WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Winter Wonder

Winter has finally struck Utah.  And boy did it happen quickly.

This morning I woke up and was surprised to see that the weather part of my alarm clock said that it was snowing.  Of course, once it told me that it was clear when in fact is was very much overcast, so I decided to check my official weather app before jumping to any conclusions.  It also said that it was snowing so I climbed out of bed to look at what was the first snow of the year (at the end of the month mind you) and was horribly disappointed in technology.  There was no sign of snow.  Just rain.  Dismal, dismal rain.  I went about my life and cleaned my half of the room.  Before I knew it, the heavy rain had turned into a heavy snow and had coated the gloomy world outside in its near blinding beautifulness.

Of course, no doubt once tomorrow comes it will all melt away and this will be but a faint blog post in our memories, but at least my white Christmas came.  Almost a month-to-the-day late, but it came nonetheless.

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