WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas, Hope, Pride and Poetry

I'm a thinker.  Sometimes it can be a problem like when I'm doing homework and I over think things.  Other times, it can be a fun adventure as I see where my crazy mind will take me next.

Lately though, my mind's been focused more on my past and the experiences I had back then.

This may seem a tad egocentric, but I'm pretty stunning in a drop dead gorgeous way.  And when I look at myself in a mirror and feel like I'm pretty it makes me wonder that if I had the ability to go back in time and see a past version of myself, one with no self esteem or confidence, if it would give me hope that I was going to make something of myself and it would be alright in the end.

Like I said, my mind's an interesting place.  But I'm really glad it's mine.

At any rate, you may be wondering why all of this came about.  In part, it's mainly due to this picture that I found online recently.  It made me start wondering about myself and how I behave differently around my friends than I do my family because I'm never truly myself with either of them.  I'm still looking for my "blue" and I need to stop.

This post has been kind of interesting.  But I decided that it needed to be shared because I've decided to stop looking for my "blue".  I'm going to be one instead.

Merry Christmas everyone, and for those of you in college like me, good luck on Finals.

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