I have finally decided on my favorite band.
I have always struggled with this get to know you question. It seems like I am constantly being asked, who is your favorite band? And you know what . . . I didn't have one. I know it's strange. Teenagers all across the nation have this stereotype attached to them that states that they listen to music 24/7. Yet, I was never really into music. Until recently.
Maybe this is partly due to the fact that my parents are on opposite sides of the musical spectrum (one liking country :I and the other liking retro 80's music :P) But whatever the reason, I have finally discovered a love for music, and am almost always listening to my playlist on this website:
Anyway back to the reason for this post. I have finally discovered my favorite band. Rascal Flatts.

I know that they're a little outdated (and country *shudder*) . . . but come on! They are the best thing since sliced bread!

I think I just barely got out of the "I don't care, just give me music" boat. Right now, Muse is my top band, tied with Journey and P!nk.