WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Missing Pencil; A Broken Mind

Sitting here in math class today, I went to reach for my pencil so I could start working on my homework and get ahead in class. Unfortunately, as I opened my backpack I realized something. I had made the mistake of loaning my pencil out to a girl in my institute class last tuesday. I never got it back. And I doubt that my MIA pencil will ever return. :'(

But enough about the "missing pencil". Now let's talk about the "broken mind".

On Tuesday of this week (exactly the same day I lost my pencil) my friends and I went to see a concert that my roommate was in. (we also did it to skip out on cleaning checks... But you didn't hear that from me).

I somehow managed to fall asleep. But I don't like falling asleep in public places so I was fighting against it. But when I am so tired I am fighting to keep my eyes open, I kinda start "dreaming" or "hallucinating" in real life. Which is what happened this night.

You know how your brain attempts to see patterns in everything? Well in my hallucinatory state, that's what my brain was doing. Long story short... I saw the lorax. In a tuba.

Let's just say I went to bed at 10:30 last night. It's been a long week.

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