Today was a hard day. It started out bad and just kinda . . . plateaued there.
It all started at literally the crack of dawn. 5:55 AM. I had been asleep for maybe four hours by this point and was in no mood to play chicken with my snooze button. Luckily I had brought a hat home this weekend and so I rolled over for another thirty minutes before having to stumble out of bed, for real, at 6:35 to get ready and finish packing before my roommate came to pick me up and take me, for the last time, back to Ephraim.
It was awful.
I hate mornings.
Upon arriving at school at almost precisely 8:30 AM, I headed for my room, unpacked and then realized that with the lack of sleep, the massive amounts of homework I hadn't done over the weekend, and the desperate need for my cold to go away, I wasn't going to make it through any of my classes so I decided to sluff them. Good idea right? I thought so. Still do. Although I didn't get much done, I really wouldn't have been able to make it through a boring math lecture, and a horrendous Micro lecture, all the while pretending to understand the foreign language that both professors try to pass off as English.
So I stayed home. And I planned. That was the best part of my day. The planning. I planned how things are going to go down in approximately 26 days when I leave Ephraim for almost ever, and move back home. My house, my room, my family. It may just be the only thing that gets me through the next 26 days.
But it's coming. It may seem far away, but it's coming. The end of Ephraim is on it's way, and I am so excited!
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