WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Imaturebee's. . . noun. . .

Argh!  I'm so sick of all the immaturebee's that run around our school!  (And for those of you who weren't with Mary and I at lunch today, (namely everyone) all these irritating and very immature people were running by us the whole time and I called them immaturebee's for some unknown reason, and the name stuck.)  My bus is absolutely full of them, and I'm getting so sick of the bus driver slamming on the brakes every time one of the immaturebee's stands up!  It is so irritating!  I can't even believe it!  I mean, I don't usually get car sick, but man, it's becoming more frequent.  There are like six people that think that it's just so funny to stand up as we speed down this long, bumpy road.  (See that Mrs. R?  I just used one of the comma rules that we learned in class today. :)

This year seems like there are more immaturebee's than ever before.  So many of the sophmore's and even the juniors are so irritating to be around.  But that's just my side of the story.  Now tell me yours.  Do you notice the mass immaturebee's running wild around the school?  Or do you not?  Cast your vote now!

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