I missed the firedrills 'cuz I'm that awesome!!!
Today the school did fire-drills everywhere. This means dorms, buildings and apartments. I left about an hour before the one in my dorm, I missed the one in the social science building by a little less than a day, and I missed the ones everywhere else by I don't know how much. This is a good thing especially since when I was in grade school the fire alarm would send me into a panic and I would burst into uncontrollable tears. Good days. Luckily I don't do that anymore . . . okay. That's not entirely true. I do burst into tears. They are just tears of mental anguish that only my subconscious can see.

And on that happy note, I wrap up this impromptu post and pray that none of my decedents EVER see this. Course, knowing the power of the internet . . . they probably will find it eventually. :P
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