I'm a web surfer. I love the internet. I love watching things on the internet. It's one of my past times. In fact, that's basically all I do when I can. Basically, I'm . . . addicted to the internet.
Well, one day, while I was in the act, I stumbled across a HILARIOUS show. "Dr. Horrible's sing along blog. It is seriously the funniest thing I've seen in awhile. So, my advice is to buy it on iTunes. It takes about 45 minutes for the whole thing, but it's pretty much worth it. :) And below is a picture of the cast. Notice that the guy from the new murder mystery show "Castle" is in it. I believe his name is Nathan Fillon or something like that. He plays "Captain Hammer" The all American arrogant hero.
Here's the great thing though, Joss Whedon, (the director/ writer/ lots of other things) has decided to make a sequel that is currently in the works! I'm so excited! It's going to be absolutely fantastic!