police believe that she was taken from the home shortly after the deaths of her parents." Said the blonde reporter, flashing her perfect, white set of teeth for the hundredth time.

"Kelsi's whereabouts are currently unknown, but police believe that this will give us some new insights as to what is currently happening all over the nation.  Bob, do you have any more information on this sudden string of kidnappings?"

The camera zoomed out to revel an older man, perhaps in his forties, smiling at the blonde news reporter.

"As a matter of fact Nancy, I do."  He said, turning to face the camera which then zoomed in on his wrinkling face.  "Kelsi's disappearance this week is not unique.  Nine other kidnappings have been reported all around the country.  Among the missing are; Kyle and Sara Martin from Springville, Utah, Lily Trent from Phoenix, Arizona, Julie Douglas from Dayton, Ohio, Matthew Adams from Scottsbluff, Nebraska, Eric Jenson from San Antonio, Texas, Jenny Reid from Norfolk, Virginia, Sam Tyson from Miami, Florida and John Himen from Seattle, Washington.

"Experts have been baffled by this seemingly random string of disappearances.  As far as they can tell, the kidnappers don't have any set objective.  No ransom notes have been delivered, no calls have been made, and most puzzling of all, no bodies have been found.  It's as if all these teens have just disappeared."

The camera zoomed out to show both reporters , and Nancy began speaking again.

"If you have any information regarding this case, please call 1-800-LOST.  That number again is 1-800-L-O-S-T..."

Monday, September 7, 2009

Madison Furniss, Rock collector Extraordinaire.

Welcome to Labor Day Weekend Madison style.  This weekend was anything but relaxing.  (Not that I really expected that I would be able to sleep the whole weekend away, but I was kinda hoping.)

Today was Labor Day, and everyone knows that on Labor Day, almost no one works.  Well, I'd like you to tell that to my parents.  They decided that we should spend some "quality time" together and therefore dragged us out to the middle of nowhere, (by the old pony express trail in Lehi, like 3 whole hours away from PG!!!) and had us dig up rocks.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love rocks as much as the next girl, they can make some very good projectile missiles, but, spending 4 hours out in the blazing hot sun collecting rocks which you just end up using as paperweights later, is not my idea of fun.

This rocks are cooler than most, I will admit, and I got some really cool ones, but when your seven hour trip turns into a ten hour trip due to two flat tires (well, it was really one flat tire, but that's another story.) Then, you start to realize that spending six hours in the car with five annoying brothers is not, I repeat: NOT something to ever be attempted again.

The following is a picture of the types of rocks we collected from Utah's own geode beds:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dumb People, or Dumb Questions?

Often times, we hear the phrase, "There are no dumb questions".  Or, (the better version in my opinion), "There are no dumb questions. . . just dumb people."  But today I bring before you; (for your viewing pleasure of course) one of the strangest question's you will ever encounter in this lifetime:  "How much does the internet weigh?"
Now, this may seem like one of those "no dumb questions. . . just dumb people"  type of a question, but no, there has been a mathematical examination of this puzzling topic and the results were posted on this website:

In case you don't want to read all that mumbo-jumbo, (because there really is a lot, and it made MY brain fry so. . . ), the final answer of the most random question asked is:

". . . a staggering 40 petabytes, or 40 x 1015 (to the fifteenth power) bytes: a 4 followed by 16 zero's"!!!!!

Man do some people have WAY to much free time on their hands!