I am coming to you live from my cell phone in psychology class. Its crazy how awesome technology is nowadays.
So today I was faced with a problem. I'm sitting in my personal selling business management class freaking out because I just gotten a third test in two days that I had once again forgotten to study for. I am positive that I am doing poorly in this class. I forget the homework. I forget to read. I'm really NOT doing well on the tests or quizzes because I'm not reading and then he says: "I have a list of initials here. If I call out your initials you might want to consider dropping the class."
Let me say that my heart skipped a beat or two. And then broke through the roof it was pounding so hard waiting for the two initials that I was just positive he was going to say.
But miracle of miracles. He didn't say my initials!!!! I was safe! At least for now. But with midterms over, I am so close to finishing all I have to do is plow forward.
So I made a plan. It was simple. Have my roommate password protect my computer and not give me the password until I was done reading my personal selling textbook.
But she was in class herself and was unavailable. So instead I find myself waking up 3 hours later from a nap I probably shouldn't have taken with nothing to show for my day.
That is my approach to school. Every time I study, I fail. Soo... I don't study. And I have time to learn other (USEFUL) things, like how to use my camera or finally get around to finishing my book. Not studying is a win-win situation.
ReplyDeletePrecisely. It's just better for anyone. And boy did we sure learn that lesson in English last year.
ReplyDeleteGood gracious, we learned a lot in that class. Just nothing pertinent to the subject that we were SUPPOSED to learn.