This post is not going to be like any post you've encountered on this blog before. No, this time, I'm going to be writing all about a small cafe in Salt Lake City called Bruges. (Pronounced brew-sh. (Say it fast)).
So, my French teacher, Mr. Burnah, was telling us all about this small cafe the other day in French. And he made me sooooooooo hungry!!! I don't know about all of you but mental images of the absolute best Belgian waffles dipped in dark Belgian waffles was absolutely mouth-watering. In fact, you have to cheek out his site, but, don't do it on an empty stomach!!!
I am absolutely going to have to go there sometime soon. Ever time I look at his food, I get sooooo hungry.
Here's to hoping that Pierre's great food is going to keep him in business! (And there's no doubt that he will be staying in business :D ) Well, that's all for now, please don't drool all over your keyboards. They're very hard to clean up. :)
WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
From textbooks to tan lines
Helloooooo everybody!!! And welcome to this Friday's post of extreme awesomeness. Right now, I'm just chillin' at my home but I'm about to head to the car to get driven to school.
So, nothing insanely exciting has happened this week as of yet. However, a ton of not-so-exciting things have. Yesterday, for example, I got a third textbook bringing my total number of B-day textbooks to three. But I'm also planning on getting two more. (These would be A-day books though) A US history textbook and also a French textbook. But hey, who's counting?
What I really wanted to blog about today was the miracle that happened today at lunch. I hate the summer. I like not having to go to school, but I dread the blistering heat. And this summer was no different. I'm so insanely pale. If it hadn't been for trek and girls camp I'd probably be looking like an albino right about now.
However, today, Mary and I decided not to eat lunch in the student center because we could barely hear ourselves think, and she was about to walk into the cafeteria when I, (that's right, I) suggested we go outside. It was a sight to behold! Mary's chin dropped and she just stared at me before saying; "You're suggesting we go outside?" In a very incredulous voice.
So there you have it. I, the great Madison Furniss, suggested that we go outside. :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A rare North American Madison, caught on tape!
Hey I'm back again, this time with a special video dedicated to the hating my pictures thing. (see post below for further details) Sorry, there's no sound and it's a bit fuzzy, but I still think it's really funny. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as I do. :)
Where in the world is Madison Furniss?
Anyone in my ward, especially those who went to girls camp with me, know, without a doubt, that I'm not someone w
ho enjoys getting their picture taken, but the last time my only good AF going friend, Jorie, was over, she managed to snag some shots of me, of course, my hand was in front of my face for the most part, but it's still a pretty good pic, so, enjoy.
And all you people out there that claim that you don't have enough pictures of me, enjoy this fun-fest picture to add your rare and most likely, valuable collection. :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Me, the blonde
Hello again everyone. Man, this week has gone by pretty intensely. Well, okay, it's only been a couple of days since the last time I blogged, but still.
So, today, one of my very close friends came over and we were sitting here, in my tower room, (all those who have been here, yeah, you know what I mean) and I was re-accounting some of my more blonde moments. (Most of which involved me walking into a door of some kind.) And I realized that it was just too funny not to share, so, here you go.
I was walking towards my bathroom door (which was shut) and I thought to myself: "I'll walk into my bathroom and then open the door."
Obviously, that was not very logical thinking. And, even I can't defy the laws of physics, and so I rebounded of the door and ended up sprawled eagle on my floor.
Not really wanting to repeat that first try at the door (which didn't really hurt much, but I was stunned for a moment) I stood up, slowly turned the knob, pushed open the door and only then did I walk into my bathroom, to the shocking image of my frankenstein-like self because I'd only just woken up. And if any of you have seen me before I get ready in the mornings, I look freaky.
Well, that's one of my blondest moments ever, but of course, there are more. I hope to keep you posted with all my crazy moments so, stay tuned!
P.S. I'm adding a picture of one of my good wake up days. Like, this is seriously probably the best I've ever looked right when I woke up, but then again, most of my face is being blocked by my camera. . . so. . . I'll get a really freaky picture for you as soon as I get some more batteries for my camera.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Creative Jeans
Well, recently, as it states above, my mom got released and so me and my good friend Jorie from AF, decided that we were going to make an amazing pair of creative jeans. Although, since we couldn't get our hands on a pair of real genes we ended up making a pair using pants.
To the left, you will see a picture of one of the finishing touches on the creative jeans bag that we made. On the back it said creative jeans in pink and cow spotted fabric. We also found some goggly eyes that make the cow's eyes bug out, it was my all time favorite craft I've ever done, and I hope you get as much of a kick out of the mad-cow's as Jorie and I did!!!
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