It was my fans. My adoring fans. They missed my strange sense of humor, my artistic misspelled word choice, and my oh-so-many grammatical errors. So, my adoring fans, this if for you.
I have recently been researching some weird laws from our great country. A few of them are posted below, but you can find lots more at:
1. In Alabama, (as well as in several other states, it's illegal to carry ice cream in your back pocket at any time.
2. In Alaska, it is illegal to look at a moose from a airplane.
3. It is illegal to mispronounce Arkansas while in Arkansas.
4. It is illegal to eat an orange while in your bathtub when in California.
5. A dog catcher must notify the dog he intends to capture, three days before he does so, at least in the state of Colorado.
6. In Conneticut, (this one may just be my favorite:) a pickle is not legally a pickle, unless it bounces.
7. In Florida, if an Elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the meter must be paid just as if it was a vehicle.
8. In Georgia, it is illegal to tie a giraffe to a lamp post.
9. In Hawaii, you will be fined if you don't own a boat.
10. In Illinois, it is illegal to eat in a restraunt if the restraunt is on fire.
11. Indianna has a law that states: "Citizens are not allowed to attend a cinema or theatre nor ride in a public streetcar within at least four hours after eating garlic."
12. Iowa has some of the best laws, but this is one of my favorites for this state: In Fort Madison the fire department is required to practice fire fighting for fifteen minutes before attending a fire.
13. In Kansas, it is illegal to hunt whales.
14. It is illegal to shoot game out of the window of a moving vehicle, with the exception of a whale. (At least in Kentucky, but I do have one question, where do they find these whales?)
15. In Louisianna, it is illegal to rob a bank, (wait for it), and then shot the teller with a water pistol.
16. In Maine, It's against the law to step out of a flying plane.
17. It's illegal to take a lion to the movies in Maryland.
18. Believe it or not, in Massachutes, you "may not take a crap on your neighbor at any time".
19. It is illegal to paint sparrows and sell them as parakeets in Michigan.
20. In Minnesota, it is illegal to drive through a line of children.
21. In Mississippi (Here's a good one:), no one can rig a game/match with the exeception of wrestlers.
22. In Missouri it is legal (yes, legal) to speed.
23. In Montana, it is illegal to use speed-dial in the city phone system.
24. Nebraska: "A parent can be arrested if their child can't hold back a burp during church".
25. It's illegal to buy ice cream after 6 PM in New Jersey.
26. In New Mexico, it is illegal for people to dance around a sombrero.
27. New York: Jumping off any building (including the Empire State Building) is punishable by death.
28. It's illegal to sing off key in North Carolina.
29. It's illegal to collect seaweed in New Hampshire.
30. It's illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on in North Dakota.
31. It's illegal to get a fish drunk in Ohio.
32. In Oklahoma, fish may not be contained to fish bowls while on a public bus.
33. It's against the law to not let your dishes drip dry in Oregan.
34. It's against the law to sleep on a fridge if it's outside in Pennsylvannia.
35. In Rhode Island, if you marry an idiot or a lunatic, your marriage is legally void.
36. Horses may not be kept in bathtubs in South Carolina.
37. In South Dakota it's illegal to fall asleep in a cheese factory.
38. In Tennesse, it's illegal to catch fish with a lasso.
39. If two trains going in opposite directions on the same track meet each other, one can't move until the other does. (That's from Texas, and they have a lot of laws like this.)
40. In Vermont it's illegal not to take a bath at least once a week.
41. Lollipops are illegal in Washington.
42. It is illegal to snooze on a train in West Virgina.
43. In Utah, it's illegal to sell alchol in the case of an emergency.
44. In Wisconson, unless the customer asks for it, it's illegal to sell butter instead of margarine.
45. It's illegal to take showers on Wednesdays in a part of Wyoming.
46. It's illegal to tickle women in Virgina.
47. Hollow logs can't be sold in Tennesse.
48. It's illegal to hunt camels in Arizona, so don't do it.
49. It is illegal to fly over any body of water, unless one is carrying sufficient supplies of food and drink. (At least in Delaware)
50. Idaho: Riding a merry-go-round, on a sunday is considered a crime.
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