WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Kind of Drama . . . with Flair!

Today was a pretty dramatic day for me.  And of course, now for you as I share my drama with you.

You're welcome.

Today started out like any other.  My alarm went off and I desperately tried to squeeze in a few more winks because I was too tired, I felt, to even be able to get out of bed. :P

But I did eventually get out of bed, get ready and go to class.  Now that might not seem too horribly dramatic . . . this may be because it wasn't.

The dramatic part of my day really started out yesterday.  You see, I got a printer right before I moved out last year.  It was an ink guzzling Gigantor of a printer and eventually it became just too irritating to deal with and so I bought a smaller, more portable printer.  Lately, I've been trying to sell Gigantor on KSL.  Needless to say, it hasn't been going well.

Well, last night I was checking my ad and realized that it had been on the website for over a month.  Knowing that most people rarely scroll past the first few pages when looking to purchase something, and knowing that the older an ad is the further back it is placed, I decided to re-run my ad in a hope that maybe this time someone would see it and buy it.

Less than an hour later, I received an email from a gentleman with the name of "Greg Rick" who said (and I quote), "Is this item still available for sale get back to me final asking price."  And I swear that's how it was written.  No caps, no punctuation.

Being the paranoid person I am, alarm bells were already going off inside my head, (and now they are going off in yours too) but I could really use the $100 I'm asking for it.  So I responded; "Yes.  But I'm only willing to go as low as $90."

Then I went to sleep.

And that brings us to today.

After getting back from class, I found this email in my inbox.  This has been copied and pasted for your viewing concern.

"I am very serious about this purchase and ready to go with it aim okay with the asking price for the item and i don't want you to worry yourself about the shipping as it will be handled by my shipping company as soon as the payment has been made.  The payment will be made via Certified Check (Drawn from my bank)/ cashier check, which will contain both the asking price and the shipping fees via the shipping company and no pick up/ shipping arrangement will be made until the money is fully cleared and cashed by you at your bank, then you will be sure of payment.  So, i will be needing your Full payment and mailing information in order to get the Check mailed to you such as

Full Name
Full Address
Zip code
Tel #
last asking price

As soon as this is received the Check will be mailed out to you with no further delay and the purchase can be completed. I will look fro your email later."

By this point, major alarm bells are going off inside my head and before I go any further, I decide to email my parents and ask their opinions.  It was a good thing I did.  My dad immediately informed me that this was a major scam.  They were simply looking for my personal information.

Like I said . . . Drama.

On the plus side, this little story does have a tiny bright side.

Dear Karli (my former roommate),

My paranoia does save lives.  It just saved my digital one.  In your face!




  1. you could have been murdered! thank heavens you didnt tell the evil android! i would have missed you so much!!!!!!

  2. I don't think it would have gone that far. But thank you for your concern. :)

    Do you have any crazy stories like this? (I think my favorite post from you has to be the albino spider one).

    1. that was a really good story, i dont have any of recent, but i could write about how my job interview went
