WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sincerely Yours,

A few weeks ago, school had just started and I had been going over the Pre-requisites that I needed to take in order to get in to a good Pharmacy program.  Last year, while looking at the list, I had devised my current schedule in an effort to take as many up at Snow College as possible.  This year, while looking at the list, I realized that I did not, in fact, have to take the Public Speaking Class that I had enrolled in.  I didn't need it for the Communications credit, and I didn't need it for my major.  So I decided to drop it in favor of a much easier History credit.

Well, the add/drop procedure is one of the most complicated in all of creation.  They refuse to tell you up front what all you have to do in order to change your class and everyone within the counseling office acts as though it's a huge inconvenience that they lied to you last year, and now you would like to drop a class that you don't need.

However, eventually I was finally able to drop the Public Speaking Class and take part two of a History class I had started over the summer.

You may be wondering why I would willingly take a History Class.  Well there are three reasons.  One,  I actually really like History.  I didn't a few years ago, it was one of my least favorite classes right on par with English, but my junior and senior years of high school, I took history classes and my teachers were so passionate about them that I fell in love with the class as well.

This past summer, I also took two history classes and the textbooks for both were so well written, and my teacher was so great, that I found myself loving history even more.

The second reason is that, surprise, surprise, having already taken part one of this class, I already had the textbook for it, and didn't need to go out and get a new one priority mailed to me.

And finally, the third, and most important reason, is that technically, I had already started the class.

This past summer, the two history classes that I took had similar assignments and they were both from the same professor.  I emailed him and asked if it would be okay if for the Book Report and Oral Interviews, if I just submitted assignments that I had already done for one of them.  He said that would be fine and so I only ended up doing one of each.

This semester, feeling that it would be okay to do it again, I submitted my previous Book Report one more time.  Although I got 40/40 on it, I went online (this is an online class by the way), and I found this message waiting for me in my inbox.

"Would you please stop by my office sometime.  There's no rush."

I ask you, people of the internet, How am I suppose to react to that?

Does it not sound really bad?

I sent back "Wow.  That sounds bad.  Where is your office?"

And he replied, "Its not bad.  My office is in such-and-such a building."

And so now I'm faced with a dilemma.  While my Professor tells me, it's really not all that bad, the Book Report I had submitted had already been submitted twice before.  More importantly, the Book Report I submitted was on a book that I had only barely managed to skim through.

What if he asks me questions about it???

Sincerely Yours,



  1. yeah, id be pittly pantsy two... and was your high school history teacher mr embly?

  2. No. I had Bayles my junior year and loved him. But I had heard such great things about Newman that I ended up taking the same class just in AP format from Newman Senior Year.
