WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

PG Vs. Ephraim

Home.  It is always such a warm Heaven and then I get back to Ephraim and its like a fiery . . . the opposite place of heaven.

If I have ever felt that way about my home vs. my college, it would be this week.  I went home and felt relaxed as I just kind of lazed about and watch Confrence.  Then, out of the blue it seemed, I was dragged kicking and screaming back up Spanish Fork Canyon in a blizzard no less, just to be dumped into absolute chaos.  Math is piling up, Micro is overdue, I have two tests and a lab that deals with the lovely smells of decaying sewage. . . yeah.  It's definately seeming like the fiery depths of a very bad place.

On the bright side, my roommate and I are once again engaged in a war between the stubborns as we both try to out compete each other for the victory belt.  This time, it's over going home.  We'll see who the winner is.  Although I ultimately think it will be her because I do desperately want to go home.

Ah well.  As Winston Churchill once said; "If you're going through [the fiery lake of lava and brimstone], keep going."

It's some good advice.

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