Afraid to risk whatever might be lurking upstairs, you turn your attention to the door. You edge towards it nervously. Just as you reach it, the moaning cuts of and everything grows eerily silent. You reach out a hand and with a furiously beating heart, you throw the door open. You step inside and glance around nervously. You can't see anyone but it appears that you're in an old lab of some sort. Everything is dusty, and looks like it hadn't been touched in ages. You are about to go try the doors again when something catches your eye. On the table in the middle of the room is a stemming plate of chocolate chip cookies, your favorite. Do you eat the cookie, or do you get back to finding a way to escape the haunted house?
If you eat the cookie then turn to the blog entry title "Number Four"
If you keep trying to find a way to escape then turn to the blog entry titled "Number Five"
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