WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Finally Friday

It's finally Friday and I want to declare it national party time.  My roommate is gone for the evening leaving me the room to myself which means I can blast my music and sing into my hairbrush like a pop diva and not get any weird looks.  Bliss.

I love the weekend, and this one is super special.  That is because I deserve it for surviving the first week back and getting so much done.  Whoever decided to give us Spring Break the week of daylight savings . . . well . . . to be honest I have mixed feelings for you.  Definitely a love/hate relationship.  I love it because I really desperately needed an emotional break from life right then, I hate it because after an entire week of sleeping in, I suddenly had to get up an hour earlier than the week before spring break.  So in the words of Dr. Doofenshmirtz, "Bless you and curse you. . ."

Ah well.  Karli isn't getting back till around midnight and as soon as I get my massive amounts of paperwork done, it's party time.  And the first song on the playlist . . . well . . . see for yourself.

Kinda silly, I know.  But it is a catchy song.  :)

Enjoy your weekends everybody.

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