WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Random Update

I frequently complain about my job.  It's not a good quality.  I accept that.  And while you may not believe it, I am trying to change it.  Being a Debbie Downer is not a trait that people are attracted to.  And if it irritates me when my coworkers do it, I probably shouldn't either.

On that goal oriented note.  I am mad.

People . . . in case you hadn't noticed it is legitimately raining outside. And there is a good chance lightning might be coming forth from the heavens in a show of fury only to be rivaled by my fury at you coming to my place of business on a Saturday night. Go home. Snuggle up with your loved ones. Don't go out in this weather. Good grief.

That is one of the few things I can't stand at work.  When I go thinking no one will come because its raining or storming or is in all other ways completely miserable and then they do.  And they want all the bells and whistles that accompany coming to the Gardens.

These people are legitimate pains in my butt.

But enough complaining!  I am unshackling myself from the burden of care and am going to talk about something else.  And if you have read this far, you are going to listen.

While work has been an all consuming pit of despair, other parts of my life have been moving along successfully.  Financially I am in a better place than ever. Of course, being in a better place than broke isnt all that hard to accomplish. 

My brothers are back in school which means more quiet time around home for me. 

And of course- the weather has been nice and gloomy. (That was a sincere statement. No sarcasm at all. (There was none there either . . . Stop laughing.))

Anyway, have a good week people of the Internet. It's on the house. 

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