WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Internal Strife and Such


Whew.  Now that that's out of my system . . .

There are few places in Ephraim where one can just let out a good scream without the whole town assuming that said person is a lunatic.  So, I decided to do it over the internet.  Not the same, but it will have to do.

I'm so . . . frustrated.  It's not exactly stress, but I guess that's part of it.

Things just aren't going my way this semester.  And I know that a lot of my friends back home would be saying; "Oh, look at the bright side."  "Oh, it's not that bad."  "Oh, look at it this way, you almost getting hit by that car will be a funny story to tell your grandkids."  (Okay, that last one isn't true.)  But it's hard to look at the bright side right now.

I hate singles ward.  I struggle with how awful the talks are.  I struggle with the shallowness of the lessons (come on people, lets delve a little deeper into the lessons here).  I struggle with the lack of babies making noises during sacrament.

I don't get math.  Pre-cal . . . it sucks.  I don't understand it at all.  But that's mainly because my professor is awful.  For example, generally speaking, math makes more sense to me when I teach myself than when he teaches me.  He actually complicates things.  Instead of telling us that all our assignments due dates were being pushed back two days, he went on some elaborate ramble about it and now literally no one knows when anything is due.

Microbiology is killing me.  It doesn't help that his handwriting is nearly illegible and usually in cursive (news flash professor, cursive is a lost form of writing.  It's almost as dead as Latin.  PRINT YOUR WORDS).  And I honestly do not get how or why molecules combine the way they do.  I'm going to fail.  So going to fail.

I am also having to figure out housing, jobs, and schedules for next semester already.  Why oh why does this need to happen now.  I'm only 4 weeks into this semester.

And of course finally, my roommates.  I don't feel comfortable around most of them.  I don't like being around them because it is literally the most awkward feeling I have ever felt, and so I remain, day after day, trapped in the little white horror that is a Snow Hall Dormitory.

Anyways.  Now you can see why I needed to scream.  Because that's pretty much the only noise in my head right now.

Stupid college.  Why are you so frustrating?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Operation, Saturday

Saturdays are the best days in the world.  You sleep in all day and then do nothing for the rest of it.  of course, when I start having kids of my own, that whole schedule will be completely thrown out the window.  But of course . . . that's not for QUITE some time.  (Sorry Mom.)

However, today as I was finally climbing out of bed at 11 AM, I realized something sad.  Saturdays are the days that you do nothing.  You surf the internet, spend a shameful amount of time on Facebook etc. etc.  But by the time you actually get around to doing that, your day is already half way over!!!  This is unacceptable and so I am calling in the heavy artillery.

Are you sitting down?

I'm getting up at 9:30 in the AM next Saturday.  Crazy right???  But I think it's time to do something with my life.  Mainly because the sad white walls that confine me at the moment seem to be getting smaller with each passing day.  I have decided to mix it up a little, so we shall see how that goes.

Wish me the best of luck with this crazy endeavor.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Reading Revitilization

In August of 2010 my love for books was killed.  Murdered actually, by the ridiculous amount of reading required in my AP English Literature class.  That coupled with the fact that I was being FORCED to read spelled death for my love of books and since that class ended in June of 2011, I haven't really touched a book (other than textbooks and THOSE surely don't count.)

But then the unthinkable happened.  I was once again shoved into the world of literacy.  You see I have to take a GE credit.  A reading one.

But wow!  It's so much better than I remember it being!  Reading is so cool!  As someone from TV once said, "It's like TV for your head!"

At any rate, the class is called "Western American Literature" and if you ever find yourself at Snow College, take it.  It's fantastic.

The book we are reading right now, "The Virginian" by Owen Wister is one of the best novels I've read in a long long time.  I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a book to read.

It has revitalized my love of books . . . look out world . . . if I wasn't so lazy, I'd be reading all over you.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Winter Wonder

Winter has finally struck Utah.  And boy did it happen quickly.

This morning I woke up and was surprised to see that the weather part of my alarm clock said that it was snowing.  Of course, once it told me that it was clear when in fact is was very much overcast, so I decided to check my official weather app before jumping to any conclusions.  It also said that it was snowing so I climbed out of bed to look at what was the first snow of the year (at the end of the month mind you) and was horribly disappointed in technology.  There was no sign of snow.  Just rain.  Dismal, dismal rain.  I went about my life and cleaned my half of the room.  Before I knew it, the heavy rain had turned into a heavy snow and had coated the gloomy world outside in its near blinding beautifulness.

Of course, no doubt once tomorrow comes it will all melt away and this will be but a faint blog post in our memories, but at least my white Christmas came.  Almost a month-to-the-day late, but it came nonetheless.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Meeting Ones Match

Madison Furniss


Yet another tragic victim claimed
by Maths unrelenting grasp.

That's right blog-i-verse.  I have finally met my match.  After years of succeeding in school without any effort at all, I have finally found something much worse than anything I have ever faced before.  And it came in the surprising form of a GE credit.

Of course, if I had a decent professor it might be okay.  But I don't, and it's not.  Crap.

Pre-cal, my old nemesis.  I have danced around you for years, avoiding you by taking much easier, if pointless maths, but it looks like I can't run any more.  Lets do this thing.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's Just Plain Grody

We have ants.  My new apartment has ants.  It's disgusting.  Good thing I'm going home this weekend or I might just have to punch a hole into the already defective apartment wall.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Killer Instinct

Blogging world, you will not believe the week that I've had.  And guess what.  It's only Monday.

It started out late on Saturday night when I was told through Facebook that the (insert sarcasm here) lovely housing office here at school decided that since everyone has moved out of our crummy apartment building (personally, I feel like the smell of feet and whatnot had something to do with that) they were going to combine the few remaining rooms into even fewer rooms.  That's right.  I was kicked out of my apartment and moved down the hall.

You may be wondering why this is so awful . . . well let me tell you.

We got no warning.  My new roommate/ RA saw me on Facebook and told me.  But if she hadn't, we would have gotten to school with no idea.  It's also frustrating in that they split the four of us up.  And it's hard getting to know people when they all know each other.

At any rate.  I'm really mad at the housing office.  I still have an entire apartment to clean, not to mention having to clean the new room because the previous occupants left it in a disgusting state and all of this ASAP.

Did I mention that I just started new classes?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Facebook Update

It seems almost silly to blog about something that has occurred on Facebook, and yet, it is so epic, I must.

Tonight I have taken on the quest of all Midnight Quests.  I have posted all 142 of my Demotivational Posters on Facebook.  They are literally that awesome.

Now I understand that not all of my viewers out there will have Facebook accounts . . . and that's okay.  But if you do, and you are in a quote-unquote "funk", then go to my page, click on the photos bar to the left and then find the album titled "demotivational posters".  They make my day.
