So, I've actually been thinking of cutting my hair. I know that this may seem boring to most everybody, but it's a big decision for me. You see, if I cut my hair, I'm actually going to cut it pretty short, and if I do that, I'll have to do it everyday, or I'll look stupid. OR, I can leave it long and throw it up in a pony tail and under a hat or something on days when I just really don't want to do it.
So there are pros and cons to both side of the story, but I think I'm leaning towards cutting it off.
I did do some research. (Picture research!) I actually found two hairdo's that I really like. I'm leaning more towards the first one, just because I think it would look good on me, but I like the second one a lot too. Just picture it shorter.

Anyway, I need a lot of comments on this one!!! Should I do it or shouldn't I? Are there anymore pro's and con's that you guys can think of? Mary, you had short hair for awhile. How was it?
Missed you in English today. We watched a movie. Huzzah!
ReplyDeleteI do believe the first would be super cute on you, but you already get a very limited amount of sleep anyways, so I don't know if you really want hairdo time to cut into that.
:) I didn't even think about that.
ReplyDeleteHaha well, it's the reason I don't do my hair very often anymore. That, and I'm fed up with dealing with my crap-o straightener and the blasted split ends I get from it.
ReplyDeleteShort hair is nice, until you want to put it up. Really, short hair is no good unless you cut it above your neck. Below your neck but above your shoulders, and it's a major pain to get it all to stay in a ponytail/bun/whatever.
ReplyDeleteI did have my hair cut above my neck for a lot of gradeschool though, and I am often tempted to go back to that. It was so nice, no worries at all. The only problem is that I'm scared of what I'd look like with that cut now, and it's not like I can see what I'd look like without actually losing all my hair. A terrifying prospect! D:
Also, I like the second cut better. It might just be because the girl is less creepy looking but... it just looks like a nicer cut.
Not that it matters because this post is extremely late! XD /tomato'd