Dear blog,
I am terribly sorry that I haven't updated you in awhile. It's just been one of those weeks. I even had to take TWO tests on Friday. But. I'm back. And boy do I have a story to tell you.
Your Creator
Hey world. I know it's been awhile, but man. It's been an interesting week. Or an interesting few days at least.
On Friday night, I participated in my first ever Denny's run. Apparently here at school, it is a rite of passage to travel the 45 miles from school to the nearest Denny's at midnight and then regress back to ones childhood.
It was awesome. For one thing, I wasn't the most insane person in the room for once, and I got lot of awesome quotes for the dorm quote wall. But most importantly of all, on the way back, we traveled by hyperspace.
All and all, it was a good ending to a horrible week.

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