WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Happy Halloween (Eve)
Hello cyberspace! Today is none other than Halloween eve and I've got so much to do. My ward has our halloween party today, and the young men and young women have to help get it to run smoothly. (WAY easier said than done.) Basically it's going to be chaos. Complete and total mayhem. Who knew that all the kids in my ward get crazy when full of candy and cake. It's ridiculous! Anyway, I have to get to the church just 2 1/2 hours after I get home today to help set up. I also have to do my PE homework which I've majorly been procrastinating. So basically today is going to be crazy. Luckily, it's my all time favorite day. It's an A day! So, I hope you have a good Halloween eve. . . and an even better Halloween. Happy holidays! :)

Monday, October 26, 2009
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Tomorrow. Tomorrow's supposedly the big day that I've been waiting for since forever! But, let me start at the beginning.
I look at the weather forecast for the day everyday. The Junior High's weather forecast is usually pretty accurate, so I decided to take a look at that one everyday, and for those of you now wanting to cheek the weather before school, here's the link:
So, I cheeked it today, and guess what I discovered??? It turns out that there's a 90% chance of snow tomorrow!!! I am so excited! I absolutely LOVE winter, and it's all because of the snow!!!
And that's what's coming. And lots of it.
Get ready world! Snow is on the way.
It's winter now!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Some Aquatic Life Forms for Consideration
Hey y'all. It's been awhile since I've posted anything. . . but I'm sorry to report that for all you devoted followee's to this blog who have just been dying to read some more of my amazing and priceless humor, this entry is going to be a bit anticlimactic. :(
So currently, I'm sitting here in my bedroom, trying to come up with a semi-interesting topic. So far, nothing has occurred to me. . . but wait! A spark of true brilliance! (Depending on how you look at it of course.) This blog entry is hereby proclaimed to be about jellyfish. Random, right? I know, but really, wait till you hear more about them. :)
Mary the Sperry and I are having to do a project in Environmental Science right now about the Carbon Cycle. (Which is when the Earth naturally recycles it's carbon. . . pretty self explanatory I would think.) Well, as we were looking up information about all the places it comes from, we discovered that jellyfish are like 10% carbon. Is that cool or what??? Yup. I told you it was anticlimactic. But the following pictures aren't. They're pretty cool. Cheek them out:
All righty. That's enough with the jellyfish. Now
lets talk about giant squids. Just
kidding. I'm really just going to show some
kidding. I'm really just going to show some
pictures of the squids now, because they
are after all the coolest marine life I can think
are after all the coolest marine life I can think
of right now.
I don't think that last one is real. . .
but don't quote me on that. . . and
now, since this
entry seems to have turned into a
entry seems to have turned into a
sea life entry, here are some fish pic's:
Okay, that last one is without
a doubt, my favorite. And now,
without further ado,
I give you. . . Penguins!!!!
I give you. . . Penguins!!!!
(My all time FAVORITE animal!)
And this concludes this weeks
"Madison. . . a random look in a random life."
See you next time!
Monday, October 5, 2009
A Babysitter's worst nightmare
Monday. Usually that word feels me with dread. I absolutely despise Monday's. . . at least during the school year. They represent such a horrible thing. . . the beginning of yet another week of school. Unless of course, I start out the week with an english class. :)
Anyways, this Monday, I was looking forward to sleeping away the whole day. We had no school, I have no life. . . it was perfect. Until I get a phone call last night from my favorite family, the Lemke's. I babysit them all the time, and they are the cutest little family, I absolutely adore them. So, as you can imagine, I was pretty happy to get a call from them last night. I mean, hanging out with some really sweet, and really crazy kids, and getting paid for doing it? I'm there! Unfortunately, it turned out to be a Trojan Horse. She wasn't calling because her husband and her were going on a date, no, she was calling to ask me to babysit at 8:45 in the AM. 8:45 is like my version of a five in the morning. So, I wasn't to psyched about heading over there, but I really do love them, and I can't afford to lose their business. That's really my only source of income right now.
Well, I got up this morning, I got dressed and I headed out the door. And let me tell you, it was FREEZING!!! I mean, I was wearing a scarf and a jacket and I was soooo cold! Yet, I walked to their house, walked in the door and listened to my instructions. Then, Sister Lemke was out the door and I was left alone.
Everything went great for almost the whole time. Then, disaster struck. Jase is their youngest boy. He can get really physical and he's tried on multiple occasions to best me at wrestling, but, I'm still better :) However, this time, he wasn't aiming for me, he was aiming at his younger sister, Lizzie. He hit her too. He had tossed a hard, plastic ball at her and it had clipped her shoulder with one intense sound. (Which I can't really spell so. . . you're out of luck.)
Well, Lizzie began screaming her lungs out and writhing around on the floor, which is of course exactly when her mother came in through the door. I was bent over the top of her, trying to get a look at her shoulder to make sure nothing was too wrong with it, and I'm sure it looked bad. Thankfully, she calmed Lizzie down and made Jase apologize before telling me that Lizzie had been really acting up lately. They'd been in an airport not too long ago and Lizzie had thrown the biggest temper tantrum right in the middle of it.
I have to admit, that confession made me feel a little better, but it was still one of the worst babysitting experiences I've ever had. :)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Imaturebee's. . . noun. . .
Argh! I'm so sick of all the immaturebee's that run around our school! (And for those of you who weren't with Mary and I at lunch today, (namely everyone) all these irritating and very immature people were running by us the whole time and I called them immaturebee's for some unknown reason, and the name stuck.) My bus is absolutely full of them, and I'm getting so sick of the bus driver slamming on the brakes every time one of the immaturebee's stands up! It is so irritating! I can't even believe it! I mean, I don't usually get car sick, but man, it's becoming more frequent. There are like six people that think that it's just so funny to stand up as we speed down this long, bumpy road. (See that Mrs. R? I just used one of the comma rules that we learned in class today. :)
This year seems like there are more immaturebee's than ever before. So many of the sophmore's and even the juniors are so irritating to be around. But that's just my side of the story. Now tell me yours. Do you notice the mass immaturebee's running wild around the school? Or do you not? Cast your vote now!
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