WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some Aquatic Life Forms for Consideration

Hey y'all.  It's been awhile since I've posted anything. . . but I'm sorry to report that for all you devoted followee's to this blog who have just been dying to read some more of my amazing and priceless humor, this entry is going to be a bit anticlimactic.  :( 

So currently, I'm sitting here in my bedroom, trying to come up with a semi-interesting topic.  So far, nothing has occurred to me. . . but wait!  A spark of true brilliance!  (Depending on how you look at it of course.)  This blog entry is hereby proclaimed to be about jellyfish.  Random, right?  I know, but really, wait till you hear more about them. :)

Mary the Sperry and I are having to do a project in Environmental Science right now about the Carbon Cycle.  (Which is when the Earth naturally recycles it's carbon. . . pretty self explanatory I would think.)  Well, as we were looking up information about all the places it comes from, we discovered that jellyfish are like 10% carbon.  Is that cool or what???  Yup.  I told you it was anticlimactic.  But the following pictures aren't.  They're pretty cool.  Cheek them out:

All righty.  That's enough with the jellyfish.  Now 
lets talk about giant squids.  Just 
kidding.  I'm really just going to show some 
pictures of the squids now, because they
are after all the coolest marine life I can think 
of right now.

I don't think that last one is real. . . 
but don't quote me on that. . . and 
now, since this
entry seems to have turned into a 
sea life entry, here are some fish pic's:

Okay, that last one is without
 a doubt, my favorite.  And now, 
without further ado,
I give you. . . Penguins!!!!  
(My all time FAVORITE animal!)

And this concludes this weeks
 "Madison. . . a random look in a random life."
See you next time!


  1. Tehe I like this topic! I'm such a marine biology geek :)

  2. Those jellyfish are freakin' awesome, along with thsoe fish. xD I'm not such a big penguin geek though, although that pic where the penguin looks like it's standing on top of the water is pretty funny. ;)

  3. I'm glad you liked them. Google is such an amazing browser. :O
