WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thinking about Thinking

Hello world and welcome to the first in a new segment on my blog called "Random Posts".  I'm starting this because I'm actually a little more interesting than I let on, mainly because I am capable of thinking some really deep thoughts when the mood strikes me.  A couple of times, these thoughts have come to me while I've been online and I will start a post about them, but they really just don't fit with the flow of my blog so I end up deleting them and then not posting something else for another week or so.

So instead, I'm going to start doing "Random Posts".  These will be labeled for easy access and you can find the Label Menu on the right side of my blog under the fish app.

Since that pretty much sums up what I want to do here, I'm pleased to announce the first installment in the "Random Posts" segment.  Enjoy!

I'm a thinker.  There's no better word to describe me.  In fact, some people might even say that I'm an OVER-thinker.  I do tend to overanalyze points and problems that really have no significance whatsoever to other people.  But they matter to me.

Now you all may be wondering why I started out my post in this somewhat ranting, almost lunatic-ial way.  But there is a point.  Just give it a minute.

During one of my over-thinking, anxiety fueled thought rampages that I was having on my way to class, I started thinking about something that has, quite frankly, bugged me for years.

You see world, I don't have any sisters.  In fact, not only do I not have any sisters, but I ended up with five brothers.  I felt, for the longest time, that the Universe just hated me.  In fact, especially in the hormone riddled tween years I felt more like this lovely poster from a hilarious episode of "How I met your Mother" than anything else.

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same.

But lately, as I've moved out into the world and have strangely found myself in college and surrounded by actual girls, I've been feeling a little bit different. More like this,

Or this,

And do you want to know why?  I can sum it up in one word for you and that word is . . . Drama.

Girls are chalk full of it!!!  Well, not all of them.  But it would seem that I really dodged two bullets by not ending up with a sister.  For one thing, being surrounded by boys taught me to act tough.  I wrestled right alongside of my brothers for a long time.  We went camping and hiking and canoeing.  We were a somewhat active family.  I also dodged a bullet by not having a younger sister who would have, of course, been spoiled completely rotten and there is a pretty good chance that she would have been dramatic.

So thanks Universe for your farsightedness.  At the time I hated your interplanetary guts, but I forgive you now.

And that concludes the first installation of "Random Posts" please comment below about your impressions, thoughts or neuroses involving this post.


  1. As the Mom of only one perfect daughter and five wonderful sons - I would like to agree with this post. My family is perfect for me!!

  2. you had no idea, how much drama sisters are its like a highend drama show all day every day, i cant keep up
