Well, after having disappeared for about 18 months while I was serving a mission over in Honduras, it is great to be back! Have you missed me?
Its been interesting being home. To an extent it feels like I never left, but at the same time, it feels like everything has changed. My little brothers are an awful lot taller, the people an AWFUL lot whiter (more on that later), and all in all, my ears still haven't adjusted to all the english. English is weird.
Still, its been fun being back too. Being able to hang out with the family, or play video games or watch movies. You know . . . doing all that stuff that you never were able to do before.
There is still work - right now I'm hunting for a job which is not as easy as I thought it would be. You would think that a bilingual cutie-pie like me would have no problems finding work. But its not that easy when you are applying online and emotionless computers are weeding out the weak. In all honesty, I feel a little bit like I'm on a safari looking for that elusive wild animal.
For now the job hunt is sort of my own version of hunting Moby Dick, but it will all work out in the end.
So until next time, I guess this is me signing off. Have a great week!
Oh yeah! The "awful lot whiter" bit. Well, it is winter. Whatever tan everyone had, its faded away like the falling snow fades to mud. Kind of ironic in a way.