WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Halloween is upon us!!!

Halloween is finally here and I am cowering in the apartment, to afraid to actually go outside.

Apparently there is a masked man wandering around doing his best to strike fear into the hearts of the poor souls who wandered into his path.

Unfortunately my cowardly plan burst into flames and I have ventured forth to the concert of the faculty. (thanks again Kaylyn . . . I owe you one)

Wish me luck on this, the Halloween.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Missing Pencil; A Broken Mind

Sitting here in math class today, I went to reach for my pencil so I could start working on my homework and get ahead in class. Unfortunately, as I opened my backpack I realized something. I had made the mistake of loaning my pencil out to a girl in my institute class last tuesday. I never got it back. And I doubt that my MIA pencil will ever return. :'(

But enough about the "missing pencil". Now let's talk about the "broken mind".

On Tuesday of this week (exactly the same day I lost my pencil) my friends and I went to see a concert that my roommate was in. (we also did it to skip out on cleaning checks... But you didn't hear that from me).

I somehow managed to fall asleep. But I don't like falling asleep in public places so I was fighting against it. But when I am so tired I am fighting to keep my eyes open, I kinda start "dreaming" or "hallucinating" in real life. Which is what happened this night.

You know how your brain attempts to see patterns in everything? Well in my hallucinatory state, that's what my brain was doing. Long story short... I saw the lorax. In a tuba.

Let's just say I went to bed at 10:30 last night. It's been a long week.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Philosophy in My life

You know that old saying; "another day, another dollar?" Why isn't it true?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happily Never After

Fall break has come and gone and once again left me with the tragic feeling of, "that wasn't nearly long enough.".

Lets just say that coming back to cowboyville Ephraim was less than a happy ending.

On the positive side... I did get so bored that I actually attempted to draw Yoda on my wall. Check it out below!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Riddle of the Week 3

That's right!!! I'm bringing it back baby.

Riddle of the Week is coming back . . . comment if you like it, or comment if you don't, but if no one comments its staying till I get bored of it again.

Anyways, here's this weeks riddle:

Name an eight letter word that has kst in the middle in the beginning and at the end.

(Spoiler Alert, the answer is in the comments.)


Polling Update

The votes are in . . . and my quotes are staying on the wall.

The final tally was this:

Yes they should definately stay . . . they make my day. Won the competition with a total of six votes. "Yes, the more of you quotes are on the wall the less of my foot in the mouth moments show" had two. "No. They are just plain silly" had zero and "I don't care, I just wanted to click submit" had one.

So . . . long story short . . . the quotes are staying. Thanks everyone who voted, and check out the new poll now!

Firedrills and Repressed Memories

I missed the firedrills 'cuz I'm that awesome!!!

Today the school did fire-drills everywhere. This means dorms, buildings and apartments. I left about an hour before the one in my dorm, I missed the one in the social science building by a little less than a day, and I missed the ones everywhere else by I don't know how much. This is a good thing especially since when I was in grade school the fire alarm would send me into a panic and I would burst into uncontrollable tears. Good days. Luckily I don't do that anymore . . . okay. That's not entirely true. I do burst into tears. They are just tears of mental anguish that only my subconscious can see.

And on that happy note, I wrap up this impromptu post and pray that none of my decedents EVER see this. Course, knowing the power of the internet . . . they probably will find it eventually. :P

Up Up and Away

"Todays the day your off on adventures your off and away!" ~Dr Suess That's right everyone!!! Today is the day!!! Fall break if officially here . . . for the most part.

I was assigned a bunch of stuff in my business management class, (which is stupid because I'm really not planning on EVER being a business woman) but besides that . . . I'm off to sleep in . . . eat actual food . . . and enjoy all the loveliness that comes from having a room to oneself.
(Sorry Karli . . . but sometimes I really do miss having a room by myself. Especially when you freak me out by popping out of nowhere (like magic) and poking me.)

Adios Muchachos! I will see YOU in less than a week. Wow. That was depressing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Screaming in Irritation

So today I drew my interpretation of a well loved painting. I believe that it turned out very well considering I drew it quickly in Math and colored it within five minutes upon my returning to the apartment about an hour later.

Here is the originial:

And here is my version:

Originally it came in a note for my roommate. (That's right. I said NOTE. As in the most popular means of "secret" communication in junior high school.) I figured that we have performed all other means of communication (e.g. texting/ facebooking while in the same room, blogging to and about each other, email and of course speaking face to face) so I decided to write her a note. It was a loved lovely note. But alas, I lost it somewhere in between noon-2:30 PM today. :(

Monday, October 17, 2011


I feel like Cinderella. Now let me explain.

Irritated by the lack of counter/ table space when cooking/ eating I decided to clean up the apartment. There were Sooooooooooo many dishes... Of course with 5 girls living in a cooking dorm eating breakfast-dinner everyday... Well it adds up to A LOT of dishes an that means really pruney hands. Check it out:

Yeah. It's that crazy. But. On the plus side- the apartment finally has counter space. Course the table is now full of dishes...

PG vs Ephraim; the Fight of the Week

We are finally in the countdown stretch. I have less than 500 classroom minutes before fall break. And if all goes well... Just one test. It's a math test and 1010 is easy enough that I should be able to ace that thing no problem. But once that's over it's packing my bag and saying good riddance to Ephraim and hello to civilization. (AKA: PG).

It's going to be nice to sleep on my real FULL sized bed instead of the small little squeaky twin that you literally have to pull out. It will also be nice to not have to cook for myself. Of course there are chores . . . . :P

At any rate, the past three weeks have been big bundles of stress and I'm fully excited to finally have a break and just sit back and relax. No pressures. No homework. Just me myself and I. Doesn't that sound awesome? It sure does to me.

Adios Ephraim. In three days I will be back in good ol' PG.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Holiday Fever

Today has been a very antisocial day. Well. That's not entirely true. My roommate and I have been in our room all day. We've even exchanged a few words. So . . . to clarify . . . . Today has been a somewhat antisocial day.

So. . . .there's that . . . I also did a lot of google searching for wallpapers and found some humorous ones. Which is great. In fact; this is one of the pics I found over the weekend while goofing off. I hope you enjoy it. :) It really puts a person into the holiday perspective.

(It also probably ruined Subway for you forever. . . mwhahahaha)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Horror Movie Fest Fail

Well. We figured out what was wrong with our heater of death. As it turns out . . . it's completely broken. Somehow . . . someway . . . our HEATER is leaking water all over our carpet. Not only does this cause a strange gurgling noise . . . but it also is causing some kind of funky smell that is coming from what the carpet is no doubt growing.

On the plus side. If this somehow gets us a replacement carpet . . . well . . . let's just say that there won't be any complaining from my side. Our blackhole of a carpet (the one one of its kind in our entire dorm) (It also eats things if they remain on the ground for too long. . . its like the pit of carkoon college style) really sucks and it's most definitely not sanitary enough for bare skin contact.

At any rate, please come fix it maintenance people! It's in desperate need of repair.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Horror Movie Fest

If you ever want to be woken up in the middle of the night with the horrifying fear that someone is breaking into your apartment, move to Snow Hall.

Last night I went to bed late. It took me awhile to finish up my "homework" and clean up my bed so I could actually sleep on it. By the time I finally did finish it was around one in the morning. 15 minutes later I was beginning to fall asleep when I heard a terrifying noise. At first it was just water moving around. And then things got serious. Essentially it sounded like someone was trying to break into our apartment. My roommate and I both sat up and tried to figure out what was going on.

I got out of bed and went to the window expecting to see some "opposite-of-a-ninja, criminal" (they are opposite of ninjas due to the fact that it sounded like they were using a power drill or a band saw to break our wall down and ninjas are generally seen as silent assassins) kneeling outside our window. But I didn't see anything. So I went back to bed. A half an hour later (1:41 AM) my roommate and I both bolt upright. Once again there's nothing there.

Well... Long story short... It was our heater. Thanks a lot heater. I almost had a heart attack last night.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Halloween Awesomeness

Halloween is coming up!!!! This year I am particularly excited which doesn't make any sense since I am usually pretty grumpy about most holidays. (Which also doesn't make any sense . . . ) at any rate . . . Halloween is approaching. And with it comes the opportunity to once again pull out my amazing halloween costume. I've been looking online for a way to make it even more cool, but I haven't yet been able to find anything to help me on my quest. I did however find one that looks a million times lamer. But I suppose that's not what I'm looking for.

Anyways, lets see who has the best/ lamest costume this year!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Midterm Blues

I have a stupid class that I have to memorize something for and I don't want to do it!!! I have to memorize a one minute speech and I came up with a good one . . . it's about doodling . . . but I can't for the life of me pay any attention to trying to memorize it!!! This sucks!!! If I don't start memorizing soon, I'm going to have to wake up early and try to memorize it tomorrow morning. :P

Stupid class.

Stupid memorizing.

Stupid public speaking.

Wish me luck.

Quote Wall Queen

Just a little update on our quote wall; we currently have 339 quotes, 101 from me personally because although I am the Quote Wall Queen, ones that I have said such as: "It's a personal joke between me and myself" and "who cares if I slip and fall on my butt? It will just look like I had and accident." which really shouldn't be up there, are up there. So. Now it is time to give your opinion. Go to the quote wall votes to the side, and if you think my quotes should stay, or if you think they should mysteriously disappear into the night . . . state your opinion!


Monday, October 10, 2011


Hey all. I know this is my second post today, but I just added a new feature which, if it works correctly, should be super helpful. All you have to do is go to the sidebar. You should be able to see something that says "Follow by email". Type in your email, and, if all goes well, you should get an email every time I update my blog. Lets hope it works :)

School = Drool

I am coming to you live from my cell phone in psychology class. Its crazy how awesome technology is nowadays.

So today I was faced with a problem. I'm sitting in my personal selling business management class freaking out because I just gotten a third test in two days that I had once again forgotten to study for. I am positive that I am doing poorly in this class. I forget the homework. I forget to read. I'm really NOT doing well on the tests or quizzes because I'm not reading and then he says: "I have a list of initials here. If I call out your initials you might want to consider dropping the class."

Let me say that my heart skipped a beat or two. And then broke through the roof it was pounding so hard waiting for the two initials that I was just positive he was going to say.

But miracle of miracles. He didn't say my initials!!!! I was safe! At least for now. But with midterms over, I am so close to finishing all I have to do is plow forward.

So I made a plan. It was simple. Have my roommate password protect my computer and not give me the password until I was done reading my personal selling textbook.

But she was in class herself and was unavailable. So instead I find myself waking up 3 hours later from a nap I probably shouldn't have taken with nothing to show for my day.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Its SNOWing in October

Today was the first day of snow in little Ephraim. It was a big shock to a lot of people considering the fact that it's only october 6th. Of course, my silent response to all of them was as follows: "Guess what? This is Utah. Get used to it."

There are a few things that you need to know when you move here to the heart of Utah:

1) It snows. Deal with it.
2) It will snow . . . and be insanely sunny. All in the same day. Guess what? Deal with it.
3) St. George is very sunny. If you like sun so much, move there.
4) It will snow from October to the end of April if it feels like it. Deal with it.
5) I don't care how sunny California was. Utah is temperamental. Get a coat and deal with it.

If you don't learn these rules, you should expect to lose. :)

And that ends my happy rant for the day. Thank you for listening. Tune in the next time I feel like updating this blog for another happy moment with me, Mattie. :)