Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A thought to go . . .
Monday, March 29, 2010
Princess Hazel and the Tale of many words (2)

Monday, March 22, 2010
Caught on tape!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Halloween Falls (1)

Monday, March 15, 2010
The Start of Something New
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Beginning of the End
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Story Openings:
“In other news, an interesting kidnapping has been reported, this time in a small neighborhood in Colorado. Neighbors notified authorities at about three o’clock on Tuesday, when they heard gunshots coming from the home of a Mr. and Mrs. Brian Richardson. Police were immediately dispatched to investigate the situation, but upon entering the home, they found only the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. Their daughter, sixteen-year-old Kelsi, was missing. Police believe that she was taken from the home shortly after the deaths of her parents, and an investigation is currently underway.” Said the female, blonde reporter, flashing her perfect, white set of teeth for the hundredth time.
“How about you Bob?” She asked, turning to her fellow news anchor. “Do you have any more information about this strange kidnapping?”
“As a matter of fact, Nancy, I do.” He said, turning to face the camera which then zoomed in on his wrinkling face. “Kelsi’s disappearance this week is not unique. At least two others were reported missing this week too. Among the missing are Eric Jenson from San Antonio, Texas, and Julie Douglas from Dayton Ohio.
“Police are beginning to suspect that this is the work of terrorists because all the kidnappings have one thing in common. They have all been taken from private places without many witnesses nearby and what witnesses they do have all claim to have seen a white Lexus leaving the crime scenes around the estimated time of the crime. Some say that this is merely a coincidence, but authorities are positive that these cases have more in common than meets the eye.”
The camera zoomed out to show both reports and Nancy began speaking again.
“In other news, an interesting series of kidnappings have been reported all around the nation. The most recent of which happened in a small town in Colorado. We go there live where Samantha Jones is reporting. Sam?” Said the grey-haired male anchor.
“Thanks Dave. This is the tenth kidnapping so far by the group of people now known as the ‘Serial Kidnappers’. They have gone around the country kidnapping young adults in their teens to early twenty’s. The FBI is now officially involved in the investigation, but even they seemed surprised at who’s being kidnapped.
“The most recent case involves a sixteen year old girl named Kelsi Richardson. Earlier today, neighbors heard shots coming from the home of Miss Richardson and immediately called the authorities. However, when the police arrived, they found only the bodies of Miss Richardson’s parents.
“Miss Richardson’s whereabouts are currently unknown, but the same type of syringe found at all the other kidnapping scenes was present.
“The FBI currently has a suspect in custody, but they are unwilling to release any more information at this time. Dave?”
The image on the TV of a tall, blond woman holding a microphone was replaced with that of the news anchor.
“Thanks Sam.” He said. “The victims have been identified, so far, as; Kyle and Sara Martin, Samuel Kent, Ashley Jones, Abby Trust, Faith Marvel, Megan Johnson, Matthew Adams, Julie Douglas, and Kelsi Richardson. Anyone who has any information about these cases is encouraged to contact the FBI missing persons hotline at 1-800-LOST. That number again is 1-800-L-O-S-T . . .”
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