Hello Internet.
Today I am blogging from my couch. Strangely, I have found that I have internet on the couch in my apartment, but in order to get internet at my desk I have to use an ethernet cord. Just using that word makes me feel . . . odd. It's such an old fashioned thing. I mean, we're living in the wireless age, and having to use an "ethernet cord" . . . it's unbelievable.
At any rate, I am coming to you live from my living room, where life is getting well . . . interesting.
In the past few weeks, I have started college (although I suppose it's been more than a FEW weeks) gone grocery shopping without my mother, had to cook every night, begun to eat breakfast again, written over 263 quotes on our quote wall, and gotten into a staring contest with the resident fish (who's a bit of a stalker like his owner) (love ya karli . . . if you ever find this!)).

Life is still just moseying along . . . and I guess I have to just mosey along with it.
Okay the URL didn't work. I found the betta fish pic at this website: