WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


It's been three weeks since I last saw my home in PG.  But, this weekend, that's where I'm going to be.  And I'm so excited that I've been packed and ready to go since last week.  I'm literally that excited.

The best part of this trip is that we are close enough to the end of the semester that I feel like I can start taking stuff home.  That means that I am already starting to move back home.  I'm going to have more luggage than usual this trip, but most of it will be staying at home.  And that makes everything worthwhile.

I'm so excited . . . I don't think I'll be able to sit still in any of my classes tomorrow.

It's almost time to go home!

Birthday Bashing

Karli's birthday was a success.

And her present came a day early and made it just in time.

For all of you who have been so desperately wondering what I got here, this was it . . .

An electronic star projector.  Check them out.  It's actually pretty cool.

Happy 20th Karli.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Look Out, It's Science

Today was fascinating.

I learned the true nature of milk.  Personally, I believe that my professor told us what it was because he enjoys watching us squirm.

Those faint of heart may want to look away.

Milk, as described by my professor is white blood cells and mucus.  Yes.  Sounds delish doesn't it?

I didn't think so.

What other wondrous things await me this week in Micro?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Merry Monday

Hello blogisphere.  How's your Monday been?  Mine's been utterly strange.

It started out with a full blown blizzard and ended much warmer, partially sunny skies.  But then again, this is Utah . . . in March.

I love that about Utah.  You never know what's going to happen.  It's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.  (Winston Churchill)

At any rate, I also seemed to have been hit with a sleep ray.  I couldn't stay awake in either Western American Lit or Microbiology.  But then again, Western American Lit while one of the easiest classes I've taken, can't often capture my interest . . . and well . . . in Micro we only talked about mushrooms.  And fungus.  It was entirely boring.

Ironically, the only class that I was able to stay awake in was my MATH class.  Weird right?

This Monday has been strange.  But if the theme of today carries on through the rest of the week, Friday will get here before I realize.

Enjoy the rest of your Monday.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Random Roommate Riots

Okay.  So, the title is a little misleading.  There are no riots going on here unless you count the riots in my head when I think about how I got stuck in Micro lab yesterday for three hours.  (UGH).  Nah.  I just needed another R word for the title.  And riot kind of works.

Actually, there just may BE riots in a few days.  You see, my roommate's birthday is coming up here real soon, so naturally I just had to get her a present.  Unfortunately shopping is not in my genes, and while I love to go buy stuff for me, I can't, for the life of me, shop for someone else.  So it looked like it was going to be a rather impersonal gift . . . again.

Now I'm not just talking favorite character coloring book and crayons, no, I'm talking, taking her to the store, having her pick out a candy bar and then just "accidentally" paying for it.  Lame.  So I started shopping, and asking, and looking, and thinking and finally, after 48 hours of laboriously searching for that perfect idea, I figured it out.

It's . . . a . . . . comin'.

It's in the mail.  And I would tell you what it is, but I don't know how often Karli reads this, and it's hard enough for me to keep anything a secret.  So, to recap . . . I'm excited, Karli want's to know what it is and if it doesn't get here soon enough, there may just be a Random Roommate Riot on our hands.

Energizer Bunny

This week has been crazy chaotic, but I am getting it all done for once.

You see, next weekend is a very important one.  It's the one that I've been waiting for for almost three weeks now.  It's one of the few weekends that I get to go home.  And I can't wait.  I've already started packing, I'm planning on finishing all homework that will be coming my way within the next few days and then, I'm going to relax and enjoy myself at home, in my own room, with no strings attached.

Surprisingly, I have had the energy to get this all done.  I'm typing faster, I'm getting more stuff done, math is making sense, I figured out some summer classes to help me get my associates in just one more semester . . . Life is going great right now.  And just thinking about the difference's between my life now and the life that I was living just a month and a half ago, I'm beginning to realize just how trials work in our lives.

At any rate, keep you chin up, keep your courage flowing and know that as of today we only have 43 days until school ends.  At least for all of us Snow College people.

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Misery

Oh how I miss Saturday.  Today was one of the hardest Monday's I've had in a long time.  Of course, it's partially my fault.  But not entirely.  At any rate, I have decided to grace you all with another one of my two-bit poems.  It's about Monday.  And how much they suck.  Enjoy!   :)

The alarm goes off,
I roll over in bed.
I squeeze my eyes shut,
I'm filled with such dread.

It's Monday Morning,
The worst time of all.
It feels so woeful,
I just want to bawl.

I stay in my covers
Till half past eight.
Then I fall from the bed
to accept my fate.

I can't stop Monday.
Many have tried.
But Monday is heartless,
There is no bright side.

It's the start of another
Horrible week.
And I can already tell,
This one looks bleak.

The weather is dismal,
My classes subpar,
I trudge along bleakly
And hope I get far.

Far away from this Monday
of gloom and despair
And closer to Saturday
With it's peaceful flair.

For now I will wait
watching the sun slowly set.
And think to myself,
"It's not Tuesday yet."

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saturday Spectacular

I love Saturdays.  They are MY day's.  The ones that I can do whatever I want.  I don't schedule anything on Saturdays if I can help it.  They are just to wonderful.  Don't get me wrong, I love Sundays too.  But since moving out Sundays have become one of the hardest days of my life.  I'm the one having to get to church and not justify my way out of going to church.  It's really hard.

Once I deal with that though, its a fantastic day.

Saturdays however are pressure and temptation free.  I just get to chill, waste my life on the internet or in bed for all hours of the day and not think about how stressed I'm going to be when Monday rolls around.  Saturdays.  They are awesome.

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Finally Friday

It's finally Friday and I want to declare it national party time.  My roommate is gone for the evening leaving me the room to myself which means I can blast my music and sing into my hairbrush like a pop diva and not get any weird looks.  Bliss.

I love the weekend, and this one is super special.  That is because I deserve it for surviving the first week back and getting so much done.  Whoever decided to give us Spring Break the week of daylight savings . . . well . . . to be honest I have mixed feelings for you.  Definitely a love/hate relationship.  I love it because I really desperately needed an emotional break from life right then, I hate it because after an entire week of sleeping in, I suddenly had to get up an hour earlier than the week before spring break.  So in the words of Dr. Doofenshmirtz, "Bless you and curse you. . ."

Ah well.  Karli isn't getting back till around midnight and as soon as I get my massive amounts of paperwork done, it's party time.  And the first song on the playlist . . . well . . . see for yourself.

Kinda silly, I know.  But it is a catchy song.  :)

Enjoy your weekends everybody.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Melancholy Math

As a Pre-Pharmacy undergraduate, I can tell you that math sucks.  And I am just at the beginning.  Math is by far the most pointless, most uninteresting topic that I have ever had the misfortune of having to take.  And I have one whole year worth of it to go.   :P

So in honor of my hatred I found this Calvin and Hobbes comic for you to enjoy.

I like this idea.  Yeah.  Lets definitely do this.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I hereby dub March. . . Minion Madness Month!

Missing High School

I know it sounds crazy.  But right now, I miss high school.  High School was a great time.  I mean, there were awful parts to it.  The raging hormones, the unbelievable drama, the kids making horrible life changing decisions.  But quick frankly, I didn't realize how good I had back then till now.  High School was the greatest!  It was still socially acceptable to mooch off my parents, I had cable, free wifi (not this plugged into the wall crap) I had teachers that I loved, and some that I didn't, I had easy classes that I pretty much just smiled and waved through.  I mean, the hardest class I had senior year was Film Lit and I had two AP classes that year.

I really do miss high school.

I was one of those lucky kids who cruised through it.  Never studying, flying through homework . . . living life.  Which sucks because now I have to study, I don't know how.

Ah well.  In a few years, I'll probably be missing college.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Lazy, Do-Nothing Day

Over the past couple of days, I've been trying to think of what to write.  But nothing horribly interesting has happened.  I got a new pair of shoes . . . It's spring break . . . nothing to horribly entertaining.

But then today happened and now I have something to blog about.

It's advice.

My advice to you is to take a lazy day.  Lately, I have been feeling over worked and under-appreciated.  I am struggling in my classes, I sometimes struggle with my roommates and I just needed a break.  So when I got one today, it was amazing.

I was woken up at 6:30 by my mom to go read scriptures as a family (my absolute least favorite thing to do ever.  Maybe if it was later, but I never wake up earlier than 8:20 now so 6:30 is hard)  after that was over and I crawled back into bed, I didn't leave my bed till 2 PM.  Yes, it was a wasted day.  But sometimes we all need to just sit back and relax.  Enjoy a do nothing day.  We are only human and sometimes, especially when we are sick, we just need to relax.

So go do nothing today!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spring vs Winter Break

Spring Break!!!  Of course, currently looking outside I feel like it would be more suitably called Winter Break part II.

I can't believe that it's finally almost here.  And just in time too.  If it waited just a month longer to get here, I wouldn't be able to rub the fact that I'm on Spring Break in my brothers faces.  It'll just be me and my mom.  Silence.

That's going to be nice.

At any rate, I only have to survive four more classes and a test before my spring break begins tomorrow at 12:20.  I'm so excited!