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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Reading Revitilization

In August of 2010 my love for books was killed.  Murdered actually, by the ridiculous amount of reading required in my AP English Literature class.  That coupled with the fact that I was being FORCED to read spelled death for my love of books and since that class ended in June of 2011, I haven't really touched a book (other than textbooks and THOSE surely don't count.)

But then the unthinkable happened.  I was once again shoved into the world of literacy.  You see I have to take a GE credit.  A reading one.

But wow!  It's so much better than I remember it being!  Reading is so cool!  As someone from TV once said, "It's like TV for your head!"

At any rate, the class is called "Western American Literature" and if you ever find yourself at Snow College, take it.  It's fantastic.

The book we are reading right now, "The Virginian" by Owen Wister is one of the best novels I've read in a long long time.  I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a book to read.

It has revitalized my love of books . . . look out world . . . if I wasn't so lazy, I'd be reading all over you.

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