Over the past couple of days, I've been trying to think of what to write. But nothing horribly interesting has happened. I got a new pair of shoes . . . It's spring break . . . nothing to horribly entertaining.
But then today happened and now I have something to blog about.
It's advice.
My advice to you is to take a lazy day. Lately, I have been feeling over worked and under-appreciated. I am struggling in my classes, I sometimes struggle with my roommates and I just needed a break. So when I got one today, it was amazing.
I was woken up at 6:30 by my mom to go read scriptures as a family (my absolute least favorite thing to do ever. Maybe if it was later, but I never wake up earlier than 8:20 now so 6:30 is hard) after that was over and I crawled back into bed, I didn't leave my bed till 2 PM. Yes, it was a wasted day. But sometimes we all need to just sit back and relax. Enjoy a do nothing day. We are only human and sometimes, especially when we are sick, we just need to relax.
So go do nothing today!
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