Right now in English, my teacher, Mrs. Robertson, has decided to let flow our creative juices. To do this, she's decided to have us write a "Create Your Own Adventure" book. It's not going to be very long of course, but I decided to give this blog a little pizazz. And what better way to do that than to add my story to this blog? So, this is how it's going to work. Every now and again I will add a new situation giving it a designated number. You will read it and then wait for the following number to come up. Until that number comes up, you are not allowed to make any other new choices. Once your designated number comes up you will then proceed to read that particular entry and choose. . . (are you ready for this?). . . your own adventure. :) I know your just all so excited so. . . this is just the rough draft, but here's the beginning:

It's Halloween night. You were just dared to go into your neighborhoods haunted house. You know for a fact that someone. . . or something lives in the house, but you're not sure exactly what. Although you've had an irrational fear of haunted houses for as long as you can remember, you have no choice enter the terrifying house. As you near the door, it slowly swings open by itself, emitting a horrible creaking sound as it does so. You take one last look at your friend, standing in the safety of the street, and then you step inside, allowing the blackness to swallow you up.
(Please turn to the Blog Entry titled "Number One")

Now, you would turn to blog entry titled number one and read from there. I hope you enjoy your experience and please feel free to critic my word choice or sentence structure. I really need input on this because it is going to be an actual assignment worth actual points and as Mary very well knows, I can use all the criticism I can get.
ok, that was awesome! lol